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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale
Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)
- Finnish. (1) A. Aarne. Finnische Marchenvarianten (FFC V and XXXIII). (2) Archive: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki.
- Finnish-Swedish. O. Hackman. Katalog der Marchen der finnlandischen Schweden (FFC VI).
- Estonian. A. Aarne. Estnische Marchen- und Sagenvarianten (FFC XXV).
- Livonian. O. Loorits. Livische Marchen- und Sagenvarianten (FFC LXV1).
- Latvian. Alma Medne. Lalviesu dzivnicku posakas. Riga, 1940. (Latvian animal tales. Made accessible through kindness of Professor Walter Anderson.)
- Lithuanian. J. Balys. Lietuviu Pasakojamosios Tautosakos Motyvu Kalalogas. Motif-Index of Lithuanian Narrative Folk-Lore. Kaunas, 1936.
- Lappish. J. Ovigstad. Lappische Marchen- und Sagenvarianlen (FFC LX).
- Swedish. (1) W. Liungman. Sveriges Samtliga Folksagor, 3 vols. Stockholm, 1949. (Special title for Volume 3: Varifran Kommer Vaga Sagor? Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to Volume 3.) .Supplementary references have been secured from (2) Landsmals och Folkminnesarkivet, Uppsala, and (3) Folklivsarkivet, Lund.
- Norwegian. (1) R. Th. Christiansen. Norske Eventyr utgit av den Norske Historiske Kildeskriftskommission. Kristiania, 1921. (English summary: FFC XLVI). (2) S. Solheim. Register til Norsk Folkminnelags skrifter Nos. 1-49 (Norsk Folkminnelag No. 50) Oslo, 1943
- Danish. (1) A. Lunding. The System of tales in the Folklore Collection of Copenhagen (FFC II). (2) Archive: Dansk Folkmindesamling, Copenhagen. (The inventory of tales in this archive is complete for this index only down to type 1350.)
- Icelandic. E. O. Sveinsson. Verzeichnis islandischer Marchenvarianten (FFC LXXXIII).
- Scottish. (1) Archive: School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh. (2) J. G. McKay. More West Highland Tales, Vol. 1 (cited: Campbell-MacKay). Edinburgh and London, 1940.
- Irish. (1) Archive: Irish Folklore Commission, Dublin. Catalogue if types in preparation. (2) S. O'Suilleabhain. Handbook of Irish Folklore. Dublin, 1942.
- English. E. W. Baughman. A Comparative Study of the Folktales of England and North America. (Indiana University dissertation, 1953). University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- French. (1) P. Delarue. Le Conte Populaire Francais, tome I. Paris, 1957. (2) Manuscript for the rest of this work consulted in the Musee des Arts et Traditions Populaires.
- Spanish. (1) R. S. Boggs. Index of Spanish Folktales (FFC XC). (2) A. M. Espinosa (Sr.). Cuentos Populares Espanoles, 3 vols. Second edition, Madrid, 1946-47.
- Catalan. J. Amades. Folklore de Catalunya: Rondallistica. Barcelona, 1950. (Notes by W. Anderson in Schweiz. Archiv fur Volkskunde L (1954) 57ff.
- Dutch. J. R. W. Sinninghe. Katalog der niederlandischen Marchen, Ursprungssagen-, Sagen- und Legendcnvarianten (FFC CXXXII).
- Flemish. (1) M. de Meyer. Les Contes Populaires de la Flandre (FFC XXXVII). (2) A. J. Witteryck. Oude Westvlaamsche Volksvertelsels. Brugge- Brussel, 1946.
- Walloon. G. Laport. Les Contes Populaires Wallons (FFC Cl).
- German. (1) Archive: Zentralarchiv der deutschen Volkserzahlungen in Marburg/Lahn. (2) E. Ranke. Schleswig-Holstcinische Volksmarchen, Vols. 1, 2. Kiel, 1955, 1957. (3) See also Henssen Jul., Henssen Meckl., Henssen Volk, Merk. in bibliography.
