Dr. Fjodor Uspenskij
Senior Researcher in the Institute of Slavonic Studies,
Russian Academy of Sciences
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- A study of the poetry of Osip Mandel'stam. Grammar as the Object of Poetics". In: Proceedings of Tartu University. Tartu, 1990, Vol. 917
- More on the Genre Characteristics of Skaldic Nid". In: The Word and the evolution of Literature (= Slovo v kontexte Literaturnoj Evolutsiji). Moscow, 1990.
- The Grammar of the Absurdity and the Absurdity of the Grammar". In: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Wien, 1992, Bd. 29.
- Absurdity of the Grammar. In: Russian Avanguard in European Culture (= Russkij Avangard w kontekste evropejskoj cultury). Moscow, 1993.
- The rhyme in A Wwedenskij's poetry". In: Literary Review (= Literaturnoje obozrenije). Moscow, 1994, Vol. 9/10.
- The Greek and the Russian in Icelandic Sagas. In: ELLAS-Grecija. Moscow, 1997.
- One of the principles of description of poetical language in Younger Edda". In: Proceedings of the 13th symposium devoted to Scandinavian studies (= XIII konferencija po izucheniju istoriji, ekonomiki, literatury i jazyka Skandinavskih stran i Finljandiji). Petrozavodsk, 1997.
- The toponymic aspect of the Euhemeristic Concept. Comments on Snorri Sturluson's Interpretation of the names Asgardr, Midgardr and Utgardr". In: Atlantica. Moscow, 1997, Vol. 3.
- Review: "The roots of Iggdrasil': Edda. Skalds. Sagas". In: Atlantica. Moscow, 1997, Vol. 3.
- Comments on one of the Old Norse Versions of conversion of Rus' (king Olafr Tryggvason as an "apostle of Normans" by Oddr monk)". In: Proceedings of the 11th conference in memory of W.T. Paschuto. Moscow, 1999.
- The Juridical Aspect of the Old Norse heilagr (holy). In: Scandinavian Languages: diachrony and synchrony (= Skandinawskije Jazyki: diahronija i sinhronija). Moscow, 1999.
- The Image of Audhumla the Mythological Cow. In: Scandinavian Languages: diachrony and synchrony (=Skandinawskije Jazyki: diahronija i sinhronija). Moscow, 1999.
- Asgard, Midgard und Utgard in Kontext der altskandinavischen Toponymie zur Bezeichnung osteuropaischer Orte. - Eine Etude zur euhemeristischen Interpretation einiger mythologischen Objekte bei Snorri Sturluson. In: Das Wort. Berlin, 2000.
- More on the History of the Relics Cult in Mediaeval Scandinavia: Aspects of St. Olaf Haraldsson's canonization. In: Slavonic-Germanic Studies (=Slawjano-germanskije issledowanija). Moscow, 2000. Vol. 2.
- Concerning the correlations between the heathen and Christian names. Old Russian name-pairs from typological point of view. In: Slaws and their neighbors. The Christian world between Rome and Constantinople (= Slawjane i ih sosedi. Hristianskij mir mezdu Rimom i Konstantinopolem). Moscow, 2000.
- "Vygreboscha dwa knjaza i krestischa kosti eju": some Scandinavian parallels to the evidence of the Russian Chronicle from 1044. In: Proceedings of the 12th conference in memory of W.T. Paschuto. Moscow, 2000.
- The incorruptibility of the saint's body. In: Relics in East Christianity. Proceedings of the international symposium "Relics in Eastern Christianity". Moscow, 2000.
- Translations of Skaldic Poems. In: Icelandic Sagas (= Islandskije sagi) / Translated by A. Zimmerling and F. Uspenskij. Moscow, 2000.
- Comments to the journey of Armenian bishops to Iceland in 11th century. In: Scando-Slavica. 2000, Vol. 46..
- Towards further Interpretation of the primordial cow Au?humla // Studia Islandica. Uppsala, 2001. Vol. 51.
- "Road from the Varangians to the Greeks": Border, way and direction in the medieval thinking. In: Space - Memory - Ideas (= Prostranstwo - Pamjat' - Mysl') / Ed. by. T. W. Civjan. Moscow, 2000
- The image of Rus' by Vikings and modern scholars. In: The Image of Russia. Proceedings of the conference. Petrozavodsk, 2001.
- Double belief and tradition of the law in Medieval Scandinavia. In: The Law in the middle Ages. Moscow, 2001.
- The role of name in creation and destruction of the myth: "Younger Edda" as the text of crucial epoch. In: The Name: bridge meaning, semantics and context. Proceedings of international congress in Moscow. Moscow, 2001.
- Concerning the origin of Russian patronymic system. In: Proceedings of the 13th conference in memory of W.T. Paschuto. Moscow, 2000. Moscow, 2001.
- The heathen and Christian name in Scandinavia and Rus'. In: Proceedings of the Scandinavian Symposium in Archangel'sk. Archangel'sk, 2001.
- The baptism of the bones of princes Oleg and Jaropolk in the light of cultural connections between Russia and Medieval Scandinavia. In: Norna u istochnika sud'by (= Norna by the Spring of Fate). Festschrift for E. A. Melnikova. Moscow, 2001.
- Name and Power: The Choice of the Name As an Instrument of the Dynastic Struggle in Medieval Scandinavia. Moscow, 2001.
- The choice of Slavonic and Greek names for the Russian prince. In: The development of Slavonic world and Byzantine in the early middle Ages (=Stanowlenije slawjanskogo mira i Wizantiji). Proceedings of the conference. Moscow, 2001.
- Byzantine and Rus' from the Old Norse point of view. In: Slawjane w neslawjanskom okruzeniji (= Slaws in the non-Slavic surroundings). Moscow, 2002.
- The Varangian Name in Russian daily language (the etymology of the word oluch 'fool, idiot'. In: Drewnejschije gosudarstwa Wostochnoj Ewropy (= The ancient states of Eastern Europe). Moscow, 2002.
- Vikings - Varangians - Rus'. Moscow, 2002.
- The ways of adoption of the Christian names in the Rurikides dynasty. In: Religions of the World (=Religiji mira). Ed. by A.V. Nazarenko. Moscow, 2002.
- A Toponymic Aspect of the Euhemeristic Concept. Comments on Snorri's Interpretation of Asgar?r, Mi?gar?r and Utgar?r in the prose Edda and Ynglingasaga // Old Norse Myths, Literature and Society: Proceedings of the 11th International Saga Conference 2-7 July 2000, University of Sydney. Ed. By G. Barnes and M. Clunies Ross. Sydney, 2000.
- Christliche und heidnischen namen im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien (Magnus als Name fur ein illegitimes Kind des Herrschers) // Scandinavia and Christian Europe in The Middle Ages. Papers of the 12th International Saga Conference. Bonn/Germany, 28th July-2nd August 2003. Ed. by Rudolf Simek and Judith Meurer. Bonn, 2003.
- Dynastic names in medieval Scandinavia and Russia (Rus'): family traditions and international connections // Studia antroponymica Scandinavica: Tidskrift for nordisk personnamnsforskning. Vol. 21. Uppsala, 2003.
- Name und Macht: Die Wahl des Namens als dynastisches Kampfinstrument im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien. "Peter Lang Verlag". Frankfurt am Main, 2004 (Texte und Untersuchungen zur GERMANISTIK und SKANDINAVISTIK. Hrsg. von Heiko Uecker. Bd. 52).
- The Choice of Names by Rurikids. Moscow, 2005.