Весенняя школа - 2010
Анализ фольклорного текста: прагматика, семантика,морфология
Ропер Дж. Дж., PhD
Тарту, Эстония
Search for Principles Underlying Variation in
While the variability of
folklore forms has long been noted, attempts to Various works
have attempted to look at whether any identifiable principle
underlie that variability, and if so what they might be. Such
works include Foley (1995), Rubin (1995) and Pettitt (2008).
Their themes are variants, invariants, memory and performance,
but also touch upon the difficulty of identifying true comparanda
to work from. This presentation surveys such research, and
drawing on a set of unusually delimited material, suggests some
paths for future exploration.
Foley, John Miles. 1995.
The Singer of Tales in Performance. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
Pettitt, Tom. 2008. "From
Journalism to Gypsy Folk Song: The Road to Orality of an English
Ballad". Oral Tradition 23,1: 87-117.
Rubin, David C. 1995.
Memory in oral traditions: the cognitive psychology of epic,
ballads, and counting-out rhymes. New York: Oxford
University Press.