- Italian. (1) Basile, Pentamerone (see Penzer). (2) G. D'Aronco. Le
- Fiabe di magia in Italia. Udine, 1957. (3) Tuscan == G. D'Aronco. Indice delle fiabe toscane (with notes by W. Anderson in Hessische Blatter fur Volkskunde XLV). (4) Friuli == G. D'Aronco. "Folklore friulano" in Folklore (Napoli) IX (1954-55). (5) Trieste == G. Pinguentini. Fiabe, leggende, etc. in dialetto triestino. Trieste, 1955. (6) Sicilian == S. Lo Nigro. Racconti populari Siciliani. Firenze, 1958. See also Gonzenbach in bibliography.
- Rumanian. A. Schullerus. Verzeichnis der rurnanischen Marchen und Marchen-varianten (FFC LXXVIII).
- Hungarian. (1) H. Honti. Verzeichnis der publizierten ungarischen Volksmarchen (FFC LXXXI). (2) J. Berze Nagy, Magyar Nepmesetipusok, 2 vols. Pecs, 1957 (Notes bv W. Anderson in Fabula II 281ff.). (3) Linda Degh. Kakasdi Nepmesek. Budapest, 1955. (4) Agnes Kovacs. Magyar Allatmesek Tipusmutatoja. Budapest, 1958.
- Czech. (1) V. Tille. Verzeichnis der bomischen Marchen (FFC XXXIV). (2) V. Tille. Soupis Ceskijch Pohadek, 2 vols. Praha, 1929-37. (Notes by W. Anderson in Zeitschrift fur slavische Philologie IX 509ff., XIV 227ff., XVIII 245ff.).
- Slovenian. Archive: Slovenska Akademija znanosti in Umenosti, Ljubljana.
- Serbocroatian. (1) Archives: Insitut za Narodnu Umjetnost, Zagreb, and Zemaljski Muzey, Sarajevo. (2) Istria == M. Boskovic-Stulli. Istarske Narodne Price. Zagreb, 1959.
- Polish. J. Krzyzanowski. Polska Bajka Ludowa w Ukladzie Systematycznym, Vols. 1, 2. Warszawa, 1947.
- Russian. (1) N. P. Andrejev. Ukazatel' Skazocnich Sjuzhetov po Sisteme Aarne. Leningrad, 1929. (2) A. N. Afanasiev. Narodnije Russikije Skazki, 3 vols. Moskva, 1957 (Type-index by V. Y. Propp). (3) Andrejev Ukraine == N. P. Andrejev. "A Characterization of the Ukrainian tale corpus," translated by Barbara Krader, Fabula I 228ff.
- Greek. (1) Archive: Laographikon Archeion (Manuscript collection of the Folklore Archives of the Athens Academy). (2) See also in bibliography: Hahn, Loukatos, Dawkins.
- Turkish. W. Eberhard and P. N. Boratav. Typen turkischer Volksmarchen. Wiesbaden, 1953. (Type-index by W. Anderson in Hessische Blatter fur Volkskunde XLIV 112ff.)
- India. (1) S. Thompson and W. E. Roberts. Types of Indic Oral Tales. (FFC CLXXX). (2) Thompson-Balys == S. Thompson and J. Balys. The Oral Tales of India. Bloomington, Indiana, 1958.
- Indonesian. J. DeVries. "Typen-Register der Indonesische Fabels en Sprookjes" in Volksverhalen uit Oost-lndie (Leiden, 1925, 1928) II 398ff.
- Japanese. Hiroko Ikeda. Tvpe and Motif Index if Japanese Folktales. (Indiana University dissertation). University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1955.
- Chinese. (1) W. Eberhard. Tvpen chinesischer Volksmarchen (FFC CXX). (2) W. Eberhard Volksmarchen aus Sudost-China (FFC CXXVIII).
- Franco-American. (1) Archive: Les Archives de Folklore, Universite Laval, Quebec. Type-index in preparation bv L. Lacourciere
- English-American. E. W. Baughman. A Comparative Study of the Folktales of England and North America (Indiana University dissertation, 1953). University Miciofilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Spanish-American T. L Hansen The Types of the Folktale in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Spanish South America. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1957.
- African Mav A. Klipple. African Tales with Foreign Analogues. (Indiana Universitv dissertation, 1938) University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Alphabet == Banks, M. M. An Alphabet of Tales, an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetnm Narrationum of Etienne de Besancon (EETS Nos. 126, 127) 2 vols. London, 1904-05.
