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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


The Fox Persuades the Magpies into Bringing their Young into his House. The young foxes eat the young magpies. The magpies avenge themselves, with the help of the dog, who plays dead and kills the fox.

Motifs: K811. Victim lured into house and killed. K1788. Fox threatens to catch bird, who feeds him her young as appeasement. K911. Feigning death to kill enemy.

Finnish 1; Estonian 1; Latvian 9; Swedish 3 (Uppsala 1, Goteborg 1, Lund 1); Danish 9; French 22; Catalan: Amades Nos. 318, 319; Hungarian 3; Russian: Andrejev Ukraine 5, Afanasiev 1. - Franco-American 1. - African 4.