- Anderson, W. Novelline popolari sammarinesi. 3 vols. Tartu, 1927, 1929, 1933. - Zu Albert Wesselski's Angriffen auf der finnischen folkloristischen Forschungsmethode Tartu, 1935.
- Anesaki. Masaharu. Japanese Mythology (The Mythology of all Races VIII). Boston, 1928
- Arfert. P. Das Motiv der unterschobenen Braut. Rostock, 1897
- Argenti-Rose == Argenti, P.P. and Rose, H J. The Folklore of Chios. Cambridge(Eng.), 1949.
- Artin == Artin Pacha, Yacoub. Contes populaires inedits de la vallee du Nil. Paris, 1895.
- Arv. (Tidskrift for Nordisk Folkminnesforskning) Uppsala, 1944 ff.
- Azadowsky, M. E. Russkava Skazka. 2 vols. Moskva, 1932.
- Balys Jonas Motif-Index of Lithuanian Narrative Folklore. Tautosakos Darbai Vol. II, Publication of the Lithuanian Folklore Archives. Kaunas, 1936. - Lithuanian Folk Legends. Publication of the Lithuanian Folklore Archives I. Kaunas, 1940.
- Barker. W.. N. and Sinclair, C. West African Folk-tales. London, 1917.
- Basden, G. O. Among the Ibos of Nigeria. London, 1921
- Bazile, G. The Pentamerone (trans. and edited by Benedetto Croce and N. M. Рenzer) 2 vols. London, 1932.
- Basset, Rene Contes populaires berberes. 2 vols. Paris, 1887. - Mille et un contes, recits et legendes arabes. 3 vols. Paris, 1925-27. - Nouveaux contes berberes. Paris, 1897.
- Beal == Bealoideas: Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society.
- Beckwith, Martha. Hawaiian Mythology. New Haven, 1940.
- Bedier, Joseph. Les Fabliaux. 2d edition. Pans, 1893.
- Benfey, T. Pantschatantra: funf Bucher indischer Fabein, Marchen und Erzahlungen. Leipzig, 1859.
- Bergtrasser == Bergstrasser, G. Neuaramaische Marchen. Leipzig, 1915.
- BFIF == Bulletin Folklorique d'lle-de-France.
- Bin Gorion, M. J Der Born Judas: Legenden, Marchen und Erzahlungen. 6 vols. Leipzig, 1918 ff. (Vols. 1-4 cited are second edition, 5 and 6 are first edition).
- Blade, J. F. Contes populaires de Gascogne (Les Litteratures Populaires, Nos. 19, 20, 21). 3 vols. Paris, 1886.
- Bedker, Laurits. Christen Nielssen, De Gamie Vijses Exempler oc Hoffsprock. Kobenhavn, 1951, 1953.
- Bolte, J. Jakob Freys Gartengesellschaft (Bibliothek des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, No. 209). Tubingen, 1896.
ѕ Martin Montanus Schwankbucher (Bibliothek des Literanschen Vereins in Stuttgart, No. 217). Tubingen, 1899.
- See BP.
- See Fischer.
- See Pauli.
- Boratav, P. N. Contes turcs. Paris, 1955.
- BP == Bolte, J. and Polivka, G. Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- und Hausmarchen der Bruder Grimm. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1913-31.
- Braga, T. Contos tradicionaes do provo portuguez. Porto, 1883.
- Brown Collection == The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. 5 vols. Durham, N.C., 1952-.
- Bryan, William F. and Dempster, Germaine. Sources and Analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Chicago, 1941.
- Callaway, Nursery Tales, Traditions, and Histories of the Zulus. Natal and London,1868.
- Campbell Arab == Campbell, C. G. Tales from the Arab Tribes. London, 1949.
- Campbell, J F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. 4 vols. 2d edition. London, 1890-93.
- Campbell, E The Seven Sages of Rome. Boston, 1907.
- Campbell-McKay == John G. McKay. More West Highland Tales, transcribed and translated from the original Gaelic manuscript of John Francis Campbell. Edinburgh and London, 1910.
- Camara Cascudo, Luis da. Trinta estorias brasileiras Porto, 1955.
- Carriere == J. M. Carriere, Tales from the French Folk-Lore of Missouri. Evanston and Chicago, 1937.
- CColl = Colorado College Publications, Language Series.
- Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. 2 vols. (ed. Pierre Champion). Paris, 1928.
- Chauvin, Victor. Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes. 12 vols. Liege, 1892-1922.
- Chavannes, Edouard. Cinq cent contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois. 4 vols. Paris, 1910-34.
- Child, Francis James The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. 5 vols. in 10. Boston, 1882-98.
- Christensen, Arthur. Dumme Folk (DF No. 50). Kobenhavn, 1941. - Mulboernes vise Gerninger (DF No. 47 Kobenhavn, 1939.
- Christensen Iran == Chnstensen, A. Marchen aus Iran. Jena, 1939.
- Clodd, Edward. Tom-Tit-Tot. London, 1898.
- Clouston, W. A. The Book of Noodles. London, 1888. - Popular Tales and Fictions. 2 vols. Edinburgh, London, 1887.
- Coelho, A. Contos populares portuguezes. Lisboa, 1879.
- Coffin == Coffin, T. P. Analytical Index to the Journal of American Folklore. Philadelphia, 1958.
- Cosquin, E. Contes populaires de Lorraine. 2 vols. Paris, 1887. -
- Etudes folkloriques. Paris, 1922. - Les contes indiens et l'occident Paris, 1922.
- Coster-Wijsman, L. N. Uilespiegel-Verhalen in Indonesie. Santpoort, 1929.
- Cowell, E. B. and others. The Jataka or Stones of the Buddha's Former Births. 6 vols. and index. Cambridge, 1895-1913.
- Cox, Marian R. Cinderella (PFLS XXXI). London, 1893.
- Crane, T. F. The Exempla of Jacques de Vitry (PFLS XXVI). London, 1890.
- Dahnhardt == Dahnhardt, Oskar. Natursagen 4 vols. Leipzig, 1909-12.
- Dawkins, Richard M. Forty-five Stories from the Dodekanese. Cambridge (England), 1950. - Modern Greek Folktales. Oxford, 1953. - Modern Greek in Asia Minor. London, 1916.
- De Cock, Alfons. Studien en Essays over oude Volksvertelsels. Antwerp, 1919. - Volkssage, Volksgeloof en Volksgebruik. Antwerp, 1918.
- DF == Danmarks Folkeminder. Kobenhavn, 1908-.
- DFS == Dansk Folkemindesamling (Copenhagen).
- Dickson, Arthur. Valentine and Orson, a study in late Medieval Romance. New York, 1929.
- Dirr. == Dirr, A. Kaukasische Marchen. Jena, 1922.
- Dittmaier, W. Sagen, Marchen und Schwanke von der unteren Sieg. Bonn, 1950.
- Dixon, Roland A. Oceanic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races IX). Boston, 1916.
- Dorson, R. M. Negro Folktales from Michigan. Cambridge, Mass., 1956.
- Ellis (Yoruba) == Ellis, A. B. The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. London, 1894.
- Espinosa Aurelio M. Cuentos populares espanoles. 3 vols. 2d edition. Madrid, 1946-47.
- Feilberg == Feilberg, N. F. Bidrag til en
- Ordbog over jyske Almuesmal. 4 vols. Kebenhavn,1886-1914.
- Felice, A de. Contes de Haute-Bretagne. Paris, 1954.
- FFC == FF Communications, published by the Folklore Fellows. Helsinki, 1907ff.
- Field, John E. The Myth of the Pent Cuckoo. London, 1913.
- Fischer, H. and Bolte, J Die Reise der Sohne Giaffers (Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart No. 208). Tubingen, 1895.
- FL == Folklore. London, 1890 ff.
- FM == Publications of the Field Columbian Museum, Anthropological Series, Chicago, 1895ff.
- Frazer,J.G. Pausanias's Description of Greece. 6 vols. London, 1898.
- Frobenius, Leo. Atlantis: Volksdichtung und Volksmarchen Afrikas. 12 vols. Jena, 1921-28.
- Caster, Moses. The Exempla of the Rabbis. London, Leipzig, 1924. - Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, Medieval Romance, Hebrew Apocrypha and Samaritan Archaeology. 3 vols. London, 1925-28.
- Gayton, A. H. and Newman, Stanley S. Yokuts and Western Mono Myths. Berkeley (Calif.), 1940.
- Georgeakis, G. et Pineau, L. Le folk-lore de Lesbos. Paris, 1894.
- Gerber == Gerber, Adolph. Great Russian Animal Tales. PMLA VI. Baltimore, 1891.
- Gesta Romanum. See Oesterley.
- Gonzenbach, Laura. Sicilianische Marchen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1870.
- Graham (Chinese) == Graham, David Crockett. Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Publications CXXXIII No. 1). Washington, D.C., 1954.
- Grimm == Grimm, J. and W. Kinder- und Hausmarchen. Various editions.
- Grundtvig == Lunding, A. The System of Tales in the Folklore Collection of Copenhagen (FFC II).
- GSCan == Publications of the Geological Survey of Canada, Anthropological Series.
- Hahn == Hahn, J. G. Griechische und albanesische Marchen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1964.
- Halm, E. von. Aisopeion Mython Synagoge. Lipsiae, 1852.
- Harris, Joa1 N. Uncle Remus: his Songs and Sayings. New York, 1880. - Uncle Remus and his Friends. Boston, 1892. - Nights with Uncle Remus. Boston, 1883.
- Hartland, E S. The Legend of Perseus. 3 vols. London, 1894ff. - The Science of Fairy Tales. London, 1891.
- Hartmann, E. Die Trollvorstellungen in den Sagen und Marchen der skandinavischen Volker. Stuttgart, 1936.
- Hazlitt, W. C. Shakespeare Jest-books. London, 1881.
- Hdwb. d. March. == Mackensen, L. and others. Handworterbuch des deutschen Marchens. Berlin, 1931ff.
- Henssen Jul. == Henssen, Gottfried. Sagen, Marchen und Schwanke des julicher Landes. Bonn,1955.
- Henssen Meck. == Wossidlo, R. and Henssen, G. Mecklenburger Erzahlen. Berlin, 1957.
- Henssen Volk == Henssen, G. Volk Erzahlt. Munster, 1935, 1954.
- Herbert, J A. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum. London, 1910. (Vol. 3 only; for vols. 1 and 2 see Ward, H. L. D.).
- Hertz, Wilhelm. Gesammelte Abhandlungen (ed. F. v.d. Leyen). Stuttgart and Berlin, 1905.
- Hervieux, L. Les fabulistes latins. 2d ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1893-4.
- Hessisch Blatter. Hessische Blatter fur Volkskunde.
- Hibbard, Laura A. Mediaeval Romance in England. New York, 1924
- Holmberg, Uno. Siberian Mythology (The Mythology of all Races IV). Boston, 1927.
- Holmstrom, Helge. Studier over svanjungfrumotivet. Maimo, 1919.
- Huber, P Michael. Die Wanderlegende von den Siebenschlafern. Leipzig, 1910.
- Jacobs, Joseph. The Fables of Aesop. New York, 1894. - English Fairy Tales. London, 1890. - More English Fairy Tales. London, 1895.
- JAFL == Journal of American Folk-Lore. Boston, etc., 1888ff.
- Jahn == Jahn, A. Die Mehri-Sprache in Sudarabien. Wien, 1902.
- JAI == Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London,1871ff.
- JAOS == Journal of the American Oriental Society. Boston, etc., 1849ff.
- JE == Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. New York, etc., 1898ff.
- Jegerlehner, Johannes. Sagen und Marchen aus dem Oberwallis. Basel, 1909.
- JSFO == Journal de la Societe Finno-ougrienne. Helsingfors, 1886ff.
- Jungbauer, G. Das Volk Erzahlt. Karlsbad and Leipzig, 1943.
- Keller, John Esten. Motif-Index of Mediaeval Spanish Exempla. Knoxville (Tenn.), 1949.
- Khatchatrianz == Khatchatrianz, I. Armenian Folk-Tales (trans. N. W. Orloff). Philadelphia, 1946.
- Kirchhof, H. W. Wendunmuth, ed. H. Oesterley. 5 vols. Tubingen, 1865.
- Kittredge, G. L. Arthur and Gorlagon (Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature VIII). Boston, 1903. - Witchcraft in Old and New England. Cambridge (Mass.), 1929.
- Knowles, J H. Folk-Tales of Kashmir. London, 1893.
- Kohler, Reinhold. Aufsatze uber Marchen und Volkslieder (ed. J. Bolte and E. Schmidt) Berlin, 1894.
- Kohler-Bolte == Kohler, R. Kleinere Schriften (ed. J. Bolte). 3 vols. Weimar, 1898-1900.
- Krauss, F. Sagen und Marchen der Sudslaven. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1883-84. - Zigeunerhumor. Leipzig, 1907.
- Kretschmer, P. Neugriechische Marchen. Jena, 1919.
- Kristensen, E. T. Danske Dyrefabler og Kjaederemser. Aarhus, 1896. - Jyske Folkeminder. 13 vols. Kjobenhavn, 1871-97. - Vore Faedres
- Kirketjenesle. Aarhus, 1899.
- Krohn, Kaarle. Mann und Fuchs. Helsingfors, 1891.
- Kunike == Kunike, H. Marchen aus Sibirien. Jena, 1940.
- Lambertz == Lambertz, M. Die geflugelte Schwester…, albanesische Volks-marchen. Eisenach, 1952.
- Laoust == Laoust, E. Contes berberes du Maroc. 2 vols. Paris, 1949.
- Le Araz, A. La Legende de la Mort chez les Bretons armoricains. 2 vols. Paris, 1902.
- Lee, A. C. The Decameron, its Sources and Analogues. London, 1909.
- Legrand, E. Recueil de contes populaires grecs. Paris, 1881.
- Lescot == Lescot, R. Textes kurdes. Pt. I, Paris, 1940.
- Liebrecht, Felix. Zur Volkskunde. Heilbronn, 1879.
- Liljeblad, Sven. Die Tobiasgeschichte und andere Marchen mit toten Helfern. Lund, 1927.
- Littmann == Littmann, Enno. Arabische Marchen. Leipzig, n.d.
- Liungman SSF == Sveriges Samtliga Folksagor. 3 vols. Djursholm (Sweden), 1950-52.
- Loomis, C. Grant. White Magic: an Introduction to the Folklore of Christian Legend. Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.
- Lorimer, D. L. R. and E. O. Persian Tales. London, 1919.
- Loukatos == Loukatos, D. S. Neoellenika Laographika Keimena. Athenai, 1957.
- Luzel, F. M. Contes populaires de Basse-Bretagne. 3 vols. Paris, 1887.
- MAFLS == Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society.
- Malalasekera, George Peiris. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. 2 vols. London, 1937.
- Masse == Masse, H. Contes en persan populaire (Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1925, pp. 71-157).
- Megas Paramythia == Mega, G. A. Ellenika Paramythia. Athenai, 1956.
- Meinhof, Carl. Afrikanische Marchen. Jena, 1921.
- Mensa Philosophica == T. F. Dunn. The Facetiae of the Mensa Philosophica (Washington University Studies, new series, Lang. and Lit. No. 5). St. Louis, 1934.
- Merk. == Merkelbach, A. Lothringer Volksmarchen. Kassel, 1940.
- Merkens, H. Was sich das Volk erzahlt. 3 Bde. Jena, 1892-1900.
- Meyer, G. F. Plattdeutsche Volksmarchen und Schwanke. Neumunster, 1925.
- Meyer, M. de. Vlaamsche Sprookjethemas. Leuven, 1942.
- Meyere, V. de. De Vlaamsche Vertelselschat. 3 vols. Antwerp, 1925-29.
- Millien, A. and Delarue, P. Contes du Nivernais et du Morvan. Paris, 1953.
- Mitford, A. B. F. Tales of Old Japan. 3d edition. London, 1876.
- MLN == Modern Language Notes. Baltimore, 1886ff.
- Iia, Moltke. Samlede Skrifter. 4 vols. Oslo, 1925 ff.
- Montaiglon-Raynaud == Montaiglon, A. and Raynaud, G. Recueil general et complet de fabliaux. 6 vols. Paris, 1872-90.
- Motif == Thompson, S. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. 6 vols. Copenhagen and Bloomington, Ind., 1955-58.
- MSFO == Memoires de la Societe Finno-ougrienne, Helsingfors.
- MPh == Modern Philology. Chicago, 1903ff.
- Munchhausen, [Baron]. Wunderbare Reisen (many editions).
- Nassau, R. H. Where Animals Talk: West African Folklore Tales. London, 1914.
- Neuman, Dov. Motif-index to the Talmudic-Midrashic Literature. (Indiana University Ph.D. thesis). University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1954.
- Norlind, T. Svenska Allmogens Liv. 2d ed. Stockholm, 1952.
- Nouvelles recreations et joyeaux devis (in Oeuvres francoises de Bonaventure des Periers). Vol. II. Paris, 1856.
- Nouvelles de Sens (ed. E. Langlois). Paris, 1908.
- Oesterley, H. Gesta Romanorum. Berlin, 1872.
- O'Suilleabhain, S. Handbook of Irish Folklore. Dublin, 1942.
- PaAm ==Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History.
- PAES == Publications of the American Ethnological Society. Panchatantra (tr. A. Ryder). Chicago, 1925.
- Panzer, F. Beowulf (Studien zur germanischen Sagengeschichte I). Munchen, 1910.
- Patch, H. R. The Other World According to Descriptions in Medieval Literature. Cambridge (Mass.), 1950.
- Pauli == Johannes Pauli. Schimpf und Ernst (ed. Johannes Bolte). 2 vols. Berlin, 1924.
- Penzer, N. M. The Ocean of Story: being C. H. Tawney's translation of Somadeva's Katha Sarit Sagara. 10 vols. London, 1923 ff. -
- Poison-Damsels and other essays in Folklore and Anthropology. London, 1952.
- Perbosc, A. Contes de Gascogne. Paris, 1954.
- Peuckert Festschrift == Festschrift fur Will-Erich Peuckert. Berlin-Munchen, 1955.
- Pierre Faifeu == Charles de Bourdigne. Le Legende de Maistre Pierre Faifeu. Paris, 1880.
- Plenzat, Karl. Die ost- und westpreussischen Marchen und Schwanke nach Typen geordnet (Veroffentlichungen des volkskundlichen Archivs der padagogischen Akademie Elbing I). Konigsberg, 1927.
- PMLA == Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.
- Radloff == Radloff, W. Proben der Volksliteratur der turkischen Stamme Sudsiberiens. St. Petersburg, 1866ff.
- Rael, Juan B. Cuentos Espanoles de Colorado o de Nuevo Mejico. 2 vols. Stanford University, n.d.
- Randolph, Vance. The Devil's Pretty Daughter. New York, 1955. - The Talking Turtle. New York, 1957. - Who Blowed Up the Church House. New York, 1952.
- Rattray (Ashanti) == Rattray, R. Sutherland. Akan-Ashanti Folk Tales. Oxford, 1930.
- RBAE == Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
- Rittershaus, Adeline. Die neuislandischen Volksmarchen. Halle, 1902.
- Roberts, W. E. The Tale of the Kind and the Unkind Girls. Berlin, 1958.
- Rooth, Anna Birgitta. The Cinderella Cycle. Lund, 1951.
- Rosen, G. Tuti-Nameh, das Papageienbuch. Leipzig, 1858.
- Rotunda, D. P. Motif-Index of the Italian Novella. Bloomington, Ind., 1942.
- Roy, Carmen. La litterature orale en Gaspesie. Musee national du Canada, Bulletin No. 134. Ottawa, 1955.
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- Schott, Arthur and Albert. Walachische Marchen. Stuttgart and Tubingen, 1845.
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- Sebillot, P. Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne. 3 vols. Paris, 1881-82. - Les incidents des contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne. Vannes, 1892. (= RTP VII 411 ff, 515 ff.)
- Smith, E. W. and Dale, A. The Ila-speaking People of Northern Rhodesia, vol. 2. London, 1920.
- Spitta == Spitta-Bey, G. Contes arabes modernes. Paris, 1883.
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- Swahn, J. O. The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Lund, 1955.
- Sydow, C. W. von. Tva Spinnsagor. Lund, 1909.
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- Tauscher Volksmarchen == Tauscher, R. Volksmarchen aus dem Jeyporeland. Berlin, 1959.
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- Thompson Festschrift == Studies in Folklore in honor of ... Stith Thompson. Bloomington, Ind., 1957.
- Thompson, Stith. European Tales among the North American Indians (CColl II). Colorado Springs, 1919. - Tales of the North American Indians. Cambridge (Mass.), 1929. - The Folktale. New York, 1946.
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- ZsEs == Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen.