Revised and enlarged. edition. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1955-1958.
Grant support: INTAS project 05-1000008-7922, РФФИ #06-06-80-420a, РФФИ #07-06-00441-а
G0. Ogres
G10--G99. Cannibals and cannibalism
G10--G49. Regular cannibalism
G10. Cannibalism
G20. Ghouls
G30. Person becomes cannibal
G50--G79. Occasional cannibalism
G50. Occasional cannibalism
G60. Human flesh eaten unwittingly
G70. Occasional cannibalism--deliberate
G80. Other motifs dealing with cannibals
G100--G199. Giant ogres
G100. Giant ogre
G110. Possessions of giant ogres
G120. Physical characteristics of giant ogres
G130. Customs of giant ogres
G150. Giant ogres--miscellaneous
G200--G299. Witches
G200. Witch
G210. Form of witch
G220. Characteristics of witches
G230. Habitat of witches
G240. Habits of witches
G250. Recognition of witches
G260. Evil deeds of witches
G270. Witch overcome or escaped
G280. Witches--miscellaneous motifs
G300--G399. Other ogres
G300. Other ogres
G310. Ogres with characteristic methods
G350. Animal ogres
G360. Ogres with monstrous features
G370. Ogres--miscellaneous
G400--G499. Falling into ogre‘s power
G400. Person falls into ogre’s power
G410. Person betrayed into ogre‘s power
G420. Capture by ogre
G440. Ogre abducts person
G450. Falling into ogre’s power--miscellaneous
G500--G599. Ogre defeated
G500. Ogre defeated
G510. Ogre killed, maimed, or captured
G520. Ogre deceived into self-injury
G530. Ogre‘s relative aids hero
G550. Rescue from ogre
G560. Ogre deceived into releasing prisoner
G570. Ogre overawed
G580. Ogre otherwise subdued
G600--G699. Other ogre motifs
G610. Theft from ogre
G630. Characteristics of ogres
G650. Unclassified ogre motifs
G0. G0. Ogres. For a good discussion of the general concept and of the various kinds of ogres see Saintyves Contes de Perrault 299ff.; **Laistner Rдtsel der Sphinx.--Italian: Basile Pentamerone III Nos. 1, 7, V No. 7; Africa: Werner African 242.
G10--G99. Cannibals and cannibalism.
G10. G10. Cannibalism. *Types 327, 406*; BP I 115; *Cox Cinderella 499; *Saintyves Perrault 299ff.; *Penzer X 181 s.v. ”Human flesh“; *Fb ”menneskekjшd“; *Freytag Am Ur-Quell N. F. I 179; *MacCulloch Childhood 279; Krause Der Ur-Quell I 1; *Cosquin Contes indiens 208; **DeCock Volkssage 64; *Laistner Rдtsel der Sphinx II 87; Krappe The Modern Language Review XLIII (1948) 54ff.--Irish myth: *Cross; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 57 No. 135; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”anthropophages,“ ”diable“; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 189, 588, II 32, 407, 676, 824; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 21; Oceanic (Indonesia, Melanesia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii): Dixon 61, 63, 69, 86, 130ff., 227ff.; Easter Island: Mйtraux Ethnology 76ff. 83f.; Maori: Clark 100, 159; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 272; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 388; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 353 n. 274, (Cherokee): Alexander N. Am. 68, (Southern Ute): Lowie JAFL XXXVII 74 No. 46; Africa: Werner African 242, (Basuto): Jacottet 8, 122, 204, 208, 258, (Angola): Chatelain 97, 103, (Fang): Einstein 65, (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 199, (Zulu): Callaway 47, 74, 142, 154, *158, 181, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 413, (Kaffir): Theal 126, 139f., Kidd 225, (Benga): Nassau 227 No. 34, (Congo): Weeks 203, (Mpongwe): Nassau 72 No. 15.
G11. G11. Kinds of cannibals.
G11.0.1. G11.0.1. Cannibalistic god. Irish myth: Cross.
G11.0.1.1. G11.0.1.1. As result of fraud, Saturn swallows stone instead of infant Jove. Irish myth: Cross.
G11.0.1.2. G11.0.1.2. Father of goddess as cannibal. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 141.
G11.1. G11.1. Cannibal dwarfs. *Basset 1001 Contes I 190; N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict II 335.
G11.2. G11.2. Cannibal giant. (Cf. G82, G83, G84.) Irish myth: *Cross; Missouri French: Carriиre; Icelandic: Arnason Legends of Iceland (tr. Powell, London, 1864) I 122, 125, 133, *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 387; Easter Island: Mйtraux Ethnology 377.
G11.2.1. G11.2.1. Giant devours any person who fails to do his bidding. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.3. G11.3. Cannibal witch. Kittredge Witchcraft 166, 485 nn. 28, 29.--England: Baughman; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *2027B; Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV No. 6; India: *Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Tawney I 162, II 450; Japanese: Ikeda; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 85, II 25, III 50f., 168f., Rink 48, 440, Holm 80, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 198, 598, (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 180, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 599; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 233.
G11.4. G11.4. Negro cannibal. Malone PMLA XLIII 412.
G11.5. G11.5. Water cannibal. Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 104; N. A. Indian (Cherokee): Alexander N. Am. 68.
G11.6. G11.6. Man-eating woman. India: *Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Tawney II 616; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/249, 1110, z-G. 3/1276); Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 194; Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 197; Easter Island: Mйtraux Ethnology 370; Maori: Clark 39.
G11.6.1. G11.6.1. Female ogre changes men into tigers and eats women. Chinese: Graham.
G11.6.2. G11.6.2. Woman who marries tiger is fed human nails regularly. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.6.3. G11.6.3. Old woman calls beasts together to join her in feast on human flesh. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Fables 61.
G11.6.4. G11.6.4. Woman devours her husband. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 838; S. A. Indian (Toba): Mйtraux MAFLS XL 60ff.
G11.7. G11.7. Cannibalistic king. Malone PMLA XLIII 403; Missouri French: Carriиre; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 581.
G11.8. G11.8. Cannibal meteor. N. A. Indian (Luiseсo, Diegueсo, Mohave): Kroeber JAFL XXI 224.
G11.8.1. G11.8.1. Stars as cannibals. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 109, 111; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G. 3/931).
G11.9. G11.9. Ogre schoolmaster. Girl sees schoolmaster eat human flesh. Refuses to tell him what she saw. He persecutes her. *Cosquin Contes indiens 112ff.
G11.10. G11.10. Cannibalistic spirits.
G11.10.1. G11.10.1. Cannibalistic spirits in upper world. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.11. G11.11. Cannibal with extraordinary features. (Cf. G88.) India: *Thompson-Balys.
G11.11.1. G11.11.1. Albino twins with cannibal appetite. Tonga: Gifford 192.
G11.11.2. G11.11.2. Hairless cannibal. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 344.
G11.12. G11.12. Cannibal with winnowing tray and pestle. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 73.
G11.13. G11.13. Gambling cannibal. Icelandic: Boberg; N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 69.
G11.14. G11.14. Jungle-man as cannibal. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.15. G11.15. Cannibal demon. India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Alu: Wheeler 8, 44, 48, 50, 56.
G11.16. G11.16. Army of cannibal monsters. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.17. G11.17. Seven-mouthed cannibal ogre. India: Thompson-Balys.
G11.18. G11.18. Cannibal tribe. Jewish: Neuman.
G11.18.1. G11.18.1. Cannibal people driven from land. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 341.
G12. G12. Transformation in order to eat own kind. Man transforms self to animal and eats men. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 71 No. 15.
G13. G13. Spiritual exaltation from eating human flesh. Penzer II 198 n. 1.
G13.1. G13.1. Ritual cannibalism: corpse of hero (demigod) eaten to acquire his strength. India: Thompson-Balys.
G13.2. G13.2. Ogre eats beautiful girl hoping to have her beauty. India: Thompson-Balys.
G15. G15. Human being devoured daily. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G15.1. G15.1. Giant eats men on New Year’s Day. India: Thompson-Balys.
G17. G17. Ogre seduces sleeping girl in order to devour her. India: Thompson-Balys.
G18. G18. Haunts of cannibals.
G18.1. G18.1. Cannibals live at cemetery. India: Thompson-Balys.
G20. G20. Ghouls. Persons eat corpses. Type 363; Chauvin VI 198 No. 371; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 276, 281; India: *Thompson-Balys, *Penzer II 202; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 104, III 104; Africa (BaRonga): Einstein 262.
G20.1. G20.1. Devil as husband eats corpses. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 369.
G21. G21. Female eater of corpses. India: Thompson-Balys.
G23. G23. People who eat their parents when they die, saying: they carried us in their bodies when we were born; now we shall do the same for them. India: Thompson-Balys.
G25. G25. Abandoned infant lives by eating corpse of murdered father. (Cf. S350.) Easter Island: Mйtraux Ethnology 385.
G27. G27. Moon made to eat wife‘s corpse by mother-in-law. S. A. Indian (Viracocha): Steward-Mйtraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 550.
G30. G30. Person becomes cannibal. MacCulloch Childhood 297.--Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 197; Maori: Clark 152; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 295, 302; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 128, 258, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 260; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 357 n. 287c.
G31. G31. Children flee from father who turns cannibal. Cosquin RTP XXX 79.
G33. G33. Child born as cannibal. *Type 406*; *Fb ”menneskeжder“ II 580.
G33.1. G33.1. Cannibal disenchanted by overcoming it. Becomes maiden. Type 406*; Russian: Andrejev No. 406.
G34. G34. Human child brought up by ogress becomes a man-eater. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 943.
G36. G36. Taste of human flesh leads to habitual cannibalism. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 573.
G36.1. G36.1. Husband becomes cannibal from eating wife’s breast. She cuts off her breasts and cooks them to feed her family. The husband thus acquires a longing for human flesh. *Type 450.
G36.2. G36.2. Human blood (flesh) accidentally tasted: brings desire for human flesh. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G36.2.1. G36.2.1. People fear that boy who eats raw birds will eat them when he grows older. Chinese: Graham.
G37. G37. Girl seduced by brother becomes cannibal ogre. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 59.
G50. G50. Occasional cannibalism.
G51. G51. Person eats own flesh. Jewish: Neuman; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 597; Mono-Alu: Wheeler 45; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 232 No. 46.
G51.1. G51.1. Person eats self up. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 186; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 304 n. 109m, (California): Gayton and Newman 92; Africa (Togo): Einstein 12f.
G55. G55. People who eat child become supernatural. Eskimo (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 258, (Greenland): Rink 466.
G60. G60. Human flesh eaten unwittingly. Penzer II 113; English: Wells 151 (Richard Coer de Lyon); Italian Novella: Rotunda; India: Thompson-Balys.
G61. G61. Relative’s flesh eaten unwittingly. *Type 720; BP I 412ff.; *MacCulloch Childhood 283ff.; *Cosquin Йtudes 394; *Fb ”menneskekjшd“ II 579b.--Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Greek: Fox 70, 119, 120 (Prokne and Tereus, Tantalus, Thyestes); Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 573; Chinese: Graham; Japanese: Ikeda; Oceanic (Indonesia, New Zealand, Molucca): Dixon 58, 195, 229f.; Indonesian: De Vries‘s list Nos. 227, 228; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 106, 128, 160, 286, 447, Holm 43, 90, (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 215, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 627, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 229; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 300 nn. 97, 98 and 340 n. 226; S. A. Indian (Baikairi): Alexander Lat. Am. 303; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 20, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 402 No. 2, 405 No. 4, (Kaffir): Theal 100, (Angola): Chatelain 191 No. 24, (Thonga): Junod 217, (Fjort): Dennett 82 No. 19, (Benga): Nassau 105 No. 8, (Basuto): Jacottet 260 No. 38, 276 No. 41; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Nights 314 No. 54, Remus 165 No. 34; Cape Verde Islands: Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 73 n. 3.
G61.1. G61.1. Child recognizes relative‘s flesh when it is served to be eaten. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 167, 173, (Kaffir): Theal 100, (Basuto): Jacottet 260 No. 38; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Nights 314 No. 54.
G61.1.1. G61.1.1. Girl avoids eating her mother’s flesh by spilling the meat and the soup in the pen. Chinese: Graham.
G61.2. G61.2. Mother recognizes child‘s flesh when it is served to be eaten. India: Thompson-Balys.
G62. G62. Murderer caused to eat victim’s flesh unwittingly. Sickens and dies. India: Thompson-Balys.
G63. G63. Unwitting cannibalism: scavenger in wedding feast finds basket of noses put there by hero and thinks it full of meat. India: Thompson-Balys.
G64. G64. Human flesh being cooked speaks out. India: Thompson-Balys.
G70. G70. Occasional cannibalism--deliberate.
G70.1. G70.1. Hungry seamen eat human flesh. Fb ”menneskekjшd“ II 579b.
G71. G71. Unnatural children eat parent. *Cox Cinderella 499; MacCulloch Childhood 295; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda.
G71.1. G71.1. Girl attempts to eat parents but they escape. Eskimo (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 179, (Greenland): Holm 53, (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 81, Rasmussen III 159.
G72. G72. Unnatural parents eat children. MacCulloch Childhood 293ff.; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos 148, 216; Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 8 n. 2 (Zeus and Kronos); Jewish: Gaster Exempla 198f. No. 69; India: Thompson-Balys; New Zealand: Dixon 85; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 199; Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 89, Rasmussen III 121, 305; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 232 No. 46; S. A. Indian (Toba): Mйtraux MAFLS XL 31; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 99 No. 6, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 413 No. 12, (Kaffir): Theal 140, (Zulu): Callaway 47, (Fang): Tessman 108, (Pangwe): Tessman 365.
G72.1. G72.1. Woman plans to eat her children. *Type 450; Grimm No. 143a; BP III 151.
G72.2. G72.2. Starving woman abandoned in cave eats newborn child. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G72.3. G72.3. Girl child fed on infant boys‘ flesh to make her grow faster. Irish myth: *Cross.
G72.4. G72.4. Voice of slain and eaten child comes from the heart of cannibal. (Cf. F911.1.) Jewish: Neuman.
G73. G73. Girls eat their sister. Cox Cinderella 499; India: Thompson-Balys.
G73.1. G73.1. Brothers eat their sister. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G73.2. G73.2. Brother eats brother. Mono-Alu: Wheeler 22.
G74. G74. Man eats friend. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 121.
G75. G75. Father takes his daughter to cannibal to be eaten. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 116 No. 27.
G76. G76. Aged person eaten. Icelandic: Boberg; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 168.
G77. G77. Husband eats wife. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 886; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 157, Rink 106; S. A. Indian (More): Mйtraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 406, (Toba): Mйtraux MAFLS XL 161.
G78. G78. Cannibalism during plague. Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
G78.1. G78.1. Cannibalism in time of famine. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman; Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 92.
G79. G79. Occasional cannibalism--deliberate--miscellaneous.
G79.1. G79.1. Animal-wife devours her husband. India: Thompson-Balys.
G79.2. G79.2. Woman eats daughter-in-law. S. A. Indian (More): Mйtraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 406.
G80. G80. Other motifs dealing with cannibals.
G81. G81. Unwitting marriage to cannibal *Type 311; *MacCulloch Childhood 291ff.; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 5; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Eskimo (Greenland): I 262; West Indies: Flowers 440.
G81.1. G81.1. Cannibal marries wife by force. Chinese: Graham.
G82. G82. Cannibal fattens victim. *Type 327, 314, *BP I 115ff.; Chauvin VII 19 No. 373D; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 9; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 107, Holm 11; N. A. Indian (Kaska): Teit JAFL XXX 448 No. 8.
G82.1. G82.1. Cannibal cuts captive’s finger to test fatness. *Type 327; BP I 115ff.; Fb ”slagte“, ”finger“.
G82.1.1. G82.1.1. Captive sticks out bone instead of finger when cannibal tries to test his fatness. *Type 327; BP I 115ff.; *Fb ”hale“ I 537, ”lysepile“ II 487; Korean: Zong in-Sob 147 No. 65.
G83. G83. Cannibal sharpens knife to kill captive. German: Grimm No. 41; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3910; Japanese: Ikeda; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 270f. Nos. 82, 83.
G83.1. G83.1. Ogress whets teeth to kill captive. Kцhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 64 (to Gonzenbach No. 13); Irish myth: Cross (G153); Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV No. 8, V No. 4.
G84. G84. Fee-fi-fo-fum. Cannibal returning home smells human flesh and makes exclamation. (Cf. G11.8.1.) *Type 327; *Fb ”kristenblod“ II 300a.--Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 304 No. 29, 312 No. 67; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 12; Breton: Sйbillot ”chair“; Jewish: bin Gorion Born Judas@2 I 230; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Korean: Zong in-Sob 89, 168; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 111, 184; Maori: Clark 39, 100; Tonga: Gifford 168; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G. 3/931, z-G. 3/1276); N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 357 n. 287h; Africa: Werner African 233, (Kaffir): Theal 80, 118, 124, 138, (Zanzibar): Bateman 133, (Ekoi): Talbot 56, 63, (Basuto): Jacottet 4, 206, 218, 234, (Angola): Chatelain 117, (Zulu): Callaway 40.
G85. G85. Ungrateful cannibal. Eats offered food and then threatens hosts. *Jochelson JE VI 376.
G86. G86. Cannibals cut off parts of children‘s bodies. Dickson Valentine and Orson 41 n. 41; Japanese: Ikeda.
G86.1. G86.1. Cannibal ogress gives finger of one girl to her frightened sister. Chinese: Graham.
G87. G87. Cannibal crunching human bone says noise is only eating of peas. India: Thompson-Balys.
G88. G88. Cannibal has long tooth and long nail. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 210 No. 31.
G88.1. G88.1. Men with iron claws eat girl. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 79.
G88.2. G88.2. Man-eater with two great tusks on which he hangs the carcasses of the dead. India: Thompson-Balys.
G91. G91. Cannibalism brings madness. Fb ”menneskekjшd“ II 580a.
G91.1. G91.1. Man forced to eat dead father’s heart goes mad. Irish myth: Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 108.
G91.1.1. G91.1.1. Man forced to eat dead father‘s heart struck dumb. Irish myth: *Cross.
G91.2. G91.2. Cannibalism causes death. India: Thompson-Balys.
G92. G92. Cannibal hard to lift. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 70.
G93. G93. Cannibal breaks wind as means of attack. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 69.
G94. G94. Cannibal’s gigantic meal.
G94.1. G94.1. Ogress takes travelers out of cave and devours them one by one. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 264.
G94.2. G94.2. Cannibal ogres eat daily ten men, ten women, ten children from the same tribe. Africa (Fang): Einstein 65.
G95. G95. Old man says his arm is getting thin--indicates desire for human flesh. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 86.
G100--G199. Giant ogres.
G100. G100. Giant ogre. Polyphemus. (For motifs concerning giants who are not malevolent but merely large, see F531.) *Types 304, 311, 312, 313, 314, 314*, 327, 327*, 328, 518, 531, 545A, 1137, 1148*, 1165*; *Hackman Die Polyphemsage; *BP III 375ff.; *Clouston Tales I 133ff.: Arill Polyphemosmotivet i bohuslдnsk folkdiktning (Bohuslдnska Folkminnen [Uddevalla, 1922] 54); *Chauvin VII 17 No. 373C, VIII 205, IX 93; Saintyves Perrault 281ff.; Dickson 130--135 passim.--English: Wells 17 (Guy of Warwick), 22 (Sir Beues of Hamtoun), 32 (Layamon‘s Brut), 80 (Sir Tristem), 88 (Roland and Vernagu), 117 (Sir Torrent of Portyngale); Irish myth: *Cross; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s. v. ”geant“; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 47 Nos. 69--73; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 275ff.; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 12, 20; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 85 No. 5.
G100.1. G100.1. Giant ogre (Fomorian). Irish myth: *Cross.
G101. G101. Giant gambler as ogre. N. A. Indian (Navaho): Alexander N. Am. 163.
G105. G105. Valley of the one hundred giants. India: Thompson-Balys.
G110. G110. Possessions of giant ogres. Irish myth: Cross.
G111. G111. Giant ogres possess castle. *Types 304, 545A; *BP III 113 n. 4; English: Wells 66 (Ywain and Gawain); Irish myth: Cross.
G112. G112. Giant‘s fields fertile; others arid. French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 21.
G120. G120. Physical characteristics of giant ogres.
G121. G121. Blind giant ogre. *Type 1165*; *Hackman Polyphemsage; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 57.
G121.1. G121.1. Three giants with one eye. They pass it around. Type 328*.
G121.1.1. G121.1.1. One-eyed giant (ogre). Irish myth: *Cross.
G122. G122. Giant’s hair grows into rock. He is thus kept from falling from cliff. N. A. Indian (Navaho): Alexander N. Am. 163.
G123. G123. Giant ogress with breasts thrown over her shoulder. Van Gennep Formation des Lйgendes 47; Finnish: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 183.
G124. G124. Skeleton giant. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 91.
G125. G125. Fire-spewing giantess. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G126. G126. Giant ogre in shape of animal.
G126.1. G126.1. Giant ogre in the shape of a cat. India: Thompson-Balys.
G126.2. G126.2. Giant ogre in shape of horse. India: Thompson-Balys.
G130. G130. Customs of giant ogres.
G131. G131. Giant ogre never crosses water. French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 12.
G150. G150. Giant ogres--miscellaneous.
G151. G151. Two giants with one axe. They throw it back and forth to each other. *Fb ”шkse“ III 1171b.--Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3711.
G152. G152. Giant herdsman. Hideous beastlike giant guards a herd of wild fighting animals. Herdsman can seize one of them in such a way as to make rest beg mercy. *Brown Iwain 7ff.; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
G152.1. G152.1. Giant with tree for herding-stick. German: Dьmke Havensagen (Leipzig, 1924) 72 No. 56, Haas Pommersche Sagen (Berlin, 1912) 54 No. 106.
G154. G154. Giant hacked so that a staircase is made up his body. Hero climbs up and kills him. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 17.
G156. G156. King of the giants. India: Thompson-Balys.
G157. G157. Giant ogre‘s prodigious speed. India: Thompson-Balys.
G158. G158. Giant’s shriek heard five miles away. India: Thompson-Balys.
G161. G161. Giant issues out of tiny vessel. India: Thompson-Balys.
G162. G162. Giant lives in a castle in the air. India: Thompson-Balys.
G171. G171. Giant roasts camels, elephants for food on crater of volcano. India: Thompson-Balys.
G200--G299. Witches.
G200. G200. Witch. *Types 405, 432, 442, 708, 710, 711; **Kittredge Witchcraft; *Vordemfelde Die Hexe im deutschen Volksmдrchen (Mogk Festschrift 588); *Fb ”heks“ IV 206a; Hansen Zauberwahn, Inquisition und Hexenprozess im Mittelalter (Mьnchen and Leipzig, 1900), ibid. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Hexenwahns und der Hexenverfolgung in den цsterr. Alpenlдndern (1934); Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 1827--1920; R. F. Fortune Sorcerers of Dobu (London, 1932); M. A. Murray The Witch-Cult in Western Europe (Oxford, 1921); M. Summers The History of Witchcraft and Demonology (London, 1926); *Arne Runeberg Witches, Demons and Fertility Magic (Helsinki, 1947); A. Mayer Erdmutter und Hexe (Mьnchen, 1936); *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 117.--Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 235 (”glastig“); Icelandic: *Boberg; Lappish: Hartland Science 173; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 81ff. Nos. 673--739; Jewish: *Neuman; Arabian: Burton Nights I 28, 76, 333, II 233--238, VI 158, 242n., VIII 131, S VI 325ff., 452; India: *Thompson-Balys, Penzer X 362 s.v. ”Witch“; Mono: Wheeler 45; Papua: Ker 21, 31, 68; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/499); S. A. Indian (Toba): Mйtraux MAFLS XL 77, (Araucanian): Alexander Lat. Am. 328; Africa: *Werner African 333ff., (Basuto): Jacottet 236 No. 34.
G201. G201. Three witch sisters. Sometimes simply three hags. *BP I 114; *R. Drinkuth Hessische Blдtter f. Vksk. XXXII 109--154, XXXIII 1--77; *Von Sydow Tvе Spinnsagor 68ff.; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 245; India: Thompson-Balys.
G201.1. G201.1. Three witches (hags) deformed from much spinning. *Type 501; *Von Sydow Tvе Spinnsagor.
G202. G202. Beneficent witches. Papua: Ker 52, 127.
G203. G203. Origin of witches. Icelandic: Boberg.
G203.1. G203.1. Witch daughter of fairy and man. Icelandic: Boberg.
G203.2. G203.2. Witches come forth at emergence of mankind. N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 344.
G204. G204. Girl in service of witch. *Types 310, 428; Herrmann Saxo II 485.
G205. G205. Witch stepmother. *Types 403, 450; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. *453, *481; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 266 No. 40, (Ekoi): Talbot 401; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 268 No. 80.
G206. G206. Witch has (three) giant sons. Irish myth: *Cross.
G207. G207. Male witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 648.
G210. G210. Form of witch.
G210.0.1. G210.0.1. Witch invisible. (Cf. A11, D1980, E421.1, G303.6.2.1, F235.1, E501.1.) England: *Baughman.
G211. G211. Witch in animal form. Kittredge Witchcraft 174 nn. 1--3.
G211.1. G211.1. Witch in form of domestic beast.
G211.1.1. G211.1.1. Witch in form of horse. (Cf. D131.) Kцhler-Bolte I 220, 586; *Fb ”Troms kirke“ III 858b; Tobler 45; England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 153, Boberg; Hindu: Tawney I 342.
G211.1.1.1. G211.1.1.1. Witch in form of headless horse. *Fb ”fцl“ I 400.
G211.1.1.2. G211.1.1.2. Witch as horse shod with horseshoes. Kцhler-Bolte I 220, 586; *Fb ”Troms kirke“ III 858b; Tobler 44; England, Scotland, U.S.: Baughman; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 322 No. 91.
G211.1.2. G211.1.2. Witch in form of mule. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.1.3. G211.1.3. Witch in form of cow. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G211.1.4. G211.1.4. Witch in form of sheep. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G211.1.5. G211.1.5. Witch in form of goat. (Cf. G262.3.1.) U.S.: Baughman.
G211.1.6. G211.1.6. Witch in form of hog. England, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G211.1.7. G211.1.7. Witch in form of cat. (Cf. D142.) Fb ”kat“ II 107b, IV 255b; Tobler 42; Irish myth: Cross; England, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 659; Icelandic: *Boberg; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 325 No. 15; German: Grimm No. 69; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 167--172.
G211.1.8. G211.1.8. Witch in form of dog. (Cf. D141.) *Fb ”heks“ I 581a; Tobler 41; Kittredge Witchcraft 176f. nn. 22--29; England: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 438; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 173; West Indies: Flowers 441; S. A. Indian (Arawak of Surinam): Jijena Sanchez 23.
G211.2. G211.2. Witch in form of wild beast.
G211.2.1. G211.2.1. Witch in form of bear. (Cf. D113.2.) Fb ”heks“ I 581a.
G211.2.2. G211.2.2. Witch in form of wolf. (Cf. D113.1.) Fb ”heks“; Icelandic: Snorra Edda Gylf. XII, *Boberg; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 307 No. 31, 315 No. 124.
G211.2.3. G211.2.3. Witch in form of fox. (Cf. D113.3.) Fb ”heks“ I 581a; U.S.: Baughman; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 304 No. 25; Japanese: Anesaki 325f.
G211.2.4. G211.2.4. Witch in form of deer. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
G211.2.4.1. G211.2.4.1. Witch in form of stag. Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G211.2.5. G211.2.5. Witch in form of mouse. (Cf. D117.1.) Fb ”heks“ I 581a.
G211.2.6. G211.2.6. Witch in form of rat. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G211.2.7. G211.2.7. Witch in form of hare. (Cf. D123.) Fb ”hare“ I 556; Kittredge Witchcraft 179 nn. 45--49; Irish myth: Cross; England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman.
G211.2.7.1. G211.2.7.1. Witch as hare allows self to be coursed by dogs for pay or for sport. England, Ireland, Scotland, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G211.2.8. G211.2.8. Witch as raccoon. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.2.9. G211.2.9. Witch as hedgehog. England: *Baughman.
G211.2.10. G211.2.10. Witch in form of bat. England: Baughman.
G211.3. G211.3. Witch in form of domestic bird.
G211.3.1. G211.3.1. Witch in form of hen. (Cf. D166.) *Fb ”hцne“ I 750b; U.S.: Baughman.
G211.3.1.1. G211.3.1.1. Witch in form of rooster. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.3.2. G211.3.2. Witch in form of duck. (Cf. D165.) *Fb ”and“ IV 12b.
G211.3.3. G211.3.3. Witch in form of goose (gosling). England: Baughman.
G211.4. G211.4. Witch in form of wild bird. U.S.: *Baughman.
G211.4.1. G211.4.1. Witch in form of crow. (Cf. D151.4.) Fb ”krage“ II 285b; U.S.: Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
G211.4.2. G211.4.2. Witch in form of partridge. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.4.3. G211.4.3. Witch in form of heath hen. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.4.4. G211.4.4. Witch in form of owl. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.4.5. G211.4.5. Witch in the form of buzzard. U.S.: Baughman.
G211.5. G211.5. Witch in form of an insect.
G211.5.1. G211.5.1. Witch in form of fly. (Cf. D185.) Fb ”flue“ I 315.
G211.5.2. G211.5.2. Witch in form of bee. India: Thompson-Balys.
G211.5.3. G211.5.3. Witch in form of beetle. U.S.: *Baughman.
G211.6. G211.6. Witch in amphibian form.
G211.6.1. G211.6.1. Witch in form of toad. (Cf. D196.) Fb ”tudse“ III 888b; England, Wales, U.S.: Baughman.
G211.6.2. G211.6.2. Witch in form of crocodile. Africa: Stanley 100.
G211.7. G211.7. Witch in form of fish.
G211.7.1. G211.7.1. Witch in form of whale.1 North Carolina: Brown Collection I 644; Icelandic: Ketils saga H. 116, 131, Hjбlmters saga ok Цlvers 507--08, Boberg.
G211.8. G211.8. Witch in form of reptile.
G211.8.1. G211.8.1. Witch in form of snake. England, U.S.: Baughman; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G211.9. G211.9. Witch in form of mythical animal. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G211.9.1. G211.9.1. Witch in form of dragon. (Cf. D119.2.). Icelandic: *Boberg.
G212. G212. Witch in form of object. (Cf. D200.)
G212.1. G212.1. Witch in form of blade of straw. Tobler 45; Wales: Baughman.
G212.2. G212.2. Witch in form of cookstove. U.S.: Baughman.
G212.3. G212.3. Witch in form of a scroll. England: Baughman.
G212.4. G212.4. Witch in form of a tree. England: Baughman.
G212.5. G212.5. Witch in form of ball of fire. (Cf. F491, E742.2.) England: Baughman.
G213. G213. Witch with extraordinary eyes.
G213.1. G213.1. One-eyed witch. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
G213.2. G213.2. Witch with red eyes. Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn V (1897) 233ff., (1934) 188ff.; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 325 No. 11.
G213.3. G213.3. Witch with receding eyes. Irish myth: Cross.
G213.4. G213.4. Witch with blazing eyes. Irish myth: Cross.
G214. G214. Witch with extraordinary teeth.
G214.1. G214.1. Witch with long teeth. Fb ”tand“ III 771ab; Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 118; Irish myth: *Cross; German: Grimm No. 24.
G214.2. G214.2. Witch with iron teeth. Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 117.
G214.3. G214.3. Witch with nine rows of teeth. Irish myth: Cross.
G214.4. G214.4. Witch with twisted tusks (reaching to her shoulders). Irish myth: Cross.
G215. G215. Witch extraordinary as to head.
G215.1. G215.1. Seven-headed witch. Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 268 Nos. 79, 80.
G216. G216. Witch with extraordinary feet.
G216.1. G216.1. Witch with goose feet. *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 117f.
G217. G217. Witch with enormous hands. India: Thompson-Balys.
G219. G219. Form of witch--miscellaneous.
G219.1. G219.1. Witch with iron members. *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 118 nn. 7--9.
G219.2. G219.2. Witch (troll-woman) with beard. Fb ”mus“ II 631b.
G219.3. G219.3. Witch has long nails. Irish myth: Cross.
G219.4. G219.4. Witch with very long hair. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G219.5. G219.5. Wrinkled witch. Irish myth: Cross.
G219.6. G219.6. Witch is twisted, bony (has lumps on body). Irish myth: *Cross.
G219.7. G219.7. Black witch. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G219.8. G219.8. Tailed witch.
G219.8.1. G219.8.1. Witch with fifteen tails. Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 357, Boberg.
G219.8.2. G219.8.2. Witch with knife-like tail. Eskimo (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 183.
G219.9. G219.9. Witch‘s back covered with nails and broken glass. Type 480; Roberts 169.
G220. G220. Characteristics of witches.
G220.0.1. G220.0.1. ”Black“ and ”white“ witches. Malevolent and benevolent. U.S.: Baughman.
G220.0.2. G220.0.2. Sex of witches. Both men and women are called witches. England: *Baughman.
G221. G221. Strength of witches.
G221.1. G221.1. Strength of witches in hair. *Fb ”hеr“ I 771b.
G221.1.1. G221.1.1. Witch‘s hair has power to bind or to transform. *BP I 554; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 231, 237, 239; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 68.
G221.2. G221.2. Strength of witches depends on their touching earth. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 316 No. 128.
G221.3. G221.3. Witch has extraordinary bodily strength. (Cf. D1830, F610.) Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
G221.3.1. G221.3.1. Witch marks stone with finger marks. U.S.: Baughman.
G221.4. G221.4. Witch cannot be hurt if she looks attacker in the face. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 372.
G222. G222. Luminous witches.
G222.1. G222.1. When devil combs witches, sparks fly. Fb ”kjжmme“ II 148.
G222.2. G222.2. Luminous witch-boat. Carries fishermen to bottom of sea. S. A. Indian (Araucanian): Alexander Lat. Am. 328.
G223. G223. Head of beheaded witch mends if rubbed with salt. *Fb ”hoved“ I 654b.
G224. G224. Source of witch’s magic. Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 151--159.
G224.1. G224.1. Witch‘s charm opposite of Christian. Must be ”Without God and Holy Mary“ instead of ”With God, etc.“ (Cf. G224.5.) Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 84 No. *746, Espinosa Jr. Nos. 151, 153, 154; England, Ireland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; West Indies: Flowers 441.
G224.2. G224.2. Witch‘s salve. Source of magic power. *Fb ”salve“ III 151b; Irish myth: Cross; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 150--158.
G224.3. G224.3. Witches get their powers from books. (Cf. D1266.) England, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G224.4. G224.4. Person sells soul to devil in exchange for witch powers. (Cf. G281, M211, K210ff.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G224.5. G224.5. Witch‘s power received by altering religious ceremony. (Cf. G224.1.) Ireland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G224.6. G224.6. Witch power acquired by standing on manure pile, swinging red lantern, looking over shoulder. U.S.: Baughman.
G224.7. G224.7. Witch gets power by licking brew made from a serpent. (Cf. B217.1.1.) Scotland: Baughman.
G224.8. G224.8. Person gets witch power by walking twelve times around a church backward at midnight. England: Baughman.
G224.9. G224.9. Witch power is inherited. England: *Baughman.
G224.10. G224.10. Witch power is transferred from one person to another. (Cf. D1751.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G224.11. G224.11. Witch power from bone (”witch bone“).
G224.11.1. G224.11.1. Witch bone from toad. England: *Baughman.
G224.11.2. G224.11.2. Witch bone from cat. U.S.: Baughman.
G224.12. G224.12. Word charm gives witch power. (Cf. D1273.) England, Scotland: *Baughman.
G224.13. G224.13. Other sources of witch’s power.
G224.13.1. G224.13.1. Witch uses bottle of horse-nail stumps to bewitch people. (Cf. D1274.1.) England: Baughman.
G224.14. G224.14. Witches renew powers periodically. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G225. G225. Witch‘s familiar spirit. Argentina: *Jijena Sanchez 73--114.
G225.0.1. G225.0.1. Witch feeds animal familiar with her own blood. Kittredge Witchcraft 179 nn. 51--53; England: Baughman.
G225.0.2. G225.0.2. Familiar is given to witch by devil when person becomes witch. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G225.0.3. G225.0.3. Familiars do work for witch. England: Baughman.
G225.0.4. G225.0.4. Bullets will not harm witch’s familiars. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 81 (D1840).
G225.0.5. G225.0.5. Familiar‘s abode is magician’s cellar. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 85.
G225.0.5.1. G225.0.5.1. Familiar‘s abode is hearth of magician. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 84, 92.
G225.0.6. G225.0.6. Familiar comes at nightfall and disappears at cockcrow. (Cf. E452.) Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 86f.
G225.0.7. G225.0.7. Familiar to be fed on human meat. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 88, 90.
G225.1. G225.1. Insect as witch’s familiar. (Fly, bee, gnat, spider.) Kittredge Witchcraft 180 n. 54; Tobler 40; England: Baughman.
G225.2. G225.2. Horse as witch‘s companion. *Howey 172ff.; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 76, 87.
G225.3. G225.3. Cat as servant of witch. Fb ”kat“ II 107; Kittredge Witchcraft 177f. n. 36; England, U.S.: Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 660, 664; Icelandic: Boberg.
G225.4. G225.4. Toad as witch’s familiar. (Cf. G303.10.2.) Kittredge Witchcraft 182 nn. 76--87; England: Baughman; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 76.
G225.5. G225.5. Witch has an army of dragons, lions and bears. Icelandic: Юiрriks saga II 271--75, Boberg.
G225.6. G225.6. Dog as witch‘s familiar. England: *Baughman; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 76, 85; German: Grimm No. 85.
G225.7. G225.7. Other animal as witch’s familiar. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G225.7.1. G225.7.1. Magician‘s familiar a pig. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 76.
G225.7.2. G225.7.2. Magician’s familiar a viper. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 76, 92.
G225.8. G225.8. Minor devil or imp as witch‘s familiar. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G229. G229. Characteristics of witches--miscellaneous.
G229.1. G229.1. Soul of witch leaves the body. England, U.S.: Baughman; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 315 No. 124.
G229.1.1. G229.1.1. Witch who is out of skin is prevented from reentering it when person salts or peppers skin. (Cf. G275.8.1.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G229.2. G229.2. Witch carries her children in her own body. Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 269 No. 82.
G229.3. G229.3. Witches lack bread and salt. Fb ”salt“ III 148a.
G229.4. G229.4. Invulnerability of witches. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G229.4.1. G229.4.1. Witch can be killed only by certain lance. Irish myth: Cross.
G229.4.2. G229.4.2. Witch can catch bullets and send them back. (Cf. G265. Lithuanian: Balys Historical.
G229.4.3. G229.4.3. Witch‘s body does not bleed when stuck with sharp object. (Cf. G225.0.1, G273.6.) England: Baughman.
G229.4.4. G229.4.4. Witch says her knees are beads (liver is lead, stomach is copper, or the like). Eskimo (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 312.
G229.5. G229.5. Beautiful witch. (Cf. G264.) North Carolina: Brown Collection I 660; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G229.6. G229.6. Witch’s body melts stone she sits on. England: Baughman.
G229.7. G229.7. Blue lights follow witches. U.S.: *Baughman.
G229.8. G229.8. Fire burns up and crackles when wizard passes fireplace. England: Baughman.
G230. G230. Habitat of witches.
G231. G231. Witch dwells on cliff. Hoffmann-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 119; Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 152, Boberg.
G232. G232. Witch dwells on glass mountain. *Fb ”glasbjжrg“ I 459--460, ”heks“ I 582.
G233. G233. Witch lives in fairy mound. Irish myth: Cross.
G234. G234. Witch resides in tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
G235. G235. Witch lives in monastery. (Cf. G243.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G236. G236. Witch lives in forest. German: Grimm Nos. 15, 60, 69, 123.
G240. G240. Habits of witches.
G241. G241. Witch rides. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G241.1. G241.1. Witch rides on unusual animal.
G241.1.1. G241.1.1. Witch rides on wolf. Fb ”ulv“ III 970a; Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 226, 146, *Boberg; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 654.
G241.1.2. G241.1.2. Witch rides on goat. *Fb ”buk“ IV 77a; Kittredge Witchcraft 175 nn. 9--10; England: Baughman.
G241.1.3. G241.1.3. Witch rides on dog. *Fb ”hund“ I 676b.
G241.1.4. G241.1.4. Witch rides on cat. England: Baughman.
G241.1.4.1. G241.1.4.1. Witch rides on black cat. Fb ”ride“ III 53a.
G241.1.5. G241.1.5. Witch rides on whale. Icelandic: Boberg.
G241.1.6. G241.1.6. Witch rides on cattle. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 302.
G241.1.7. G241.1.7. Witch rides on tiger. India: Thompson-Balys.
G241.2. G241.2. Witch rides on person. Fb ”ride“ III 52b; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 649, 667; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 302, Boberg.
G241.2.1. G241.2.1. Witch transforms man to horse and rides him. *Fb ”hest“ I 599a; England, U.S.: Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3656; Livonian: Loorits FFC XVI 62 No. 157; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 130 No. 71; Icelandic: Sveinsson FFC LXXXIII No. 306I.
G241.2.1.1. G241.2.1.1. Witch transforms person by means of magic bridle. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G241.2.2. G241.2.2. Person enchanted by witch‘s salve so as to be ridden by witch. *Fb ”salve“ III 151a.
G241.3. G241.3. Witch rides on horse. (Cf. G241.2.1.) Canada, England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G241.3.1. G241.3.1. Witch rides on horses transformed from straw. U.S.: *Baughman.
G241.3.2. G241.3.2. Witch rides horses through air. England: Baughman.
G241.3.3. G241.3.3. Witch‘s horse or witch leaves mark on church steeple as he goes over. England: *Baughman.
G241.4. G241.4. Witch rides on object.
G241.4.1. G241.4.1. Witches ride on tubs using goose wings for oars. England: Baughman.
G241.4.2. G241.4.2. Witches travel on water in eggshells. England. U.S.: *Baughman.
G241.4.3. G241.4.3. Witch travels over water in a sieve or a riddle. England, Scotland: *Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 660.
G241.4.4. G241.4.4. Witches ride on bee-hives. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3652.
G242. G242. Witch flies through air. Kittredge Witchcraft 29; *Penzer II 104, IX 57--59; England, Scotland, U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 300f.; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 150--56.
G242.1. G242.1. Witch flies through air on broomstick. Kittredge Witchcraft 243, 547 n. 33; Fb ”lime“ II 430, ”limeskaft“ II 430f.; England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: *Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 81f. Nos. 675, 683; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 48 No. 106; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 138 No. 106; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3651; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 156.
G242.1.1. G242.1.1. Witch smears fat on brooms in preparation for flight. Fb ”fejd“; Penzer IX 45 n. 1; England, U.S.: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 81f. Nos. 675, 683.
G242.1.2. G242.1.2. Witch rides stalk of broom (ragwort). England: *Baughman.
G242.2. G242.2. Witch flies as whirlwind. Fb ”hvirvlevind“ I 707b.
G242.3. G242.3. Witch flies through air on leaf. Irish myth: Cross.
G242.4. G242.4. Witches ride tree through the air. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G242.5. G242.5. Other objects that bear witches aloft. England: *Baughman.
G242.6. G242.6. Witches use magic aids for flying. (See D1531, G242.1.1.)
G242.7. G242.7. Person flying with witches makes mistake and falls. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G242.8. G242.8. Person imitates witch by putting ointment in eye: eye blinded. (Cf. F361.3.) England: Baughman.
G243. G243. Witch‘s sabbath. A meeting of witches in which church services are burlesqued. **Kittredge Witchcraft chapter XVI; Sahlgren Blеkulla och blеkullafдrderna (Namn och Bygd 1915); Siebs Zs. f. Vksk. III 391; Schell ibid. IV 213; Gruessing ibid. III 172; *Fb ”heks“ I 580b, ”Bloksbjжrg“ IV 49b, ”Troms kirke“ III 858b, 859ab, ”Sankt Hansdag“ III 161b, ”Valborg aften“ III 993a, ”kirke“ IV 258b.--England: Baughman; Icelandic: Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 81 Nos. 673--675; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3651; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 23, 315 No. 128; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 151, 156, 157.
G243.1. G243.1. Obeisance to devil at witch’s sabbath. England: Baughman; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 151, 155, 156; West Indies: Flowers 444.
G243.1.1. G243.1.1. Witches kiss devil‘s tail. Fb ”kysse“.
G243.2. G243.2. Parody of church ceremony at witch’s sabbath. Kittredge Witchcraft 243.
G243.2.1. G243.2.1. Witch‘s rosary consists of goat dung. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 329 No. 54.
G243.3. G243.3. Witches have sexual intercourse with devil or his minions. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G243.3.1. G243.3.1. Witch gives birth to toads and snakes after union with devil. U.S.: Baughman.
G243.4. G243.4. Witches worship demon. India: Thompson-Balys.
G244. G244. Witch spins. *Hoffmann Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 nn. 5--8. Cf. Types 480, 501.
G244.1. G244.1. Witch winds yarn. Irish myth: Cross.
G245. G245. Witch bathes. Hoffmann-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 3.
G245.1. G245.1. Witch transforms self into snake when she bathes. Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 117.
G246. G246. Witches bake bread. Hoffmann-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 117, 119 n. 4.
G247. G247. Witches dance. *Fb ”danse“ IV 93a; U.S.: Baughman; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 150, 155--157, 171.
G247.1. G247.1. Witches dance with devil at witch’s holiday. England: *Baughman.
G248. G248. Witches feast on rich food and drink. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G248.1. G248.1. Man joins feast of witches. (Cf. G242.7.) U.S.: *Baughman.
G249. G249. Habits of witches--miscellaneous.
G249.1. G249.1. Witches drive herds of deer. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 239, 241, 255--57.
G249.2. G249.2. Witches scream. Irish myth: Cross.
G249.3. G249.3. Witch enters and leaves house by chimney. (Cf. F275, G242.1.) U.S.: *Baughman.
G249.4. G249.4. Witch returns late home and leaves early. BP III 38; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G249.5. G249.5. Witches boil cauldron of wizardry (cook dog). Irish myth: *Cross.
G249.6. G249.6. Witch followed by husband; dies when discovered. (Cf. G252.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G249.7. G249.7. Witches go through keyholes. (Cf. F304.3.) England: *Baughman.
G249.8. G249.8. Witches open doors and windows. (Cf. E338.1.1.4.) England: Baughman.
G249.9. G249.9. Witches vanish from prison. England: *Baughman.
G249.10. G249.10. Witches can see in the dark. England: Baughman.
G249.10.1. G249.10.1. Witches use eyes of animals to travel at night. They leave their own eyes at home, substitute those of an animal. (Cf. E781.1.) U.S.: *Baughman.
G249.11. G249.11. Witches rock empty chairs. (Cf. F473.2.1.) U.S.: Baughman.
G250. G250. Recognition of witches.
G250.1. G250.1. Man discovers his wife is a witch. Papua: Ker 68.
G251. G251. Witch recognized by seeing wandering soul return.
G251.1. G251.1. Witch recognized by seeing wasp (beetle) enter her mouth while asleep. Only when it enters can she be awakened. Tobler 39f.; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 83 No. 684.
G251.1.1. G251.1.1. Separable soul of witch in parrot. (Cf. E732.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G251.2. G251.2. Witch recognized when skin of witch is found with soul absent. (Cf. G229.1.1.) U.S.: *Baughman.
G252. G252. Witch in form of cat has hand cut off: recognized next morning by missing hand. Taylor MPh XVII (1919) 59 n. 8; Wales, U.S.: *Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 660; Icelandic: Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3657, 3684; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 304 No. 25, 307 No. 31, 325 Nos. 7, 15; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 170, 171; Japanese: Ikeda; West Indies: Flowers 444.
G252.0.1. G252.0.1. A cat in form of an old woman has hand cut off; recognized next morning by missing paw. Japanese: Ikeda.
G252.1. G252.1. Witch killed as whale. She herself is sitting at home. Icelandic: Boberg.
G252.2. G252.2. Goat‘s tongue pierced with sharp needle; consequently, witch is sick with pierced tongue. India: Thompson-Balys.
G252.3. G252.3. Bird’s neck broken: rakshasa dies. India: Thompson-Balys.
G253. G253. Witch‘s horns discovered by lousing her. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 315 No. 128, 329 No. 53.
G254. G254. Witch known by inability to rise from chair with four-leaf clover under it. *Fb ”heks“ I 581b.
G254.1. G254.1. Witch cannot rise if ring lies under her chair. *Fb ”ring.“
G254.2. G254.2. Witch known by inability to rise from chair with salt under cushion. (Cf. G271.3.) U.S.: Baughman.
G255. G255. Witch known by hose unbound on one leg. Fb ”hosebеnd“ I 650.
G257. G257. Charms to cause witch to reveal herself. (Cf. G271.)
G257.1. G257.1. Burning object forces witch to reveal herself: sympathetic magic. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G257.2. G257.2. Reading Bible backwards causes witch to reveal herself. (Cf. D1985.2.) England: Baughman.
G257.3. G257.3. Turning table, cutting notches in it causes witch to reveal herself. U.S.: Baughman.
G257.4. G257.4. Taking tile from witch’s house forces her to reveal herself. England: Baughman.
G257.5. G257.5. Person puts man‘s breeches over cow’s head; the cow stops in front of witch‘s house. England, Scotland: *Baughman.
G257.6. G257.6. Person places three notched elder twigs under bowl. Witch is forced to remove them, thus revealing herself. England: Baughman.
G259. G259. Witch recognition--miscellaneous methods. England: *Baughman.
G259.1. G259.1. Witch recognized by looking in or through magic object. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G259.2. G259.2. Witch recognized by odor. (Cf. G303.4.8.1, G303.6.3.4.) England: Baughman.
G259.3. G259.3. Witch may be recognized by absence of bleeding when she is pricked with pins. England: Baughman.
G259.4. G259.4. Witch may be recognized after death by great weight of corpse. (Cf. E400.) U.S.: Baughman.
G259.5. G259.5. Witch stretches out her hand and brings water from ocean without getting out of her bed; is recognized. India: Thompson-Balys.
G260. G260. Evil deeds of witches. *Kittredge Witchcraft passim; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3665; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 160--171 passim.
G261. G261. Witch steals children. *Type 710; *Hoffmann-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 121 n. 3; Krappe Balor 87ff.; Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 233.
G261.1. G261.1. Witch steals child with hand through chimney. (Cf. G369.5.) Kittredge Arthur and Gorlagon (Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature VIII) 222ff.
G262. G262. Murderous witch. Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland, U.S.: Baughman.
G262.0.1. G262.0.1. Lamia. Witch who eats children. *Kittredge Witchcraft 224f, 532 nn. 104--108; India: Thompson-Balys, Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 588, II 407, 676; Papua: Ker 45, 64, 121, 141; Africa (Fang): Trilles 249, (Wachaga): Gutman 92.
G262.0.1.1. G262.0.1.1. Lamia devours her lover. Kittredge Witchcraft 225, 532 n. 114.
G262.1. G262.1. Witch sucks blood. Striges. *Kittredge Witchcraft 224f., 531f. nn. 103--114; England: Baughman; Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
G262.1.1. G262.1.1. Witch’s cat as sucker of blood. Kittredge Witchcraft 178 n. 36.
G262.1.2. G262.1.2. Witch sucks blood from woman‘s or child’s breasts. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G262.1.3. G262.1.3. Witches suck blood from the navel of a child without anyone knowing it. India: Thompson-Balys.
G262.2. G262.2. Witch eats person‘s entrails (heart). *Kittredge Witchcraft 225, 532 n. 113; India: Thompson-Balys.
G262.3. G262.3. Witch in animal form kills.
G262.3.1. G262.3.1. Witch in form of she-goat kills men. India: Thompson-Balys.
G262.3.2. G262.3.2. Witch as cat causes death. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G262.4. G262.4. Witch kills with aid of witch-ball (hair rolled in beeswax). The ball is sometimes found in the mouth of dead victims. U.S.: Baughman.
G262.5. G262.5. Witch takes out man’s liver. India: Thompson-Balys.
G263. G263. Witch injures, enchants or transforms. *Types 303, 442; BP I 528ff., III 9; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3654f., 3672ff.; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 7, II No. 7; West Indies: Flowers 445.
G263.0.1. G263.0.1. Witch (female demon) has persons she has enchanted as servants. India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.1. G263.1. Witch transforms person to animal. (Cf. D100.) German: Grimm Nos. 11, 49, 69, 123, 141, 197; India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.1.0.1. G263.1.0.1. Witch transforms her lovers into animals. Circe. *Krappe Balor 44ff.; *Anderson Hessische Blдtter fьr Volkskunde XXVIII 212 n. 2; Gaster Oldest Stories 47.
G263.1.1. G263.1.1. Witch transforms man to bear. Icelandic: Boberg.
G263.1.2. G263.1.2. Witch transforms person to seal. Ireland: Baughman.
G263.1.3. G263.1.3. Witch transforms man to cow. India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.1.4. G263.1.4. Witch transforms husband into dog. India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.1.5. G263.1.5. Witch transforms man to bird.
G263.1.5.1. G263.1.5.1. Witch transforms man to crow. India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.1.5.2. G263.1.5.2. Witch transforms man to dove. N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 344.
G263.2. G263.2. Witch transforms man to object. (Cf. D200.)
G263.2.1. G263.2.1. Witch transforms to stone. German: Grimm No. 60, 85; India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.2.1.1. G263.2.1.1. Witch transforms man into soapstone. U.S.: Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
G263.2.2. G263.2.2. Witch transforms man to tree. German: Grimm No. 123.
G263.3. G263.3. Witch causes other transformation.
G263.3.1. G263.3.1. Witch transforms townspeople into witches. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G263.3.2. G263.3.2. Witch transforms girl into man. U.S.: Baughman.
G263.4. G263.4. Witch causes sickness. (Cf. D2064.) Icelandic: *Boberg; England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 344.
G263.4.0.1. G263.4.0.1. Illness caused by curse of witch. England: Baughman.
G263.4.1. G263.4.1. Witch causes toothache. England: *Baughman.
G263.4.2. G263.4.2. Witch causes fits. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G263.4.3. G263.4.3. Witch cripples or lames through illness. (Cf. G269.11.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G263.4.4. G263.4.4. Witch makes person dumb. England: Baughman.
G263.4.5. G263.4.5. Witch makes person blind. German: Grimm No. 135.
G263.5. G263.5. Witch revives dead. (Cf. E0.) Icelandic: *Boberg; Jewish: *Neuman.
G263.6. G263.6. Witchcraft causes maiden to hate lover. Irish myth: Cross.
G263.7. G263.7. Witch causes insanity. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G263.8. G263.8. Witch makes person lousy. England: Baughman.
G264. G264. La Belle Dame Sans Merci. Witch entices men with offers of love and then deserts or destroys them. Hartland Science 71; Huet Contes Populaires 47; Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 172; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 259; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Mitford 243ff., 254ff., 275ff.; Korean: Zong in-Sob 74, 100; Marquesas: Handy 48; N. A. Indian (Micmac): Parsons JAFL XXXVIII 94 No. 26, (Seneca): CurtinHewitt RBAE XXXII 402 No. 71, 425 No. 79, 485 No. 105, (Fox): Owen PFLS LI 87, (Yurok): Powers CNAE III 59, (Anvik): Chapman PAES VI 67 No. 11; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 251.
G264.0.1. G264.0.1. Ogress bathes in pool, is transformed into beautiful maiden, and becomes king‘s favorite wife. India: Thompson-Balys.
G264.1. G264.1. Woman is death of all who behold her. Indo-Chinese: Scott Indo-Chinese 267.
G264.2. G264.2. Witch’s kisses disfigure person. Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G264.3. G264.3. Female ogre seduces men with charm (words). India: Thompson-Balys.
G264.3.1. G264.3.1. Witch disguised becomes queen, devours king‘s horses nightly. India: Thompson-Balys.
G264.4. G264.4. Fairy-like witch marries man and causes him misfortune. Irish myth: *Cross.
G265. G265. Witch abuses property.
G265.1. G265.1. Witch scatters tools at night. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 263.
G265.2. G265.2. Witch drowns foal. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 251.
G265.3. G265.3. Witch rides horse at night. Howie 174ff.; *Kittredge Witchcraft 219, 527 n. 66; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650, 667; Icelandic: Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3657, 3683f.; India: Thompson-Balys.
G265.3.1. G265.3.1. Witch’s hair on horse becomes iron. *Fb ”hеr“ I 771b.
G265.4. G265.4. Witches cause disease or death of animals. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 302.
G265.4.0.1. G265.4.0.1. Witch punishes owner for injury or slight by killing his animals. (Cf. G269.10.) England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.4.1. G265.4.1. Witch causes death of animals. England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.4.2. G265.4.2. Witch causes illness of animals. (Cf. D2066) England, Scotland, U.S., Canada: *Baughman.
G265.5. G265.5. Witch maims animals. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.6. G265.6. Witch causes animals to behave unnaturally.
G265.6.1. G265.6.1. Witch causes pigs to behave unnaturally. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.6.1.1. G265.6.1.1. Witch causes pigs to dance. England: Baughman.
G265.6.2. G265.6.2. Witch causes cattle to behave unnaturally. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.6.2.1. G265.6.2.1. Witch causes cattle to run about wildly. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.6.3. G265.6.3. Witch causes horse to behave unnaturally. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.6.4. G265.6.4. Witch causes dog to behave unnaturally. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.6.4.1. G265.6.4.1. Witch causes dog to dance on hind legs. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.7. G265.7. Witch controls actions of animals. (Cf. D2072.0.2, D2083.2.) England, Scotland, Ireland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.8. G265.8. Witch bewitches objects. (Cf. D2072, D2081, D2087.1, D2071.0.2.)
G265.8.1. G265.8.1. Witch bewitches household articles. (Cf. D2083.3, D2083.4., D2084.1, D2084.2.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.8.2. G265.8.2. Witch bewitches clothing. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.8.3. G265.8.3. Witch bewitches implements and machinery. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.8.3.1. G265.8.3.1. Witch bewitches gun.
G265. G265. Gun bewitched so that it will not hit target. Canada, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265. G265. Witch throws bullets back at shooter. (Cf. F473.6.5, G229.4.2.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.8.3.2. G265.8.3.2. Witch bewitches wagon. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.8.4. G265.8.4. Object bewitched--miscellaneous.
G265.8.4.1. G265.8.4.1. Witch causes hangman‘s rope to dance so that it cannot be tied to hang her. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.8.4.2. G265.8.4.2. Witch bewitches goose eggs so that they do not hatch. U.S.: Baughman.
G265.8.5. G265.8.5. Witch bewitches buildings. U.S.: *Baughman.
G265.9. G265.9. Witches ruin crop. (Cf. G283.) North Carolina: Brown Collection I 667; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 302.
G265.9.1. G265.9.1. Witch kills balsam plant after owner refuses to give some to the witch. England: Baughman.
G265.10. G265.10. Witches bewitch trees.
G265.10.1. G265.10.1. Witches shake fruit off trees to punish owner. U.S.: Baughman.
G266. G266. Witches steal. (Cf. D2087, K300.)
G266.1. G266.1. Invisible witches steal goods in market. (Cf. F235.4.1.) England: Baughman.
G267. G267. Man pursued by witches. N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 342, 344.
G269. G269. Evil deeds of witches--miscellaneous.
G269.1. G269.1. Witch begs man to scratch her back: kills him. (Cf. G262.) Fb ”kjжlling“ II 146b.
G269.1.1. G269.1.1. Witch pretends sickness and kicks helper into pit. India: Thompson-Balys.
G269.2. G269.2. Witch asks for snuff so that she may seize man. He offers it to her on point of spear and escapes. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 229, 243, 245, 261.
G269.3. G269.3. Witch harnesses man and leads him to dance. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 315 No. 124.
G269.3.1. G269.3.1. Witch rides man to dance. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650.
G269.4. G269.4. Curse by disappointed witch. Type 410; England, Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 643f.; Philippine: Fansler MAFLS XII 303.
G269.4.1. G269.4.1. Curse by other angry ogres or ogresses. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G269.5. G269.5. Witch causes haunted houses. Kittredge Witchcraft 214, 521, 523, nn. 1--6, 18.
G269.6. G269.6. Witch eats up visitor’s bow. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G269.7. G269.7. Witch estranges brothers. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 111.
G269.8. G269.8. Ship wrecked by witch. (Cf. F420. Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 152; India: Thompson-Balys.
G269.9. G269.9. Witch cuts steaks from hero‘s body. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G269.10. G269.10. Witch punishes person who incurs her ill will. (Cf. G265.4.) England, Scotland, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G269.10.1. G269.10.1. Witch kills person as punishment. (Cf. D2060ff.) England, Scotland: *Baughman.
G269.11. G269.11. Witch causes deformity. (Cf. G263.4.3.)
G269.11.1. G269.11.1. Witch causes person to become hunchbacked. England: Baughman.
G269.11.2. G269.11.2. Witch causes person’s arm to wither. U.S.: Baughman.
G269.12. G269.12. Witch causes person to break limbs. England: Baughman.
G269.12.1. G269.12.1. Witch breaks bridegroom‘s leg when slighted by bride. England: Baughman.
G269.13. G269.13. Witch causes person to fall from height. Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G269.14. G269.14. Witch causes person to be burned. England: Baughman.
G269.15. G269.15. Witch scratches person. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G269.16. G269.16. Witch causes gun to explode, injuring person. England: Baughman.
G269.17. G269.17. Invisible witch sticks victim with pins. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G269.18. G269.18. Witch pushes man around on floor (witch is invisible). U.S.: Baughman.
G269.19. G269.19. Witches as ducks pinch victim. U.S.: Baughman.
G269.20. G269.20. Witch prevents woman from putting one foot on floor. U.S.: Baughman.
G269.21. G269.21. Witch torments person by making him act in ridiculous manner.
G269.21.1. G269.21.1. Witch causes person to break wind in presence of others. U.S.: *Baughman.
G269.21.2. G269.21.2. Witch causes person to mew like cat and neigh like horse. England: Baughman.
G269.21.3. G269.21.3. Witch causes man to strip naked and imitate a jockey riding himself. England: Baughman.
G269.22. G269.22. Witch makes girl believe her lover has ass’s head. England: Baughman.
G269.23. G269.23. Witch causes lovers on stile to think they are surrounded by water. England: Baughman.
G269.24. G269.24. Witch makes man believe a dead bull is alive and chasing him. U.S.: Baughman.
G269.25. G269.25. Witch causes person to spin around on bedpost. U.S.: Baughman.
G269.26. G269.26. Witch stands person on her head. U.S.: Baughman.
G270. G270. Witch overcome or escaped.
G271. G271. Witch exorcised.
G271.1. G271.1. Witch exorcised by burning stick. Fb ”kjжp“ II 151a.
G271.2. G271.2. Witch exorcised by use of religious ceremony, object, or charm. (Cf. D2176.3.2.)
G271.2.1. G271.2.1. Sign of the cross marked on bewitched object breaks witch spell. (Cf. G273.1.) Icelandic: Boberg.
G271.2.1.1. G271.2.1.1. Cross marked on horn and forehead of cow causes bewitched cow to give normal amount of milk. Canada, U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.2.2. G271.2.2. Witch exorcised by holy water. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G271.2.3. G271.2.3. Name of deity breaks witch’s spell. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.2.4. G271.2.4. Priestly exorcism for witch. England: Baughman.
G271.2.5. G271.2.5. Bible used in exorcism of witch. England: *Baughman.
G271.2.6. G271.2.6. Dust from communion table breaks spell. England: Baughman.
G271.3. G271.3. Use of salt in exorcism of witch. (Cf. G254.2, G272.16.) England: *Baughman.
G271.4. G271.4. Exorcism by use of sympathetic magic. (Cf. D1782, D2063.1.1.)
G271.4.1. G271.4.1. Exorcism by burning object for sympathetic magic. (Cf. G257.1) Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G271.4.2. G271.4.2. Exorcism by injuring image of witch. Canada. U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.4.3. G271.4.3. Breaking spell by destroying image of victim used by the witch in torturing the victim. U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.4.4. G271.4.4. Breaking spell on animal by bleeding or maiming animal. Witch suffers same loss or injury. U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.4.5. G271.4.5. Breaking spell by beating the person or object bewitched. This injures the witch. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.4.6. G271.4.6. Breaking spell by sticking sharp object into tracks of witch. This pains or paralyzes her. England, Wales: *Baughman.
G271.4.7. G271.4.7. Breaking spell by burying bottle of water, preventing witch from urinating until the bottle is emptied. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.4.8. G271.4.8. Breaking spell by shooting bewitched object. U.S.: Baughman.
G271.4.9. G271.4.9. Breaking spell on animal by pulling three hairs from tail. U.S.: Baughman.
G271.4.10. G271.4.10. Breaking spell by burying animal alive. England: Baughman.
G271.4.11. G271.4.11. Breaking spell on cream by holding churn handle hard against bottom of churn. This paralyzes the witch. (Cf. D2084.2.) England: Baughman.
G271.5. G271.5. Exorcism by violent treatment of the witch in person. England, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G271.6. G271.6. Exorcism of witch by countercharm. England, Ireland, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G271.7. G271.7. Exorcism of witch by special burial practice. England: *Baughman.
G271.8. G271.8. Exorcism by means of ghoulish charm. (Cf. D1278.) See Kittredge Witchcraft 141--51; England: Baughman.
G271.9. G271.9. Sick child from witchcraft is put on anvil; smith strikes violently but brings hammer down gently, three times. England: Baughman.
G271.10. G271.10. Person removes string with thirteen knots from child‘s mouth. U.S.: Baughman.
G272. G272. Protection against witches.
G272.1. G272.1. Steel powerful against witches. Fb ”stеl“ III 647a; England, U.S.: Baughman.
G272.2. G272.2. Magic herb protects from witch. *Penzer VIII 56 n. 2; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 667; West Indies: Flowers 446.
G272.2.1. G272.2.1. Rowan wood (quicken, etc.) protects against witches. Canada, England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G272.2.2. G272.2.2. Witchhazel used for protection against witches. England, Ireland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G272.2.3. G272.2.3. Hawthorn used as protection against witches. England: Baughman.
G272.2.4. G272.2.4. Bay leaves used as protection against witches. U.S.: Baughman.
G272.3. G272.3. Knife in bed as protection against witches. *Fb ”heks“ I 581a; England: Baughman.
G272.4. G272.4. Fires burnt in streets to ward off witches. Fb. ”heks“ I 581a.
G272.5. G272.5. Protection from witch by spitting. Fb ”heks“ I 581b; England, Ireland: Baughman.
G272.6. G272.6. Sieve as protection against witches. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650.
G272.7. G272.7. Object across door protects from witch. England, U.S.: *Baughman (G256.)
G272.7.1. G272.7.1. Beam across door protects from witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 645.
G272.7.2. G272.7.2. Broom across door protects from witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 653.
G272.8. G272.8. Pouring water on fire from new cup protects from witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 653.
G272.9. G272.9. Reversing the poker protects from witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 653.
G272.10. G272.10. Stopped bottle as protection against witches. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 647.
G272.11. G272.11. Horseshoe hung up as protection against witches. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650.
G272.12. G272.12. Straws as protection against witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650.
G272.13. G272.13. Stone with a hole through it protects against witches. (Hagstone) England: *Baughman.
G272.14. G272.14. Witch kept under control by means of a magic iron nail driven in her head. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 651.
G272.15. G272.15. Witch controlled by means of magic spells. India: Thompson-Balys.
G272.16. G272.16. Salt protects against witches. (Cf. G271.3, G254.2.)
G272.16.1. G272.16.1. Salt put into churn before churning to protect cream from witch. (Cf. D2084.2.) England: *Baughman.
G272.17. G272.17. Burning thatch from home of witch protects against witch. England: *Baughman.
G272.18. G272.18. Grass from new grave protects against witches. England: Baughman.
G273. G273. Witch rendered powerless.
G273.1. G273.1. Witch powerless when one makes sign of cross. (Cf. G271.2.1.) Fb ”heks“ I 581b; England, Ireland, Wales: Baughman; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 304 No. 33; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 116; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 82, 87.
G273.1.1. G273.1.1. Witch powerless from lightbeam sent by saint. Icelandic: Boberg.
G273.2. G273.2. Witch powerless when person speaks before she does. Fb ”heks“ I 581a.
G273.3. G273.3. Witch powerless at cockcrow. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 261, 307; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 83 No. 686.
G273.4. G273.4. Witch powerless to cross stream. *Fb ”vand“ III 1001a; England: Baughman.
G273.4.1. G273.4.1. If witch grabs horse‘s tail on bridge, man is safe from her. Fb ”bro“ IV 62b. Cf. Burns’s ”Tam O‘Shanter.“
G273.5. G273.5. Witches powerless at crossroads. Fb ”korsvej“ II 277.
G273.5.1. G273.5.1. Witch burned by furrows drawn round her home. Icelandic: Boberg.
G273.6. G273.6. Witch rendered powerless by drawing blood from her. England, Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G273.7. G273.7. Objects driven into tracks of witch immobilize her. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G273.7.1. G273.7.1. Straw driven into witch‘s track immobilizes her. England: Baughman.
G273.7.2. G273.7.2. Steel driven into witch’s track immobilizes her. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G274. G274. Witch snared.
G274.1. G274.1. Witch snared by setting out milk. Witches attracted by milk. Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 267 No. 74.
G275. G275. Witch defeated. Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 68.
G275.1. G275.1. Witch carried off by devil. *Kittredge Witchcraft 43, *397f. nn. 164--167; England, Wales: Baughman.
G275.1.1. G275.1.1. Witch carried off by devil‘s crew. Irish myth: Cross.
G275.2. G275.2. Witch overcome by helpful dogs of hero. Type 303; Irish myth: Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 231, 237, 239.
G275.3. G275.3. Witch burned. *Fb ”ild“ II 12b, ”brжnde“ IV 69a; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3664; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 161; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda.
G275.3.0.1. G275.3.0.1. Witch can be destroyed only by burning her to death. India: Thompson-Balys.
G275.3.1. G275.3.1. Witch burned by burning bewitched animal. *Kittredge Witchcraft 95ff., 426ff. nn. 155--172.
G275.3.2. G275.3.2. Witch’s heart (lungs, stomach) impossible to burn. Lithuanian: Balys Historical.
G275.4. G275.4. Seven-headed witch defeated by throwing egg at each head. Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 268 Nos. 79, 80.
G275.4.1. G275.4.1. Witch killed, as egg with her soul is crushed against her forehead. Icelandic: Boberg.
G275.5. G275.5. Witch forced to divulge her secret powers. Africa (Bondei): Woodward FL XXXVI 367ff. No. 12.
G275.5.1. G275.5.1. Witch bribed to divulge her secret powers. Africa (Kordofan): Frobenius Atlantis IV 101ff. No. 11.
G275.6. G275.6. Witch surrendered by sons. Irish myth: Cross.
G275.7. G275.7. Witch bound and beaten. Irish myth: Cross.
G275.7.1. G275.7.1. Witch beheaded. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G275.8. G275.8. Hero kills witch. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G275.8.1. G275.8.1. Witch killed by placing salt or pepper inside skin while it is laid aside. (Cf. G229.1.1.) South Carolina Negro: Parsons MAFLS XVI 63.
G275.8.2. G275.8.2. Witch overcome by help of fairy. (Cf. N815.) French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G275.9. G275.9. Fighting and wrestling with witch. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G275.10. G275.10. Witch as participater in battle. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G275.11. G275.11. Witches punished in hell. Irish myth: *Cross.
G275.12. G275.12. Witch in the form of an animal is injured or killed as a result of the injury to the animal. (Cf. G252, G275.14.) Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, U.S., Wales: *Baughman.
G275.13. G275.13. Rough treatment of object causes injury or death to witch. Canada, England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G275.14. G275.14. Witch out of body while traveling at night is injured; witch‘s body is injured at home. (Cf. G275.12.) U.S.: *Baughman.
G275.15. G275.15. Witch overcome by threats. India: Thompson-Balys.
G275.15.1. G275.15.1. Witch overcome by threatening with sword. India: Thompson-Balys.
G276. G276. Escape from witch. Japanese: Ikeda.
G276.1. G276.1. Hen put in witch’s hair to scratch while maid escapes. Fb ”hцne“ I 750b, ”klш“ II 202b, ”kylling“ II 347.
G277. G277. Testing of witches. **Hertz Aus Dichtung und Saga 198ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3664.
G278. G278. Death of witch.
G278.1. G278.1. Marvelous manifestations at death of witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection 386.
G279. G279. Witch overcome or escaped--miscellaneous.
G279.1. G279.1. Overpowered witch-maid commits suicide. India: Thompson-Balys.
G279.2. G279.2. Theft from witch.
G279.2.1. G279.2.1. Gold stolen from witch. India: Thompson-Balys.
G280. G280. Witches--miscellaneous motifs.
G281. G281. Consecrated wafer kept in mouth in order to be a witch. Kittredge Witchcraft 149, 469 n. 105; England, U.S.: Baughman.
G281.1. G281.1. Witch gives away consecrated wafer after service. (Cf. H1292.4.1.) England: *Baughman.
G282. G282. Witches punish lazy spinning women. *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 6.
G283. G283. Witches have control over weather. *Kittredge Witchcraft 152ff., 472ff. nn. 1ff.; Icelandic: *Boberg; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 295 No. 14, 307 No. 28.
G283.1. G283.1. Witch raises winds.
G283.1.1. G283.1.1. Methods witch uses to raise wind. (Cf. D2142.0.1.2, D2142.1.5.)
G283.1.2. G283.1.2. Reason why witch raises wind.
G283.1.2.1. G283.1.2.1. Witch raises contrary wind to keep ship in port. Ireland, U.S.: Baughman.
G283.1.2.2. G283.1.2.2. Witch raises wind to aid becalmed boat. Scotland: Baughman.
G283.1.2.3. G283.1.2.3. Witch raises wind to sink ships of people who have injured her. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G283.1.2.4. G283.1.2.4. Witch raises wind to winnow grain. U.S.: Baughman.
G283.1.2.5. G283.1.2.5. Witch raises wind to blow man‘s fleeces away. U.S.: Baughman.
G283.1.2.6. G283.1.2.6. Witch raises wind to break up enemy’s lumber pound. England: Baughman.
G283.1.3. G283.1.3. Witch sells power to control winds. (Cf. D2142.0.1.1, D1541.1.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G283.2. G283.2. Witch keeps winds from blowing. (Cf. D2142.1.)
G283.2.1. G283.2.1. Witch keeps wind from blowing by putting cat under barrel. (Cf. D2142.1.5.) U.S.: Baughman.
G283.3. G283.3. Witch produces rain or snow. (Cf. D2143.)
G283.4. G283.4. Witch produces clear weather. U.S.: Baughman.
G284. G284. Witch as helper. Fb ”heks“ I 582; Icelandic: *Boberg; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 76, 136, 140, 141, 178; Hindu: Tawney II 608; West Indies: Flowers 447.
G285. G285. Witches avoid religious ceremonies. Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 165.
G285.1. G285.1. At communion witches spit out wine over shoulder. Fb ”heks“ I 580.
G286. G286. Initiation into witchcraft. Icelandic: *Boberg; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn IV (1901) 144ff., (1936) 230ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G286.1. G286.1. Women learn witchcraft by masking as men. Hence women are witches. India: Thompson-Balys.
G287. G287. Witches married to fairies. India: Thompson-Balys.
G288. G288. Witch escapes from locked room. India: Thompson-Balys.
G291. G291. Witch executed for engaging in witchcraft. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G292. G292. Witch makes man engage in dangerous contests. N. A. Indian (Zuсi): *Benedict 345.
G299. G299. Other witch motifs.
G299.1. G299.1. Witch calls up spirits of dead, causes them to walk on water. (Cf. E380.) U.S.: Baughman.
G299.2. G299.2. Witch is heard struggling with devil. (Cf. G303.6.2.2.) England: Baughman.
G300--G399. Other ogres.
G300. G300. Other ogres.
G301. G301. Monsters. Usually not clearly defined. See this entire chapter on ogres. Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
G302. G302. Demons. Malevolent creatures (not usually further defined). Irish: Plummer cliii, *Cross; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 305 No. 36; Jewish: *Neuman; Babylonian: Spence 276f.; Hindu: Penzer I 205, Tawney II 232 n.; Chinese: Graham, Werner 432b s.v. ”Demons“; Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 82; S. A. Indian (Chaco): Alexander Lat. Am. 323.
G302.1. G302.1. Origin of demons and their companions. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.1.1. G302.1.1. Demons: soul of the giants who perished in the flood. (Cf. A1010.) Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.1.2. G302.1.2. Evil spirits born of echo in chaos. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.2. G302.2. Varieties of demons. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.2.1. G302.2.1. Kingdom of demons. (Cf. G303.) Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.2.2. G302.2.2. Devil King. Chinese: Graham.
G302.3. G302.3. Form of demon.
G302.3.0.1. G302.3.0.1. Demon’s size changed at will. (Cf. D631.7.) Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.3.1. G302.3.1. Demon as fiery pillar. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.3.2. G302.3.2. Demon in animal form. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.3.3. G302.3.3. Demon in form of old woman. (Cf. C745, D651, G1263.0.1.) India: *Thompson-Balys.
G302.4. G302.4. Physical characteristics of demons.
G302.4.1. G302.4.1. Six characteristics of demons: three like angels, three like men. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.4.2. G302.4.2. Invisibility of demons. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.4.3. G302.4.3. Demons have only souls but no bodies. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.4.4. G302.4.4. Demons cast no shadow. (Cf. F1038, G369.3.) Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.4.5. G302.4.5. Feet of demons. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.4.5.1. G302.4.5.1. Demons have cock-feet. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.5. G302.5. Haunts of demons.
G302.5.1. G302.5.1. Desert the abode of demons. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.5.2. G302.5.2. Egypt as abode of demons. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.5.3. G302.5.3. Demons present at discussion in academies. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.6. G302.6. Circumstances of demons‘ appearance.
G302.6.1. G302.6.1. Demons appear only at stated times. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.7. G302.7. Mortal experiences of demons.
G302.7.1. G302.7.1. Sexual relation between man and demons. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.7.2. G302.7.2. Demons marry among themselves. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.8. G302.8. Demon’s helpers. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9. G302.9. Deeds of demons.
G302.9.1. G302.9.1. Demons attack men. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.2. G302.9.2. Demons abduct men and torment them. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.3. G302.9.3. Demons tempt men. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.4. G302.9.4. Demons injure and strangle little children. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.9.5. G302.9.5. Demons help Satan. (Cf. G303.10.) Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.6. G302.9.6. Demons fool men in their dreams. (Cf. G303.11.1.) Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.7. G302.9.7. Enormous quantities of food eaten by demons. Jewish: Neuman.
G302.9.8. G302.9.8. Demons teach men idolatry. Jewish: *Neuman.
G302.9.9. G302.9.9. Demons goad man to treachery. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil. (The Devil, Satan, The Bad Man, Old Nick, etc.)1 Not clearly differentiated, especially in German tradition, from the stupid ogre. (See also F531 (Giant), G100--199 and G500--699.)--**Wьnsche Teufel; **A Graf The Story of the Devil (tr. E. N. Stone) (London, 1931); **M. J. Rudwin The Devil in Legend and Literature (Chicago 1931); P. Carus History of the Devil (Chicago, 1900); **Toldo II 329ff.; **O. A. Erich Die Darstellung des Teufels in der christlichen Kunst (Berlin, 1931); *De Vooys Middelnederlandse Legenden en Exempelen 159ff.; S. Freud Die Teufelsneurose im 17. Jahrhundert (Wien, 1928).--Irish myth: Cross; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 687; Icelandic: *Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: **P. Danielsson Djдvulgestalten i Finlands svenska Folktro (Bidrag till kдnnedom af Finlands natur och folk LXXXIV pt. 2, [Helsingfors, 1932] 157); Estonian: Loorits Grundzьge I 135--152; Jewish: *Neuman.
Motif: Supplementary Bibliography for G303
Campbell, J. G. Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Glasgow, 1900.
Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. London, 1903.
Danielsson, P. Djдvulgestalten i Finlands Svenska Folktro. Helsingfors, 1930.
G303.1. G303.1. The origin of the devil and his companions. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.1.1. G303.1.1. The devil originates from God. Dh I 12; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.1.1.1. G303.1.1.1. God creates the devil (Satan) from his own shadow. Dh I 44.
G303.1.1.2. G303.1.1.2. Devil originates from God‘s spittle. Dh I 61ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3001, Legends Nos. 1, 3, 8.
G303. G303. The devil originates from the spittle of an evil man. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.1.1.3. G303.1.1.3. God changes an angel into the devil, because he tried to imitate God in creating the world. Dh I 139.
G303.1.1.4. G303.1.1.4. God creates the devil by striking a stone with his whip. Dh I 33.
G303.1.2. G303.1.2. God discovers the devil.
G303.1.2.1. G303.1.2.1. God finds the devil sitting under a tree which was made by his throwing his staff into the water. Dh I 35.
G303.1.2.2. G303.1.2.2. God finds the devil under a stone. Dh I 31.
G303.1.2.3. G303.1.2.3. God discovers the devil in a piece of solid foam. Dh I 43.
G303.1.3. G303.1.3. The devil is created without the special aid of God.
G303.1.3.1. G303.1.3.1. The devil is developed from man. Dh I 4f.; West Indies: Flowers 447.
G303.1.3.2. G303.1.3.2. The devil is created out of a bubble. Dh I 19, 66f.
G303.1.3.3. G303.1.3.3. The devil is created out of sea-foam. Dh I 19.
G303.1.3.4. G303.1.3.4. Pagan gods became devils. *Loomis White Magic 75.
G303.1.3.5. G303.1.3.5. Satan created out of hell fire. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.1.4. G303.1.4. The devil creates other devils. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3001.
G303.1.4.1. G303.1.4.1. The devil creates devils by casting water behind himself.
G303.1.4.2. G303.1.4.2. Devils are created from sparks produced by Satan’s striking two stones together. Dh I 60ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3001, Legends Nos. 1, 3.
G303.1.5. G303.1.5. Five devils created by Adam create other devils in the same manner. Adam has created five devils by wetting five fingers with dew and shaking them behind him; God had commanded him to wet one finger. (Cf. G303.1.4.1.) Dh I 49.
G303.1.6. G303.1.6. Devils are created from sinful priests. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.1.7. G303.1.7. Tuatha De Danann as demons (fallen angels). Irish myth: Cross.
G303.1.8. G303.1.8. Two devils (male and female) extracted from corpse‘s belly. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.2. G303.2. Names applied to the devil. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.2.1. G303.2.1. Devil calls himself ”Puss“. Fb I 266b.
G303.2.2. G303.2.2. Devil is called ”the black one“. Fb I 267b; Wьnsche Teufel 51f.
G303.2.3. G303.2.3. Devil says his name is ”Millearces“ (thousand ways to lead men to sin). Scala Celi 165b No. 932.
G303.2.4. G303.2.4. Gaelic titles given to the devil: the worthless one; the one whom I will not mention; yon one; the one big one; the one from the abyss; the mean mischievous one; the big sorrow; the son of cursing; the big grizzled one; the bad one; the bad spirit; Black Donald. J. G. Campbell Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (Glasgow, 1900) 291.
G303.3. G303.3. Forms in which the devil appears. *Toldo II 330ff.
G303.3.0.1. G303.3.0.1. Devil in hideous form. (Cf. G303.3.1.4.) Irish myth: *Cross India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.1. G303.3.1. The devil in human form. *Loomis White Magic 74; Danielsson Vol. II; Scala Celi 42b, 45a Nos. 243, 255; Irish: *Cross; Beal XXI 307, 313, 315, 330; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos 70, 83, 91--93, 155, 200, 218; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 617.
G303. G303. Devils in guise of human beings require remarkable quantity of food. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.1.1. G303.3.1.1. The devil as a large, strong man. Henne-Am Rhyn Deutsche Volkssage (1874) 278.
G303.3.1.2. G303.3.1.2. The devil as a well-dressed gentleman. Wьnsche Teufel 37f., 54, 59f.; Irish myth: Cross; Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 293; U.S.: Baughman; Georgia Negro: Harris Remus 32; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 8 No. 66; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 347ff., 353, 357, 361, 363f., 367ff., 402, 413, 415, 425ff., 430f., 433ff., 437ff., 441--47, 449ff., 454, 456ff., 461, 464, 466, 655ff., 684f., 737, 764, 766, 772, 776, 786f., 803, 805, 808, 844; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.1.3. G303.3.1.3. The devil as a distinguished-looking knight. Wьnsche Teufel 61f.
G303. G303. Devil as a ribald traveler. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.1.4. G303.3.1.4. Devil appears in the form of a man who is repugnantly ugly. (Cf. G303.3.0.1.) Wessman 8 No. 66, Wьnsche Teufel 103f.; Irish: Cross, O’Suilleabhain 35, Beal XXI 312; England: Baughman.
G303.3.1.5. G303.3.1.5. The devil as a little, gray old man. Wessman 12 No. 99; Wьnsche Teufel 52f.; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 440, 448, 458.
G303.3.1.6. G303.3.1.6. The devil as a black man. Wьnsche Teufel 30f., 106f., Fb I 266b; Irish: *Cross, O‘Suilleabhain 35f., Beal XXI 313.
G303.3.1.7. G303.3.1.7. Devil as a huntsman. Wьnsche Teufel 33f., 49f.; Hunt Popular Romances of West of England (London, 1903) 222; Nouvelles de Sens No. 5.
G303.3.1.8. G303.3.1.8. Devil in form of priest. Scala Celi 45a, 45b Nos. 254, 257; Crane Vitry 246 No. 263; *Loomis White Magic 74; England: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3330, Legends Nos. 419--422, 424.
G303. G303. Devil as a hermit. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G303. G303. Devil as ascetic. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 617.
G303.3.1.9. G303.3.1.9. Devil in form of pilgrim. Scala Celi 153a No. 844; Alphabet No. 620.
G303.3.1.10. G303.3.1.10. Devil as a peasant. England: Hunt Popular Romances 232; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 543.
G303.3.1.11. G303.3.1.11. Devil as three gentlemen. They come for a dying man. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 295.
G303.3.1.12. G303.3.1.12. Devil in form of woman. Lures man. *Loomis White Magic 75; Irish myth: *Cross; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 554ff., 762, 801, 834ff.; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: Thompson-Balys.
G303. G303. Devil in form of woman lures and punishes women. Introduces men disguised as women to seduce impious nuns. Italian Novella: *Rotunda.
G303. G303. Devil as a beautiful young woman seduces man. Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys.
G303. G303. Devil appears as a beautiful black wench. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303. G303. Devil appears as old woman to seduce monk from cloister. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303. G303. Devil (in queen’s form) insatiable, although she copulates with all men and horses. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.1.13. G303.3.1.13. Devil as cook. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303.3.1.14. G303.3.1.14. Devil as student. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.3.1.15. G303.3.1.15. Devil appears as a Jew. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.1.16. G303.3.1.16. Devil appears as a child. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.1.17. G303.3.1.17. Devils appear as ladies and gentlemen. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.1.18. G303.3.1.18. Devil as shoemaker. Estonian, Livonian, Latvian, Lithuanian: *Balys Tautosakos Darbai VI 105--110.
G303.3.1.19. G303.3.1.19. Devil as merchant. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.3.1.20. G303.3.1.20. Devil appears in shape of a dead man while hidden in his corpse or skin. Lithuanian: Balys Ghosts.
G303.3.1.21. G303.3.1.21. The devil as a great hairy man. England: Baughman.
G303.3.1.22. G303.3.1.22. Devil as astrologer. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.1.23. G303.3.1.23. Satan disguised as beggar. (Cf. K1817.1.) Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.3.1.24. G303.3.1.24. Satan as very old man. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.3.1.25. G303.3.1.25. Satan disguised as king. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.3.2. G303.3.2. The devil in superhuman from.
G303.3.2.1. G303.3.2.1. Devil appears as Christ. Scala Celi 45a No. 256; *Loomis White Magic 74; Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303. G303. Devil as crucifix. *Loomis White Magic 75; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303.3.2.2. G303.3.2.2. Devil (Satan) appears as an angel. Dh I 228; *Loomis White Magic 74; Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.3.2.3. G303.3.2.3. Devil as a dwarf. Irish myth: Cross; German: Henne-Am Rhyn 278.
G303.3.2.4. G303.3.2.4. Devil in form of dragons and monsters of various sorts. *Loomis White Magic 74.
G303.3.2.5. G303.3.2.5. Devil appears as Virgin Mary. Irish: O‘Suilleabhain 41.
G303.3.3. G303.3.3. The devil in animal form. *Loomis White Magic 74; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.3.1. G303.3.3.1. Devil in form of domestic beast.
G303. G303. Devil in form of dog. Wьnsche Teufel 83f.; Fb I 189a, 266b, 676a, II 636b, 891b, IV 227a; Tobler 46; Wessman 9 No. 67; Grunwald Hessische Blдtter f. Vksk. XXX--XXXI 317; *Loomis White Magic 74. Irish: Beal XXI 321, 327, O’Suilleabhain 54, 75; Icelandic: *Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: Danielsson I 86; Spanish Exempla: Keller; South America (Colombia, Argentina, Brazil): Jijena Sanchez 90, 103, 106.
G303. G303. Devil in form of a cat. *Loomis White Magic 74; Irish: O‘Suilleabhain 40, Beal XXI 315; Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 306; U.S.: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Danielsson I 99; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 454, 538ff.; French: Sйbillot France III 124; Tobler 46.
G303. G303. Devil as horse. Howey Horse in Magic and Myth 35ff.; *Loomis White Magic 74; Kittredge Witchcraft 177 n. 31; Boggs FFC XC 90 No. 762; Kцhler-Bolte II 266ff.; Fb I 266b; England, U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: Danielsson op. cit. I 68; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 667ff., 760, 781f.; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303. G303. Devil in form of cow (bull, ox). Tobler 46; Fb I 266b; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 616.
G303. G303. Devil in form of swine. Fb I 266b; Scala Celi 120b No. 659; Tobler 46; *Loomis White Magic 74; U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 558, 705.
G303. G303. Devil in form of goat. Irish myth: Cross; Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 290; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3300, Legends Nos. 529--36f., 541, 545, 550f., 554, 777ff., 832; Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of ram. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 537, 542ff., 546ff., 780.
G303.3.3.2. G303.3.3.2. Devil in form of wild beast.
G303. G303. Devil in form of wolf. Fb I 189; *Loomis White Magic 74; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 594ff.; French: Sйbillot France III 34, IV 118.
G303. G303. Devil in form of fox. Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 180.
G303. G303. Devil in form of hare. Fb I 266b; England, U.S.: Baughman; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 124 No. 51; Finnish: FFC XXXIII 42 No. 51.
G303. G303. Devil in form of mouse. Tobler 45; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 192, 194f.
G303. G303. Devil in form of lion. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303. G303. Devil in form of squirrel. Tobler 46.
G303. G303. Devil in form of monkey. Scala Celi 62b No. 340; Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 89.
G303. G303. Devil in form of deer. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of hyena. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of a terrifying elephant. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 436.
G303.3.3.3. G303.3.3.3. Devil in form of bird. *Loomis White Magic 74; Irish myth: Cross; England: Baughman; Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of raven. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 295; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 400ff., 405ff., 411; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 314 No. 110.
G303. G303. Devil in form of crow. Scala Celi 168a No. 954; England: Baughman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of black bird. Tobler 45.
G303. G303. Devil in form of woodcock. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 42 No. 51; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 124 No. 51.
G303. G303. Devil in form of cock. Fb IV 272b.
G303. G303. Devil in form of owl. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.3.3.4. G303.3.3.4. Devil in form of insect.
G303. G303. Devil in form of gnat. Tobler Epiphanie der Seele 45.
G303. G303. Devil in form of spider. Hangs from the clouds. Dh I 135; Scotland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman.
G303. G303. Devil in form of wasp. Irish myth: Cross.
G303. G303. Devil in form of fly. *Loomis White Magic 74; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 404.
G303.3.3.5. G303.3.3.5. Devil in form of fish.
G303.3.3.6. G303.3.3.6. Devil in form of reptile.
G303. G303. Devil in form of snake. Sneaks into the ark. *Loomis White Magic 74; Dh I 268; U.S., England: Baughman; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.3.3.7. G303.3.3.7. Devil in form of amphibian.
G303. G303. Devil in form of toad. Fb III 888b; Kittredge Witchcraft 181 n. 72; England: *Baughman.
G303.3.3.8. G303.3.3.8. Miscellaneous other animal forms in which the devil appears: bear; ant; wild goose. Fb IV 99a; *Loomis White Magic 74; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.3.4. G303.3.4. Devil in form of inanimate objects.
G303.3.4.1. G303.3.4.1. Devil in form of wheel on wagon. Fb I 266b.
G303.3.4.2. G303.3.4.2. Devil as a black ball. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 9 No. 68.
G303. G303. Devil as a ball of fire. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 848ff.
G303.3.4.3. G303.3.4.3. Devil (Black Donald) as a bunch of ferns. Rolls down hill. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 303.
G303.3.4.4. G303.3.4.4. Devil as wind. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil as whirlwind. Persons met by him are killed or maimed. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 14 No. 122.
G303.3.4.5. G303.3.4.5. Devil as a barrel. Rolls and is impossible to catch. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 802.
G303.3.4.6. G303.3.4.6. Devil in shape of a stone. Lithuanian: Balys Historical.
G303.3.4.7. G303.3.4.7. Devil in the form of a sheaf. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.3.4.8. G303.3.4.8. Devil in form of round bowl. Wales: Baughman.
G303.3.4.9. G303.3.4.9. Devil in form of house. Wales: Baughman.
G303.3.4.10. G303.3.4.10. Devil in form of ungainly bundle. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.3.4.11. G303.3.4.11. Devil as stream of water. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.3.5. G303.3.5. Devil changes shape. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.5.1. G303.3.5.1. Devil becomes larger and larger. Wьnsche Teufel 40; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 532, 539, 542, 556, 722, 780, 839; India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.3.5.2. G303.3.5.2. Devil becomes smaller and smaller. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 837f.
G303.3.5.3. G303.3.5.3. Devil becomes heavier and heavier. Animal taken into cart becomes so heavy that horses are unable to pull cart. If it is brought home it turns to stone or tree-stump. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3301; Legends Nos. 533, 535, 541ff., 545--53, 558.
G303.3.6. G303.3.6. Forms into which the devil cannot change.
G303.3.6.1. G303.3.6.1. Devil cannot change into pike. Fb I 440a.
G303.3.6.2. G303.3.6.2. Devil cannot change into dove. Tobler 46; England: Baughman.
G303.3.6.3. G303.3.6.3. Devil cannot change into lamb. Tobler 46; England: Baughman.
G303. G303. The devil cannot change into a sheep. Dh I 165.
G303.4. G303.4. The devil’s physical characteristics.
G303.4.1. G303.4.1. The devil‘s head.
G303.4.1.1. G303.4.1.1. Devil has ninety-nine heads. Dh I 135.
G303.4.1.2. G303.4.1.2. Devil’s eyes.
G303. G303. Devil with eye in middle of forehead. Type 756B; Fb I 189b, 266b; Andrejev FFC LXIX 62.
G303. G303. Devil with glowing eyes. Fb I 189b, 266b, U.S.: Baughman.
G303. G303. Two beams of fire shoot from devil‘s eyes. England: Hunt Popular Romances 218.
G303. G303. Devil has saucer eyes. English: Hunt 224.
G303. G303. Devil has passionate look in eyes. Wьnsche Teufel 59.
G303. G303. Devil has no eyebrows. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303. G303. Devil is blind. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.4.1.3. G303.4.1.3. Devil’s beard.
G303. G303. Devil has a red beard. Dh I 239; German: Henne-Am Rhyn (1874) 278.
G303.4.1.4. G303.4.1.4. Devil‘s nose.
G303. G303. Devil has a long nose. German: Henne-Am Rhyn (1874) 277.
G303. G303. Devil has only one nostril or is without nostrils at all. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 349, 351, 395, 654f., 657f., 776, 785f., 799, 803, 814.
G303.4.1.5. G303.4.1.5. Devil’s teeth.
G303. G303. Devil has shining teeth. Girl wishes to marry man whose teeth shine. Such a man appears and they marry. When he removes his hat she finds he is the devil. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 52 No. 340a, Espinosa Jr. No. 93.
G303. G303. One of devil‘s teeth grows down to the earth; another to sky. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.4.1.6. G303.4.1.6. Devil has horns. Scotland: Baughman; German: Henne-Am Rhyn 278; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles No. 70.
G303. G303. Devil has two horns. Wьnsche Teufel 40.
G303. G303. Devil child born with horns. U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.4.1.7. G303.4.1.7. The devil’s face.
G303. G303. Devil‘s face is black. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.4.1.8. G303.4.1.8. Devil’s hair. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Devil‘s hair blood-red. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303. G303. Devil has three golden hairs. *Type 461.
G303.4.2. G303.4.2. The devil’s wings.
G303.4.2.1. G303.4.2.1. The devil has six wings. Dh I 138.
G303.4.2.2. G303.4.2.2. The devil has twelve wings. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.4.3. G303.4.3. The devil‘s thumb.
G303.4.3.1. G303.4.3.1. Devil has glowing thumb. Wьnsche Teufel 44.
G303.4.3.2. G303.4.3.2. Devil’s thumb the size of two fists. Wьnsche Teufel 44.
G303.4.4. G303.4.4. Devil has claws. Wьnsche Teufel 42f., 83f.
G303.4.4.1. G303.4.4.1. Devil has five claws. Wьnsche Teufel 84.
G303.4.4.2. G303.4.4.2. Devil has claws on his feet. One can tell a devil by claws protruding through his shoes. Fb II 184, 204b.
G303.4.5. G303.4.5. The devil‘s feet and legs.
G303.4.5.1. G303.4.5.1. Devils have only one leg. They broke one leg when trying to run away from God’s attack to protect himself from them. Dh I 50.
G303. G303. Devil has only one foot. The wolf which he made has eaten the other. Dh I 148.
G303. G303. Devil‘s shoes are empty. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 350, 654, 657.
G303.4.5.2. G303.4.5.2. Devil has a broken foot. He limps. Type 756B; Andrejev FFC LXIX 62, *231 n.; German: Henne-Am Rhyn 277.
G303.4.5.3. G303.4.5.3. Devil has horse’s foot. Type 756B; Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 226; Andrejev FFC LXIX 62; Fb I 601b; Wьnsche Teufel 52.--Scotch Campbell Superstitions 290; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 8 No. 66; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 137.
G303. G303. Devil detected by his hoofs. While playing cards the devil drops a card on the floor and his partners notice his monstrous feet. England, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 41 No. 34; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 120 No. 34; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3350, Legends Nos. 676, 793.
G303. G303. Devil’s footprints without any toes. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.4.5.4. G303.4.5.4. The devil has goat feet. Irish: O‘Suilleabhain 92, Beal XXI 330; England: Baughman; German: Henne-Am Rhyn (Leipzig, 1874) 278.
G303. G303. Devil is betrayed by his goat hoofs. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 8 No. 66.
G303.4.5.5. G303.4.5.5. Devil has pig’s foot. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 290.
G303.4.5.6. G303.4.5.6. Devil‘s knees are backwards. Type 756B; Andrejev FFC LXIX 62; Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.4.5.7. G303.4.5.7. Devil has no heels. Bitten off by wolf who was created by devil. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 139f., 142.
G303.4.5.8. G303.4.5.8. Devil has club foot. England, U.S.: Baughman.
G303.4.5.9. G303.4.5.9. Devil has cock’s feet. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.4.6. G303.4.6. The devil‘s tail. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 792.
G303.4.6.1. G303.4.6.1. A little girl recognizes the devil by his tail. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 119 No. 29; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3675, Legends Nos. 382, 395.
G303.4.6.2. G303.4.6.2. Boy recognizes devil when he fans fire with his tail. Africa (Masai): Fuchs Sagen, Mythen, und Sitten der Masai (Jena, 1910) 21ff. No. 4.
G303.4.7. G303.4.7. Devil speaks with voice of a he-goat. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 301.
G303.4.8. G303.4.8. Miscellaneous characteristics of devil.
G303.4.8.1. G303.4.8.1. Devil has sulphurous odor. (Cf. G303.6.3.4, G303.17.2.8.) England, U.S.: Baughman; German: Henne-Am Rhyn (1874) 271; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.4.8.2. G303.4.8.2. Devil holds molten coin in mouth. Fb I 267a.
G303. G303. Devil holds fire in his hands. Irish: O’Suilleabhain 38.
G303.4.8.3. G303.4.8.3. Devil claims to be 7,777 years old. Dh I 195.
G303.4.8.4. G303.4.8.4. Devil never eats in an inn. Devil‘s coachman observes this. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 119 No. 28.
G303.4.8.5. G303.4.8.5. Devil carries a thorn stick. German: Henne-Am Rhyn 278.
G303.4.8.6. G303.4.8.6. Devil is swift of foot. Type 756B; Andrejev FFC LXIX 62; Irish myth: Cross.
G303.4.8.7. G303.4.8.7. Devil with pitchfork. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 688.
G303.4.8.8. G303.4.8.8. Devil laughs (weeps) when men weep (laugh). Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.4.8.9. G303.4.8.9. Devil all speckled and spotted. England: Baughman.
G303.4.8.10. G303.4.8.10. Devil’s hand marks person he touches. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.4.8.11. G303.4.8.11. Devil in animal form cannot be hit by bullets. Scotland, U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.4.8.12. G303.4.8.12. Devil picks up live coals to light pipe. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.4.8.13. G303.4.8.13. Devil invisible. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.5. G303.5. How the devil is dressed.
G303.5.1. G303.5.1. Devil is dressed in black. French: Sйbillot France I 287, III 144; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.5.1.1. G303.5.1.1. Devil in a black cloak. German: Henne-Am Rhyn 278.
G303.5.2. G303.5.2. Devil is dressed in green.
G303.5.2.1. G303.5.2.1. Devil in green clothing with hat. Wьnsche Teufel 34f.
G303.5.2.2. G303.5.2.2. Devil as a hunter in green. Wьnsche Teufel 53f., 90f.
G303.5.2.3. G303.5.2.3. Devil wears a bright green coat. German: Henne-Am Rhyn 278.
G303.5.3. G303.5.3. The devil dressed in red. French: Sйbillot France II 29.
G303.5.4. G303.5.4. Devil dressed in blue clothes. Fb I 266a; U.S.: Baughman.
G303.5.5. G303.5.5. Devil dressed in hunting clothes. Wьnsche Teufel 65f.
G303.6. G303.6. Circumstances of the devil‘s appearance. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.6.1. G303.6.1. When the devil appears. Danielsson Djдvulgestalten i Finlands Svenska Folktro (Helsingfors, 1930) 74.
G303.6.1.1. G303.6.1.1. Devil appears at midnight. Hunt Popular Romances 230; Wьnsche Teufel 54, 59, 106f.; Danielsson op. cit. 77.
G303.6.1.2. G303.6.1.2. Devil comes when called upon. Fb I 267a, IV 99a; Wьnsche Teufel 54, 99; Irish: O’Suilleabhain 34, 59, Beal XXI 312, 323; English: Hunt 232, 241; England, Wales: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 12 No. 106; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 601--604.
G303. G303. Devil writes into book names of those who call on him. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.6.1.3. G303.6.1.3. Devil appears to claim soul offered to devil in jest. Wьnsche Teufel 36f.; Irish: O’Suilleabhain 56, Beal XXI 322.
G303.6.1.4. G303.6.1.4. Devil appears when a woman looks at herself in the mirror after sunset. England, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; French: Sйbillot France I 139; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303.6.1.5. G303.6.1.5. Devil appears when cards are played. Fb IV 99a; Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 292.
G303.6.1.6. G303.6.1.6. Devil invoked through medium of a black dog. Peru: Jijena Sanchez 132.
G303.6.1.7. G303.6.1.7. Devil appears on Hallowe‘en. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.6.2. G303.6.2. People to whom the devil appears.
G303.6.2.1. G303.6.2.1. Devil appears invisible among dancers. (Cf. G303.10.4.) Canada, U.S.: *Baughman (G303.6.2.12); Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10 No. 79; Icelandic: Boberg.
G303.6.2.2. G303.6.2.2. Devil appears at meetings of witches. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 292; Finnish-Swedish: Danielsson op. cit. 84.
G303.6.2.3. G303.6.2.3. Devil appears among youths who jest while they say their evening prayers. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10 No. 76.
G303.6.2.4. G303.6.2.4. Devil visible to one who walks in minister’s (or minister‘s wife’s) holy shoes (galoshes). Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10. No. 79.
G303.6.2.5. G303.6.2.5. Devil appears to persons ready to abandon their integrity. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 292.
G303.6.2.6. G303.6.2.6. Devil appears to minister‘s serving man to warn of impending disaster to the house. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 298f.
G303.6.2.7. G303.6.2.7. Devil appears to girl who prays over pit where she has thrown the bodies of her babies. French: Sйbillot France II 313.
G303.6.2.8. G303.6.2.8. Devil appears to dying man. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.6.2.9. G303.6.2.9. Devil appears to saint (cleric). Irish myth: *Cross.
G303. G303. Saint is able to see devils. *Loomis White Magic 76f.
G303.6.2.10. G303.6.2.10. Devil appears to scholar. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.6.2.11. G303.6.2.11. Devil appears to Eve. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.6.2.12. G303.6.2.12. Devil hides in clothes of people running from storm. See references to G303. Balys Tautosakos Darbai VI 87--100.
G303.6.2.13. G303.6.2.13. Devil appears to person who cuts both ends off loaf of bread. England: Baughman.
G303.6.2.14. G303.6.2.14. Devil appears to Sabbath breakers. (Cf. C631.) England, Wales: *Baughman.
G303.6.2.15. G303.6.2.15. Devil appears when person steals.
G303. G303. Devil causes boy to make noise of wind breaking after he has stolen bushel of corn to pay for shoes. (Cf. D2063.5.) U.S.: Baughman.
G303.6.3. G303.6.3. Natural phenomena accompanying the devil’s appearance.
G303.6.3.1. G303.6.3.1. Devil is followed by a thunderstorm. Dh I 154; England, U.S.: Baughman.
G303. G303. The devil appears during thunderstorm, seeking shelter among people. Swedish, Lappish, Finnish, Estonian, Livonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, White Russian: *Balys Tautosakos Darbai VI 87--100.
G303.6.3.2. G303.6.3.2. Devil comes in the whirlwind. French: Sйbillot France I 113.
G303.6.3.3. G303.6.3.3. Devil and the wind travel together. French: Sйbillot France II 313.
G303.6.3.4. G303.6.3.4. Devil appears in an intense light and with strong odor of sulphur. (Cf. G303.4.8.1.) Sйbillot France II 313; U.S.: Baughman.
G303.6.3.5. G303.6.3.5. Devil‘s coming heralded by piercing whistle. German: Grimm No. 195.
G303.7. G303.7. How the devil travels.
G303.7.1. G303.7.1. Devil rides horse. U.S.: Baughman; Irish: Beal XXI 322, O’Suilleabhain 55.
G303.7.1.1. G303.7.1.1. Devil rides on black horse. Wesselski Mдrchen 199; English: Hunt Popular Romances 217, 222, Baughman.
G303.7.1.2. G303.7.1.2. Devil‘s horses are transformed men. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 33; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 118 Nos. 25, 33; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3304, Legends Nos. 469, 581ff., 585.
G303. G303. Devil’s horse has human feet. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 33; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 120 No. 33.
G303. G303. Devil (gentleman) invites traveler into his wagon. Explains that his horses are Earl X, etc. (Cf. G303.25.17.1.) Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 118 No. 25.
G303. G303. Devil (gentleman) invites girls into his sleigh. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303.7.1.3. G303.7.1.3. Devil rides horse at night hunting lost souls over the heath. England: Baughman.
G303.7.2. G303.7.2. Devil rides away on an ass. Angered because God has not invited him to his wedding. Dh I 129.
G303.7.3. G303.7.3. Devil drives horse and wagon. Fb I 266b; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 9 No. 69.
G303.7.3.1. G303.7.3.1. Devil in wagon drawn by two black horses carries off impious people. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 13 No. 118; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 822.
G303.7.3.2. G303.7.3.2. Devil drives carriage drawn by horses whose nostrils shoot fire. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 9 No. 69; French: Sйbillot France I 428.
G303.7.3.3. G303.7.3.3. Devil in coach drawn by headless horses. English: Hunt Popular Romances 224ff.
G303.7.3.4. G303.7.3.4. Devil pursues man from carriage drawn by four white horses. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.7.3.5. G303.7.3.5. Devil travels in coach drawn by four blood-red horses, the hoofs of which strike fire from the pavement. German: Grimm No. 120.
G303.7.4. G303.7.4. Devil comes in a cart. Fb I 266b; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 776.
G303.7.5. G303.7.5. Devil drives several teams of oxen. English: Hunt Popular Romances 230.
G303.7.6. G303.7.6. Devil rides on hog, drives another. Fb III 676b.
G303.7.7. G303.7.7. Devil drives six he-goats. Wьnsche Teufel 41.
G303.7.8. G303.7.8. Devil rides cow until she goes mad. England: Baughman.
G303.7.9. G303.7.9. Devil flies like bird. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.8. G303.8. Devil‘s expulsion from heaven and his present haunts.
G303.8.1. G303.8.1. Devil driven from heaven. Spanish Exempla: Keller; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3002, Legends Nos. 5f.; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.8.1.1. G303.8.1.1. God has Elias drive devils from heaven. They use thunder, lightning, and rain for forty days. Dh I 133f.
G303.8.1.2. G303.8.1.2. Archangels Michael and Gabriel drive Satan and other devils from heaven to earth. Dh I 67, 138; Irish: Beal XXI 323, O’Suilleabhain 59.
G303. G303. Devil becomes an angel. Forced by monk, devil sings a hymn and becomes a white angel as he was before the sin. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 670, Balys Ghosts.
G303.8.2. G303.8.2. Devils carry away the sun when they fall from heaven. Dh I 136.
G303.8.3. G303.8.3. The devil in hell. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.8.3.1. G303.8.3.1. Devil is thrust into hell by God. Dh I 5; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 5f.
G303.8.3.2. G303.8.3.2. Devil builds himself a castle and calls it hell. Dh I 145.
G303.8.3.3. G303.8.3.3. Devil‘s house is visible on the way to hell. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 121 No. 38.
G303.8.4. G303.8.4. Devil lives in a church. Fb I 266a.
G303.8.4.1. G303.8.4.1. Devil bound with huge chain near northern side of Tamdrup church. Fb I 189a.
G303.8.4.2. G303.8.4.2. Devil in each stone of church built with ill-gotten wealth. Scala Celi 84a No. 481; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.8.5. G303.8.5. Devil in interior of earth. Banished there by God as punishment for trying to usurp God’s rule of the world. Dh I 208.
G303.8.6. G303.8.6. Devil and his servants live where perjurers dwell. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 12. No. 107.
G303.8.7. G303.8.7. Devil‘s abode is between hoofs of swine. Fb I 189a.
G303.8.8. G303.8.8. Devil lives in the water. Dh I 56, 67.
G303.8.9. G303.8.9. Devils in woman’s train. Scala Celi 141a No. 787; *Loomis White Magic 76.
G303.8.9.1. G303.8.9.1. Devil in fold of knight‘s cloak. (Cf. G303.6.2.12.) Knight permits him to lodge there and accompany him to a tournament on condition that he leave him without harm upon request. Pauli (ed. Bolte) 93.
G303.8.10. G303.8.10. Devil in dragon’s head on a shield. Is expelled by a knight (Percival). Dickson 197 No. 84.
G303.8.11. G303.8.11. Devil in a stone. Irish myth: *Cross; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 9 No. 70.
G303.8.12. G303.8.12. Devil in the stable wrapped in horse-hide. Devil chases youth as he hides himself. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 122 No. 43.
G303.8.13. G303.8.13. Devil in the woods.
G303.8.13.1. G303.8.13.1. Youth meets devil in woods. Scala Celi 120a No. 658.
G303.8.13.2. G303.8.13.2. Forest devil the one which fell in the forest when driven from heaven. Dh I 67.
G303.8.13.3. G303.8.13.3. Devil in woods to gather nuts on Christmas Eve. Fb I 266a.
G303.8.14. G303.8.14. Devils dwell in heathen idols, as well as portraits and images. *Loomis White Magic 75.
G303.8.15. G303.8.15. Devil hidden in a corpse. *Loomis White Magic 74.
G303.9. G303.9. Deeds of the devil.
G303.9.1. G303.9.1. The devil as a builder. *Broderius 27, 58; Boberg FFC CLI.
G303.9.1.1. G303.9.1.1. Devil as builder of bridges. Wьnsche Teufel 30--37; England, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3285, Legends Nos. 489f.; Japanese, Korean: Ikeda.
G303.9.1.2. G303.9.1.2. Devil as builder of dams. Finnish-Swedish: man 17 No. 155; Wьnsche Teufel 29f.
G303.9.1.3. G303.9.1.3. Devil as builder of mill. Wьnsche Teufel 38ff.
G303.9.1.4. G303.9.1.4. Devil as builder of walls. Wьnsche Teufel 27f., 69; England: Baughman.
G303.9.1.5. G303.9.1.5. Devil as builder of palaces (chвteaux). Wьnsche Teufel 49f.; Icelandic: Boberg; French: Sйbillot France IV 126.
G303.9.1.6. G303.9.1.6. Devil as builder of churches. Wьnsche Teufel 42; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn III (1931) 26ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 491; French: Sйbillot France IV 126.
G303.9.1.7. G303.9.1.7. Devil builds a road. Wьnsche Teufel 37; England, Scotland: Baughman.
G303.9.1.8. G303.9.1.8. Devil builds a ditch. Wьnsche Teufel 37f.; England: Baughman.
G303.9.1.9. G303.9.1.9. Devil builds two islands in a lake. Wьnsche Teufel 30.
G303.9.1.10. G303.9.1.10. Devil builds an inn for a man in competition with a church being built. Wьnsche Teufel 44.
G303.9.1.11. G303.9.1.11. Devil builds Mont Saint Michel. French: Sйbillot France IV 11.
G303.9.1.12. G303.9.1.12. Devil helps build Halberstadt Cathedral thinking a tavern is being built. Wьnsche Teufel 44.
G303.9.1.13. G303.9.1.13. Devil builds a building. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.9.1.14. G303.9.1.14. Satan builds idol. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.1.15. G303.9.1.15. Satan builds another world. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.2. G303.9.2. The devil performs deeds of unusual strength.
G303.9.2.1. G303.9.2.1. Devil pulls up tree to goad his oxen. English: Hunt Popular Romances 230, Baughman.
G303.9.2.2. G303.9.2.2. Devil builds road for farmer in one day. Wьnsche Teufel 50f.
G303.9.2.3. G303.9.2.3. Devil plows and plants grain for farmer in one day. Wьnsche Teufel 50f.
G303.9.2.4. G303.9.2.4. Devil and Drake carry waters of English Channel from Dartmoor to Plymouth. English: Hunt Popular Romances 231, Baughman.
G303.9.2.5. G303.9.2.5. Devil and Michael Scott carry tide an additional five miles up River Wansbeck. England: Baughman.
G303.9.3. G303.9.3. The devil hires out.
G303.9.3.1. G303.9.3.1. Devil hires out to a farmer. Wьnsche Teufel 71f.; Irish: Beal XXI 314, O’Suilleabhain 38; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 329ff., Legends Nos. 505--524.
G303. G303. The devil takes service with a farmer in return for the bread he stole. Punishes the evil landowner and makes his master prosperous. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3290, Legends Nos. 505--511.
G303.9.3.2. G303.9.3.2. Devil is employed as a midwife. Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 43 No. 30.
G303.9.3.3. G303.9.3.3. Devils help people at work, but are feared nevertheless. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 790--794.
G303.9.3.4. G303.9.3.4. The devil is always to blame. Even when he tries to be helpful to man. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3340, Legends Nos. 659--663; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 41 No. 49.
G303.9.4. G303.9.4. The devil as a tempter. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303. G303. Satan causes storm to destroy property of man he tempts. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Satan smites man he tempts with leprosy. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.4.1. G303.9.4.1. Devil gives Eve two grains of corn. One is for her and one for Adam. Dh I 212.
G303.9.4.2. G303.9.4.2. Devil persuades man to commit suicide. Scala Celi 153a No. 843; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 758; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303. G303. The devil teaches man how to hang himself. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 610--614.
G303.9.4.3. G303.9.4.3. Devil tries to get man to kill his bride (wife). Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 12 No. 104.
G303.9.4.4. G303.9.4.4. Devil tempts cleric (hermit). Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 670; Scala Celi 5b, 165a, 166a Nos. 29, 930, 938; Alphabet Nos. 28, 128, 129; Irish myth: *Cross; English: Hunt Popular Romances 232; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 388, II 1059.
G303.9.4.5. G303.9.4.5. Devils appear to knight to try to call him from doing penance. Scala Celi 162a No. 919.
G303. G303. Devil by trick conjures vision to make idolators of believers. Jewish: Neuman.
G303. G303. Disguised devil as messenger to adulterous people. Irish Myth: Cross.
G303. G303. Satan stops men from praying. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.4.6. G303.9.4.6. Devil tempts saints. Scala Celi 112a, 154b Nos. 623, 855; Dh I 174.--Irish myth: Cross.
G303. G303. Devil instructs saint on virtues by which to attain Heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.9.4.7. G303.9.4.7. Devil tempts girl. Scala Celi 47b No. 267; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 395f., 399; West Indies: Flowers 447f.
G303. G303. Devil and girl. ”Are you lonely?“ Girl: ”No, devil, with God and angels.“ Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 365.
G303.9.4.8. G303.9.4.8. Devil tempts youth to deny Virgin. Promises youth riches. Scala Celi No. 658.
G303.9.4.9. G303.9.4.9. Devil tries to move repentant sinner to despair. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.9.4.10. G303.9.4.10. Woman worships the devil. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.9.5. G303.9.5. The devil as an abductor. Fb I 266a, 267a; Dh I 176; French: Sйbillot France II 38, IV 341; Jewish: *Neuman; West Indies: Flowers 448f.
G303.9.5.1. G303.9.5.1. Devil abducts girl: has her hang about his neck and he flees to hell. Wьnsche Teufel 65f.
G303.9.5.2. G303.9.5.2. Devil carries away a lord on his back. French: Sйbillot France IV 341; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.9.5.3. G303.9.5.3. Devil compels two miners to follow him. English: Hunt Popular Romances 218.
G303.9.5.4. G303.9.5.4. Devil carries man through air as swift as wind (thought). Finnish: FFC XXXIII 41 No. 37; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 121 No.
G303.9.5.5. G303.9.5.5. Devil combs Mme. Anna‘s hair while he takes her away. Fb I 266b.
G303.9.5.6. G303.9.5.6. Man temporarily abducted by devil. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 710; Estonian and Latvian: Tautosakos Darbai VI 19--23.
G303.9.5.7. G303.9.5.7. Devil carries a Jew to hell. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3335, Legends No. 650ff.
G303.9.5.8. G303.9.5.8. Devil takes violinist when he needs a good fiddler in hell. England: Baughman.
G303.9.6. G303.9.6. The devil fights.
G303. G303. The devil is armed. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.9.6.1. G303.9.6.1. Devil fights with man. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 121 No. 35.
G303. G303. Devil is overcome by man in fight. Man pulls out one of his horns and beats him with it. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles No. 70; Italian Novella: *Rotunda.
G303. G303. Satan fights Israel. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.6.2. G303.9.6.2. Satan attacks saints. Kittredge Witchcraft 218, 525 nn. 49, 50; Dh I 138; Irish myth: Cross; England: Baughman; French: Sйbillot France II 128, III 530.
G303. G303. Devil inflames saint’s injured eye. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.9.7. G303.9.7. The devil advises human beings.
G303.9.7.1. G303.9.7.1. Devil advises young girl not to go to a castle. Later, when she returns pregnant she says that the devil advised her to serve at the castle. He slaps her and tells her she is lying. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 84; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 664.
G303.9.7.2. G303.9.7.2. Devil exhorts youth to enjoy himself and not to think of God. When the youth has grown old the devil says, ”It is now too late to think of God.“ Type 823*.
G303.9.7.3. G303.9.7.3. The devil advises a suspicious husband. The Ring of Hans Garvel. Appears in a dream and hands the husband a ring. ”When you wear this ring you will be sure of your wife.“ He awakens to understand the obscene implication. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles no. 11; Italian Novella: *Rotunda.
G303.9.7.4. G303.9.7.4. Devil disguised as man tells of trip to heaven and hell. Heaven is full of wretches who weep, fast, and pray. Hell is full of wealth, power, and good living. Nouvelles de Sens No. 5.
G303.9.8. G303.9.8. Miscellaneous actions of the devil.
G303.9.8.1. G303.9.8.1. Devil spins and knits. English: Hunt Popular Romances 241.
G303.9.8.2. G303.9.8.2. Devil plays fiddle at wedding. Causes bad luck (kills bridegroom). Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 24; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 118 No. 24.
G303.9.8.3. G303.9.8.3. Devil sings (dances) on grave. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.9.8.4. G303.9.8.4. Devil causes salamander to appear in glass of rum, drinks it. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.9.8.5. G303.9.8.5. Devil engages in drinking contest with man for purse of gold. Gold causes man to become miser. England: Baughman.
G303.9.8.6. G303.9.8.6. Satan asks God to put man into his power (Job). Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.9.8.7. G303.9.8.7. Satan makes wager with God about mortal‘s piety. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.8.8. G303.9.8.8. Satan prays to God. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.8.9. G303.9.8.9. Satan chants songs of praise to God. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.8.10. G303.9.8.10. Satan weeps. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.8.11. G303.9.8.11. Satan as blasphemer. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.9. G303.9.9. Pranks played by the devil.
G303.9.9.1. G303.9.9.1. Devil prevents moving of little stone by sitting on it. Scala Celi 149b No. 823.
G303.9.9.2. G303.9.9.2. Devil interrupts mass by pretended battle. Scala Celi 22b No. 144; Alphabet No. 105.
G303.9.9.3. G303.9.9.3. Devil steals knight’s cloak. Scala Celi 153a No. 844; Alphabet No. 620.
G303.9.9.4. G303.9.9.4. Devil takes an unbaptized child out of the cradle and lays a wooden log in its place. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 14 No. 127; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3295, Legends Nos. 525ff.
G303.9.9.5. G303.9.9.5. Devil piles sand in ocean so that vessels may run aground. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 17 No. 156.
G303.9.9.6. G303.9.9.6. Devil leads and misguides people. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3332, Legends Nos. 459, 500, 557, 590, 640--49, 746ff., 759--75, 784, 797f., 800, 804.
G303.9.9.7. G303.9.9.7. Trying all night to catch an animal (really devil). Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 777--783.
G303.9.9.8. G303.9.9.8. Taking snuff with the devil. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 772, 785ff.
G303.9.9.9. G303.9.9.9. Devil challenges boys to play a disc-game. Can be defeated only with rowan-sticks. (Cf. D950.9.) Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 653--658.
G303.9.9.10. G303.9.9.10. Exchanging things with the devil. The cheat appears later. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3302, Legends Nos. 437, 441, 559--77.
G303.9.9.11. G303.9.9.11. The devil as tailor to a dandy. The dandy demands clothes sewed without thread. The devil disguised as a tailor makes them. In church the dandy‘s clothes fall to pieces, leaving him naked. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 685ff.
G303.9.9.12. G303.9.9.12. Devil engages in horse race with man. U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.9.9.13. G303.9.9.13. Devil flies away with sentry box. England: Baughman.
G303.9.9.14. G303.9.9.14. Devil drinks church well dry at one draught. England: Baughman.
G303.9.9.15. G303.9.9.15. Devil stampedes horses of general. England: Baughman.
G303.9.9.16. G303.9.9.16. Devil takes place of girl man is embracing in private place. The man goes mad. England: Baughman.
G303.9.9.17. G303.9.9.17. Devil as crow misleads travelers, puts out their lights. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.9.9.18. G303.9.9.18. Devil moves seats in church. Scotland: Baughman.
G303.9.9.19. G303.9.9.19. Devil plays marbles in church. England: Baughman.
G303.9.9.20. G303.9.9.20. Satan entangles ram’s horns on the altar. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.9.9.21. G303.9.9.21. Satan liberates caught deer. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.10. G303.10. Allies and possessions of the devil.
G303.10.1. G303.10.1. Cat as follower of the devil. Fb IV 99a.
G303.10.2. G303.10.2. Toad as follower of the devil. Fb. IV 99a.
G303.10.3. G303.10.3. Snake as follower of the devil. Fb IV 99a.
G303.10.4. G303.10.4. Dancers as followers of the devil. (Cf. G303.6.2.1.)
G303. G303. Devil haunts dance halls. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303.10.4.1. G303.10.4.1. Devil dances with a maid until she dies. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10 No. 81; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3251, Legends Nos. 347, 353f.
G303.10.4.2. G303.10.4.2. Two devils come to a dance-loving maid and play when she bathes. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10 No. 82.
G303.10.4.3. G303.10.4.3. Devil teaches a dance-loving maid to dance. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 10 No. 83.
G303.10.4.4. G303.10.4.4. Devil appears to girl who wants an escort for a dance. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303.10.4.5. G303.10.4.5. Devil dances with maid and puts his claws through her hands. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303.10.5. G303.10.5. Where the devil can‘t reach, he sends an old woman. (Cf. K1085.) *Type 1353; Wesselski Mдrchen 196.
G303.10.6. G303.10.6. Devil in league with a freemason. *Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 32; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 13 No. 117; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3422, Legends Nos. 821ff.
G303.10.7. G303.10.7. Devil gives luck with fishing and hunting. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 11 No. 91.
G303.10.8. G303.10.8. Horses are offspring of the devil. One cannot trust them. Dh I 239; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 135, 153--159.
G303.10.9. G303.10.9. An all-red, all-black, or all-white calf the property of the devil. Dh I 188.
G303.10.10. G303.10.10. Lizards are offspring of the devil. Dh I 198.
G303.10.11. G303.10.11. The spurge-laurel is the devil’s bush. Dh I 200.
G303.10.12. G303.10.12. The devil owns the reeds. Dh I 187.
G303.10.13. G303.10.13. Thistles and nettles are the devil‘s vegetables. Dh I 187.
G303.10.14. G303.10.14. The bagpipe is the devil’s bellows. Dh I 189.
G303.10.15. G303.10.15. Devil has a hound. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.10.16. G303.10.16. Devil has a servant. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.10.17. G303.10.17. Bird as messenger of devil. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.10.18. G303.10.18. Angels of Satan. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.10.19. G303.10.19. Devil’s well. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 112.
G303.11. G303.11. The relatives of the devil. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.11.1. G303.11.1. The devil’s wife.
G303.11.1.1. G303.11.1.1. The devil‘s son is with his mother at night in his father’s place. Type 1720*.
G303.11.2. G303.11.2. The devil‘s son. Irish: O’Suilleabhain 35, Beal XXI 312f.
G303.11.2.1. G303.11.2.1. The devil and his son fight over division of the earth. Dh I 135.
G303.11.2.2. G303.11.2.2. The devil‘s children and grandchildren do his work for him. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.11.3. G303.11.3. The devil’s mother. Irish: Cross, O‘Suilleabhain 92, Beal XXI 330.
G303.11.3.1. G303.11.3.1. Devil’s mother rides a goat. Fb I 268, 439.
G303.11.4. G303.11.4. The devil‘s grandmother. **Lehmann Dania VIII 179ff.
G303.11.4.1. G303.11.4.1. Devil‘s grandmother keeps house for devil. Is an old wrinkled woman with red eyes who locks up hell. Fb I 268a; Japanese: Ikeda.
G303.11.4.2. G303.11.4.2. Devil’s grandmother is bleaching when it snows. Fb I 268a.
G303.11.5. G303.11.5. The devil‘s daughter. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.11.5.1. G303.11.5.1. The devil and his nine daughters. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.12. G303.12. Marital experiences of the devil. (Cf. H1153, K216.1, K2325, T251.1.1.) Irish: Beal XXI 330; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. 91--93; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.12.1. G303.12.1. Devil wooes an innkeeper’s daughter. Wьnsche Teufel 33.
G303.12.2. G303.12.2. Devil marries a widow who maltreats him. Wьnsche Teufel 62f.
G303.12.3. G303.12.3. Devil marries old maid who proves to be a termagant and a miser. Wьnsche Teufel 62.
G303.12.4. G303.12.4. Devil visits woman and founds a family. (Cf. G303.11.) Irish myth: Cross.
G303.12.5. G303.12.5. Devil marries girl.
G303.12.5.1. G303.12.5.1. Girl married to a devil. Despairing of ever finding herself a husband, the old maid exclaims: ”I would marry even the devil, were he to marry me.“ The devil takes her at her word. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3253, Legends Nos. 367ff.
G303.12.5.2. G303.12.5.2. Devil marries disdainful girl; she escapes. U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.12.5.3. G303.12.5.3. Devil marries girl whose rich mother refuses to let her marry common young men of community. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.12.5.4. G303.12.5.4. Devil wooes woman; she discovers identity in time to escape with aid of minister who swallows candle after getting devil to promise she could live as long as the candle lasted. (Cf. K551.9.) Scotland: Baughman.
G303.12.5.5. G303.12.5.5. Girl married to devil escapes with answers to his riddles. Type 812; U.S.: Baughman.
G303.12.5.6. G303.12.5.6. Girl wooed by devil is saved by magic herb she wears. (Cf. D1386.2.) U.S.: Baughman.
G303.12.5.7. G303.12.5.7. Devil takes form of girl‘s lover and takes advantage of her. She meets lover on way home, learns what has happened, dies. England: Baughman.
G303.12.6. G303.12.6. Devil in guise of woman woos man. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.12.6.1. G303.12.6.1. Man marries a she-devil He catches her as succubus and marries. Some years later his wife‘s brothers invite them to a feast (wedding) and he gets gifts or wife’s dowry. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *424.
G303.12.7. G303.12.7. Devil‘s sexual relations with mortals. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.12.7.1. G303.12.7.1. Satan’s sexual intercourse with Eve. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.13. G303.13. The stupid devil. Missouri French: Carriиre; **Wьnsche Teufel; Danielsson Djдvulgestalten i Finlands svenska Folktro (Helsingfors, 1930) 35; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 82--84, 201; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.13.1. G303.13.1. Devils do not know or understand thoughts of men. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 329 No. 50.
G303.13.2. G303.13.2. Devil works backward. Begins building at top of house. Wьnsche Teufel 52.
G303.13.3. G303.13.3. Devil tries to wall in too large a piece of ground in a night and fails. Wьnsche Teufel 70.
G303.13.4. G303.13.4. The devil tries to learn a trade; he fails miserably at all but versemaking. He now loiters in alehouses, sings songs. Scotland: Baughman.
G303.13.5. G303.13.5. Simple-minded devil indicates how he can be driven away. (Cf. G303.16.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.14. G303.14. Devil’s unfinished work cannot be completed by human hands. One stone missing in church, etc. Wьnsche Teufel 37f., 47, 51--56.
G303.14.1. G303.14.1. The devil destroys by night what is built by day. Wьnsche Teufel 30; French: Sйbillot France IV 46; Canada, England, Scotland: *Baughman.
G303.14.1.1. G303.14.1.1. Devil destroys Adam‘s work by night. Dh I 238.
G303.14.2. G303.14.2. Devil builds bridge except for one stone. No one dares to add the final stone. England: Baughman.
G303.15. G303.15. Places haunted by the devil. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3440, Legends Nos. 833--850.
G303.15.1. G303.15.1. Devil haunts premises about to be visited by calamity. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 292.
G303.15.2. G303.15.2. Granary now haunted because of devil’s defeat. Wьnsche Teufel 53f.
G303.15.3. G303.15.3. Devil haunts a house. Finally is exorcised. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 711--718.
G303.15.4. G303.15.4. Devils haunt tree. (Cf. G312.3.)
G303.15.4.1. G303.15.4.1. Particular species of tree abode of devils. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.15.5. G303.15.5. Ruins of a palace haunted by Satan. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.15.6. G303.15.6. Satan appears at a feast where the poor are absent. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.16. G303.16. How the devil‘s power may be escaped or avoided. Irish myth: *Cross; Finnish-Swedish: Danielsson 112.
G303.16.1. G303.16.1. By the help of the Virgin Mary the devil may be escaped. Scala Celi 111a, 119a, 120b Nos. 617, 657, 659; Irish: *Cross; O‘Suilleabhain 41, Beal XXI 315; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.16.2. G303.16.2. Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer. Fb I 267a; Scala Celi 132b, 137a, 149b Nos. 729, 764, 765, 823; Alphabet No. 591; Wьnsche Teufel 44, 102; Irish myth: Cross; England: Baughman, Hunt Popular Romances 224; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 14 No. 126; French: Sйbillot France IV 126; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.16.2.1. G303.16.2.1. Devil cannot take one who has read the Pater Noster. Fb I 266b, 267a.
G303. G303. Devil cannot enter person who is thinking of God. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.16.2.2. G303.16.2.2. Person saved from devil by prayer to Virgin. Scala Celi 122b, 124a, 134b Nos. 673, 677, 742; Kцhler-Bolte II 613ff.
G303.16.2.3. G303.16.2.3. Devil‘s power avoided by blessing.
G303. G303. Man escapes devils by reading Lord’s blessing. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 9 No. 74.
G303. G303. Devil flees at pope‘s blessing. Dh I 175.
G303. G303. Devils disappear when priest blesses bread. Scala Celi 67a No. 370; Irish: Beal XXI 314, O’Suilleabhain 38.
G303. G303. A nun eating unblessed lettuce eats a demon. Gregory the Great Dialogues Bk I Ch. 4 (tr. Edmund Gardner, London, 1911) 17; *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 22; Alphabet No. 108; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303. G303. Blessing reveals seemingly pure stream to be devil‘s trap which kills whoever drinks from it. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.16.2.4. G303.16.2.4. Devils driven away by hymn (psalm). Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.16.2.5. G303.16.2.5. Demon cannot hurt holy man or woman. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.16.3. G303.16.3. Devil’s power avoided by the cross. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.16.3.1. G303.16.3.1. Devils driven away by cross. Scala Celi Nos. 367, 392.
G303.16.3.2. G303.16.3.2. Devil cannot endure cross made by straps of knapsack. Type 1166*; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1168; Russian: Andrejev No. 1166*; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV No. 1166*.
G303.16.3.3. G303.16.3.3. Devils put to flight by cross made of leaves. Scala Celi No. 391.
G303.16.3.4. G303.16.3.4. Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross. Dh I 48; Scala Celi 13a, 45a, 45b, 66b, 67a, 67b, 70b, 77b Nos 77, 256, 257, 368, 369, 371, 372, 393, 394, 442; Pauli (ed. Bolte) 90; Crane Vitry 189 No. 131, 246 No. 263; Alphabet No. 64.--Irish: O‘Suilleabhain 92, Beal XXI 330; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 642--645, 648, 650, 776, 786, 800, 825; French: Sйbillot France I 160, II 403, IV 12; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 103; West Indies: Flowers 450.
G303.16.3.5. G303.16.3.5. Knight dismisses devil in name of cross. Scala Celi 127b No. 696; Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 93.
G303.16.3.6. G303.16.3.6. Devil made visible by making sign of cross. Irish myth: *Cross.
G303.16.4. G303.16.4. Words of religious comfort cause devil and his crew to vanish. England: Baughman, Hunt Popular Romances 218; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.16.5. G303.16.5. Administering sacrament destroys devil’s power.
G303.16.5.1. G303.16.5.1. Chaplain administers sacrament and saves woman‘s soul from devil. Wьnsche Teufel 37.
G303.16.5.2. G303.16.5.2. Devil disappears when offered host. Scala Celi 64b No. 353; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303.16.6. G303.16.6. Man is rescued from devil by baptism. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 14 No. 131.
G303.16.7. G303.16.7. Devil is chased by holy water. Type 756B; Andrejev FFC LXIX 103; Irish: Cross, Beal XXI 313--315, 322, O’Suilleabhain 35, 38, 40, 56; Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 82 No. 676; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 639, 708, 715; French: Sйbillot France IV 126; West Indies: Flowers 450.
G303.16.8. G303.16.8. Devil leaves at mention of God‘s name. England, Ireland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 651, 774f., 780, 814; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 95 No. *817, Keller; Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.16.9. G303.16.9. Devil is made impotent by confession. Scala Celi 42a--46b Nos. 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 249, 255, 260.
G303.16.10. G303.16.10. Angels save person from the devil. Scala Celi 45a, 84a Nos. 253, 479, 660; Alphabet No. 178; Wьnsche Teufel 42.
G303.16.11. G303.16.11. Various holy persons save one from devil.
G303.16.11.1. G303.16.11.1. Devil is driven out of a man by Peter. Dh I 170.
G303.16.11.2. G303.16.11.2. Devil prevented from revenge by pious priest. Wьnsche Teufel 45.
G303.16.11.3. G303.16.11.3. Person chases the devil away. Devil says, ”You also have stolen once.“ Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 30; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 119 No. 30; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 706, 715.
G303.16.11.4. G303.16.11.4. Saint expels devil to hell. Nouvelles de Sens No. 5; Irish myth: Cross.
G303.16.11.5. G303.16.11.5. Saint’s dispute with devil. *Loomis White Magic 76.
G303.16.12. G303.16.12. Ringing of churchbell causes devil to lose his power. Wьnsche Teufel 40, 42, 43f.
G303.16.13. G303.16.13. Devil may be escaped by going to church every day. Fb I 267a.
G303.16.14. G303.16.14. The devil exorcised. Alphabet No. 595; Wьnsche Teufel 104f., 106f.; Fb I 267a; Irish: *Cross, Beal XXI 315; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 14 No. 132, 15 Nos. 133, 134; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1169; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 328 No. 28; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
G303.16.14.1. G303.16.14.1. Priest chases devil away. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303. G303. Priest separates girl from devil‘s claws. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
G303.16.14.2. G303.16.14.2. Devil chased by the fumes of burning arsenic. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303. G303. Devil exorcised by burning wood. Irish: O’Suilleabhain 39.
G303.16.14.3. G303.16.14.3. Devil overpowered or chased with a stick of rowan-tree. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 653f., 657f., 671f., 799.
G303. G303. Why the devil fears the rowan-tree. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3346.
G303.16.14.4. G303.16.14.4. The devil is exorcised with bell, book, and candle. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.16.14.5. G303.16.14.5. Devil avoids cockscomb flowers. India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.16.15. G303.16.15. Devils leave hermit who turns other cheek when struck. Scala Celi No. 795.
G303.16.16. G303.16.16. Devil is cheated of his reward when priest dismisses mass early. Wьnsche Teufel 84.
G303.16.17. G303.16.17. Devil cannot enter a house with horseshoe over door. Fb I 267a; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 650; Japanese: Ikeda.
G303.16.18. G303.16.18. One must not whistle after sunset, else the devil will go along with one. Fb I 267b.
G303.16.18.1. G303.16.18.1. Christians are prohibited from whistling in dark lest the devil appear. Sйbillot France I 159.
G303.16.19. G303.16.19. Miscellaneous ways in which the devil may be escaped or his power destroyed. England, Ireland, U.S.: Baughman.
G303.16.19.1. G303.16.19.1. Man secure from devil on horse. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (Glasgow 1900) 293.
G303.16.19.2. G303.16.19.2. Devil goes with one if one spits on old castaway brooms. Fb I 267b.
G303.16.19.3. G303.16.19.3. One is freed if he can set a task the devil cannot perform. Fb I 267a; **Wesselski Niederdeutsche Zeitschrift fьr Volkskunde X 1ff.; England: *Baughman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G303. G303. Task for devil: sweeping and winnowing peas on ice. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 1177.
G303. G303. Task for devil: making needles. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1188.
G303. G303. Task for devil: washing a Jew (Jewess), to rid him (her) of the evil smell. (Cf. A1662.1.) Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1187.
G303.16.19.4. G303.16.19.4. Devil (Satan) flees when cock is made to crow. (Cf. G303.17.1.1.) U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 811; French: Sйbillot France IV 126; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 218f. No. 168.
G303. G303. Man imitates cock crowing: devil is deceived. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 343.
G303.16.19.5. G303.16.19.5. Demon has to serve girl whom he cannot persuade to break vow of chastity. (Cf. D1714.) Scala Celi 154b 854.
G303.16.19.6. G303.16.19.6. Man protected from devil by holding three-year old child through night. Wьnsche Teufel 36f.
G303.16.19.7. G303.16.19.7. Devil comes out of man when monk recognizes devil‘s voice in man. Scala Celi 25b No. 168; Alphabet No. 123.
G303.16.19.8. G303.16.19.8. Knight saved from devil by friends. Scala Celi 135b No. 752.
G303.16.19.9. G303.16.19.9. Devil becomes powerless when called by name. Wьnsche Teufel 119; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 641, 647, 768, 779, 809.
G303.16.19.10. G303.16.19.10. Devil exorcised at time of Christ’s Nativity. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.16.19.11. G303.16.19.11. Devil frustrated by charity. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.16.19.12. G303.16.19.12. Devil can‘t approach Christian girl. Nouvelles de Sens No. 5.
G303.16.19.13. G303.16.19.13. Devil cannot follow man over running water. (Cf. F383.2, G273.4.) England, Ireland: *Baughman.
G303.16.19.14. G303.16.19.14. Devil escaped by injuring him with silver bullet. (Cf. D1384.5.) U.S.: Baughman.
G303.16.19.15. G303.16.19.15. Devil cannot enter magic circle made to keep him out. (Cf. D1381.11.) Scotland, Wales: *Baughman.
G303.16.19.16. G303.16.19.16. Devil can be driven away by sacrifice. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Bays.
G303.16.19.17. G303.16.19.17. Devil disappears because he is frightened.
G303. G303. Devil frightened by a woman. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G303.16.19.18. G303.16.19.18. Catching the devil. The devil is caught with the help of a sacred article (rosary, scapular) or some other thing (band for binding breeches, a switch of the rowan-tree). Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3345, Legends Nos. 665--668, 677.
G303.16.19.19. G303.16.19.19. Beating the devil. One must give him an odd number of strokes. Devil asks for one stroke more. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 657f., 773, 795.
G303.16.19.20. G303.16.19.20. Devil is killed by hunter. A slake of tar remains. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 796; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.17. G303.17. The devil’s disappearance from the world.
G303.17.1. G303.17.1. When the devil disappears.
G303.17.1.1. G303.17.1.1. Devil disappears when cock crows. (Cf. G303.16.19.4.) Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 294 U.S.: Baughman; German: Grimm No. 121, 195, Penzer I 77, IX 143; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3252, Legends Nos. 344ff., 353--357, 359f., 363, 493, 495, 593, 690, 696ff., 737f., 759, 761, 763, 772, 812, 822, 829, 856; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.17.1.2. G303.17.1.2. Devil rebels and disappears on last day. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.17.1.3. G303.17.1.3. Devil disappears after erection of Tabernacle. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.17.2. G303.17.2. Physical circumstances of devil‘s disappearance.
G303.17.2.1. G303.17.2.1. Devil detected, goes up chimney in smoke. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 292.
G303.17.2.2. G303.17.2.2. Devil disappears in a whirlpool. Wьnsche Teufel 31f.
G303.17.2.3. G303.17.2.3. Devil goes out through stove with great noise. Finnish: FFC XXXIII 41 No. 45; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 123 No. 45.
G303.17.2.4. G303.17.2.4. Devil and sinful priest disappear amid blaze of fire in the river. England: Baughman.
G303.17.2.5. G303.17.2.5. Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning. Wьnsche Teufel 32f.
G303.17.2.6. G303.17.2.6. Devil disappears in a puddle. Wьnsche Teufel 60.
G303.17.2.7. G303.17.2.7. Devil disappears amid terrible rattle. Zs. f. Vksk. IV 294.
G303.17.2.8. G303.17.2.8. Devil disappears amid terrible stench. (Cf. G303.4.8.1.) Wьnsche Teufel 49f., 51f., 61f.
G303.17.2.9. G303.17.2.9. Devil disappears in carriage drawn by four black horses. Wьnsche Teufel 60.
G303.17.3. G303.17.3. Why the devil has disappeared from the world.
G303.17.3.1. G303.17.3.1. The devil dies of a nosebleed resulting from overheat. Wьnsche Teufel 84f.
G303.17.3.2. G303.17.3.2. The devil dies when he is fastened in hell’s door by his beard. German: Henne-Am Rhyn (1874) 276f.
G303.17.3.3. G303.17.3.3. Wolf eats the devil; therefore, devil no longer lives in the world. Dh I 153.
G303.17.3.4. G303.17.3.4. Devil has not been seen since he created the bramble. Dh I 170.
G303.17.3.5. G303.17.3.5. Satan punished in hell fire. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.18. G303.18. Devil enters body of another. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G303.18.0.1. G303.18.0.1. When devil leaves dead sinner‘s body, only bones remain. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.18.1. G303.18.1. Devil enters body of dead boy. Scala Celi 67a No. 369; India: Thompson-Balys.
G303.18.2. G303.18.2. Devil in place of dead man in shroud (in dead man’s skin). Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 42 No. 49**.
G303.18.3. G303.18.3. Devil blows skin off man who belongs to him and goes in the skin. Fb I 267a; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3365, Legends Nos. 693--697, 700.
G303.18.4. G303.18.4. Satan enters the Golden Calf. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.19. G303.19. The devil takes the hindmost. (Cf. F1038.2.) England: Baughman.
G303.19.1. G303.19.1. The last belongs to the devil. BP III 14; Fb III 196b; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 327 No. 37.
G303.19.2. G303.19.2. Farmer has devil aid in reaping contest, loses his shadow when devil attempts to take hindmost. (Cf. K42.) Scotland: Baughman.
G303.20. G303.20. Ways in which the devil kills people.
G303.20.1. G303.20.1. Devil kills man with fiery sword. Scala Celi No. 662.
G303.20.2. G303.20.2. Devil destroys hunting party with terrible wind. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 301f.
G303.20.3. G303.20.3. Devil strikes man dead with iron bar. Two men are fighting and devil thus kills one of them. Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 122 No. 44.
G303.20.4. G303.20.4. Devil strikes man dead with disease. Irish myth: Cross.
G303.20.5. G303.20.5. The devil unpeels a bold woman’s skin. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3257, Legends Nos. 378--387.
G303.20.6. G303.20.6. Devil as black dog kills people. (Cf. G303. England, Scotland: *Baughman.
G303.20.7. G303.20.7. Satan swallows victim. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.20.8. G303.20.8. Satan injures man. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.20.9. G303.20.9. Satan slays the first born of the Egyptians. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.21. G303.21. The devil‘s money.
G303.21.1. G303.21.1. Devil’s money becomes ashes. Fb I 803f.; U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 426, 428, 432f., 444, 447, 449--53, 577, 736.
G303.21.2. G303.21.2. Devil’s money becomes manure. U.S.: Baughman.
G303.21.3. G303.21.3. The devil‘s money is hot. U.S.: *Baughman.
G303.22. G303.22. The devil helps people. Irish myth: Cross; West Indies: Flowers 451; Jewish: Neuman.
G303.22.1. G303.22.1. Devil repays a kindness: returns coat lent him and brings the one who had shown him kindness back home when imprisoned. German: Henne-Am Rhyn (1874) 278.
G303.22.2. G303.22.2. Magician recovers lost object with devil’s help. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 11 No. 89.
G303.22.3. G303.22.3. Student is helped by devil when he can answer three questions in rhyme. (Cf. H543.) Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 11 No. 92.
G303.22.4. G303.22.4. Devil helps man place cart wheel when it becomes unfastened. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 11 No. 93.
G303.22.5. G303.22.5. Devil exhibits benevolence to impious people (to people who make an alliance with him: gives them riches, helps them in need). (Cf. M212.) U.S.: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 12 No. 96.
G303.22.6. G303.22.6. Devil helps person to steal. When thief blesses himself he is forsaken by the devil. (Cf. K365.) Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 12 No. 98.
G303.22.7. G303.22.7. Devil helps ugly man win wife. Wьnsche Teufel 104f.
G303.22.8. G303.22.8. Devil helps journeyman win wager with master. Wьnsche Teufel 36.
G303.22.9. G303.22.9. Devil comes and works with man who continues to work after night. French: Sйbillot France I 160.
G303.22.10. G303.22.10. Devil serves knight faithfully. Devil saves his life and that of his wife. Wesselski Mдrchen 242 No. 53.
G303.22.11. G303.22.11. Devil as advocate of falsely condemned men. Carries off the judge. *Type 821; BP II 566.
G303.22.12. G303.22.12. Devil promises help to mistreated apprentice if youth will meet him by night in lonely spot. Scotch: Campbell Superstitions 293.
G303.22.13. G303.22.13. Devil saves heretic from fire, until priest brings host. Scala Celi 65a No. 355.
G303.22.14. G303.22.14. Devil as helper in battle. Lithuanian: Balys Historical.
G303.23. G303.23. The devil and the ark. Jewish: *Neuman.
G303.23.1. G303.23.1. Devil gets into the ark by hiding in shadow of Noah’s wife. Dh I 268.
G303.24. G303.24. The devil in church.
G303.24.1. G303.24.1. Devil accuses congregation of sins.
G303.24.1.1. G303.24.1.1. Devil shows priest long parchment roll of sins of congregation. Scala Celi 44a No. 249; Crane Vitry 233 No. 239.
G303.24.1.2. G303.24.1.2. Devil writes faults of man on goat skin. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 306 No. 19.
G303.24.1.3. G303.24.1.3. Devil writes down names of men on a hide in church. Woman laughs when she sees him. Finnish: FFC XXXIII 44 No. 59; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 427; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 126 No. 59; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.24.1.4. G303.24.1.4. Devil stands in church door and writes down names of his own people on a sheepskin. Fb I 266b.
G303.24.1.5. G303.24.1.5. Devil in church fills his sack with dissolute songs. Scala Celi 25a No. 165; Alphabet No. 122.
G303.24.1.6. G303.24.1.6. Devil writes down all idle words spoken in church. His parchment is not long enough and he has to stretch it. Crane Vitry 233 No. 239.
G303.24.1.7. G303.24.1.7. Devil writes names of those who sleep in church. Fb I 266b; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 11 No. 85.
G303. G303. Devil disturbs people in the church. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 440, 447.
G303. G303. Devil writes down names of those who look backwards in church. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.24.1.8. G303.24.1.8. Devil writes down names of those who whisper in church. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
G303.24.1.9. G303.24.1.9. The devil has two books--one book small for sins of clerics, erased by confession; the other large for unconfessed sins of lay folks. Irish myth: *Cross (G303.24.1.11).
G303.24.2. G303.24.2. Devils worship host. (Cf. G303.16.5.) Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 49; Scala Celi 3a No. 5; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
G303.24.3. G303.24.3. Devil vexing friars caused to repent by singing ”Te sanctum dominum“. Scala Celi 3a No. 5.
G303.24.4. G303.24.4. Devil destroys church steeple. England: Baughman.
G303.24.5. G303.24.5. Devil as dog chews up Bibles, hymnbooks, church accounts in church. Wales: Baughman.
G303.25. G303.25. Miscellaneous devil motifs.
G303.25.1. G303.25.1. Wolf is the devil‘s craftiest enemy. Dh I 152.
G303.25.2. G303.25.2. Devils fear St. Isaac. Scala Celi 135b No. 592.
G303.25.3. G303.25.3. Devil likes negligence in men more than anything else. Scala Celi No. 752.
G303.25.4. G303.25.4. Devil cooks folk in kettle. Fb I 267a.
G303.25.5. G303.25.5. Devil’s chair in hell made from thrown-away nail parings. Olrik Ragnarцk (tr. Ranisch) 73f., No. 1.
G303.25.5.1. G303.25.5.1. From the parings of man‘s nails devils make little caps for themselves. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3305.
G303.25.6. G303.25.6. Old woman gives chickens to devils. They do not accept them. She gives them to priests and they eat them. Scala Celi 161b No. 916.
G303.25.7. G303.25.7. Man shoots the devil with a silver gun. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 42 No. 51**; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 594ff., 796.
G303.25.7.1. G303.25.7.1. Devil shot with silver bullet. (Cf. D1385.4.) Lithuanian, Latvian, Livonian, Estonian, Ukrainian, Polish, Rumanian: *Balys Tautosakos Darbai VI 53--83.
G303.25.8. G303.25.8. Devil follows corpse when a lawyer is buried. Fb I 267a.
G303.25.8.1. G303.25.8.1. Devil follows corpse of a procurator. Fb I 267a.
G303.25.9. G303.25.9. Ship with devil aboard sinks. Fb III 243b.
G303.25.10. G303.25.10. Devil is blamed by monk for taking what does not belong to him. Devil denies accusation. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 366.
G303.25.11. G303.25.11. Devil takes place of woman who went to spend night with a priest. Wesselski Mцnchslatein 189 No. 147.
G303.25.12. G303.25.12. A farmer who trades horses with the devil is cheated. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 16 No. 149.
G303.25.13. G303.25.13. Devil buys a woman’s hair; the silver coin which he gives in payment is changed to a piece of wood and she dies. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 16 No. 148.
G303.25.14. G303.25.14. The food and drink of the devils.
G303.25.14.1. G303.25.14.1. Hideous food and drink at the night-spirits‘ (devils’) feast. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 428, 434, 436, 440, 444, 451, 463ff.
G303.25.14.2. G303.25.14.2. Devil roasts a toad. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 795.
G303.25.15. G303.25.15. The devil’s animals.
G303.25.15.1. G303.25.15.1. Tailless fish as devil‘s hog. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 807.
G303.25.16. G303.25.16. Possessions of the devil.
G303.25.16.1. G303.25.16.1. Devil’s pipe, gun or music. Man is blinded and gets such as gift or exchange from devil. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 559--563, 569, 575, 590, 815.
G303.25.17. G303.25.17. The devils‘ dances and feasts.
G303.25.17.1. G303.25.17.1. Devil as gentleman invites a traveler to the feast (wedding). (Cf. G303. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3276, Legends Nos. 441, 448, 454, 458ff., 466.
G303.25.17.2. G303.25.17.2. A musician engaged to play for the night-spirits (devils) dances. Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3276f., Legends Nos. 425--438, 443f., 446f., 449--453, 460.
G303.25.17.3. G303.25.17.3. Devils arrange a wedding feast for a woman who hanged herself. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3277, 3278, Legends Nos. 443--448, 450--459, 461f., 466.
G303.25.18. G303.25.18. Devil can touch man’s body, not his soul. Jewish: Neuman.
G303.25.19. G303.25.19. Parliament of devils. Irish myth: Cross.
G304. G304. Troll as ogre. (For troll as underground spirit or mountain spirit see F455. For troll-woman see G200--G299, Witches.) **E. Hartmann Die Trollvorstellungen im den Sagen und Mдrchen der skandinavischen Vцlker (Stuttgart, 1936); Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 285.
G304.1. G304.1. Appearance of troll (ogre). (Cf. F455.2.)
G304.1.1. G304.1.1. Troll in animal form.
G304.1.1.1. G304.1.1.1. Troll as fox. Fb ”rжv“ III 113a.
G304.1.1.2. G304.1.1.2. Troll as hare. Fb ”hare“ I 556.
G304.1.1.3. G304.1.1.3. Troll as goose. Fb ”gеs“ I 528b.
G304.1.1.4. G304.1.1.4. Troll as crow. Fb ”krage“ II 285b.
G304.1.2. G304.1.2. Troll in form of object.
G304.1.2.1. G304.1.2.1. Troll in form of cloud. Fb ”sky“.
G304.1.2.2. G304.1.2.2. Troll in form of key. Fb ”nцgle“ II 723.
G304.1.3. G304.1.3. Many-headed troll. Fb ”hoved“ I 654b, ”trold“ III 852b.
G304.2. G304.2. Characteristics of trolls.
G304.2.1. G304.2.1. Fire-producing troll.
G304.2.1.1. G304.2.1.1. Troll lights fingers. Fb ”lys“ 483b.
G304.2.1.2. G304.2.1.2. Troll stretches neck so long that fire comes from lips. Fb ”hals“ I 540.
G304.2.2. G304.2.2. Troll’s food.
G304.2.2.1. G304.2.2.1. Troll‘s food gives men strength. Fb ”mad“ II 525a; *DF XLVI 66ff.
G304.2.3. G304.2.3. Special powers of troll.
G304.2.3.1. G304.2.3.1. Locks spring open for troll. Fb ”lеs“ II 523a.
G304.2.4. G304.2.4. Antipathies of trolls.
G304.2.4.1. G304.2.4.1. Trolls cannot endure churchbells. Fb ”kirkeklokke“ II 130b; Icelandic: Arnason Legends of Iceland (London, 1864) I 120, 124, Boberg; Swedish: Grimm Deutsche Mythologie II 798 n. 1; Finnish-Swedish: Landtman Finlands Svenska Folkdiktning VII 560.
G304.2.4.2. G304.2.4.2. Trolls afraid of bears. Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn I (1892) 434--37.
G304.2.5. G304.2.5. Troll bursts when sun shines on him. Or he may become stone. *Fb ”sol“ III 356a; Icelandic: Arnason Icelandic Legends (London, 1864) I 122, Boberg.
G304.3. G304.3. Troll‘s possessions.
G304.3.1. G304.3.1. Troll’s castle.
G304.3.1.1. G304.3.1.1. Golden door to troll‘s castle. Fb ”guldport“ I 514.
G304.3.2. G304.3.2. Troll’s animals.
G304.3.2.1. G304.3.2.1. Troll has team of mice. Fb ”mus“ II 631b.
G304.3.2.2. G304.3.2.2. Troll drives two he-goats. *Fb ”gjedebuk“ I 440.
G304.3.2.3. G304.3.2.3. Troll has bear in stable. *Fb ”bjшrn“ IV 43a.
G304.3.2.4. G304.3.2.4. Troll has hares in stable. *Fb ”hare“ I 556b.
G305. G305. Earl king. Child-stealing ogre. (Cf. F321.5.) Type 367*.
G306. G306. Rainbow as ogre. Africa: Werner African 236.
G307. G307. Jinn. India: Thompson-Balys.
G307.1. G307.1. Where jinn comes from.
G307.1.1. G307.1.1. Jinn always appears out of strong wind. India: Thompson-Balys.
G307.2. G307.2. Form of jinn.
G307.2.1. G307.2.1. Jinn can take any human form he chooses. India: Thompson-Balys.
G307.2.2. G307.2.2. Jinn unseen by anyone except person(s) he wishes should see him. India: Thompson-Balys.
G307.3. G307.3. Jinn kills whoever tries to occupy house he has chosen to live in. India: Thompson-Balys.
G307.4. G307.4. City infested by jinns deserted. India: Thompson-Balys.
G308. G308. Sea monster. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Persian: Carnoy 325; Jewish: Neuman.
G308.1. G308.1. Fight with sea (lake) monster. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
G308.2. G308.2. Water-monster. Irish myth: *Cross.
G308.3. G308.3. Herds of sea monsters on surface of sea. Irish myth: Cross.
G308.4. G308.4. Lake made dangerous by haunting serpent (dragon, pйist). Irish myth: *Cross.
G308.5. G308.5. Shark-man ogre, eater of children swimming. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 191; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/346).
G308.6. G308.6. Lake monster has power to attract victims. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XXII 22.
G308.7. G308.7. Clam shell invites man down into sea so he can be eaten. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 97.
G308.8. G308.8. Monsters of the sea: two whales of human parentage. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G 3/912).
G308.9. G308.9. Demon-octopus. Tuamotu: Beckwith Myth 289; Marquesas: Handy 76.
G310. G310. Ogres with characteristic methods.
G311. G311. Old man of the sea. Burr-woman. Ogre who jumps on one‘s back and sticks there magically. *Chauvin VII 23 No. 373E; Fb ”ryg“ III 103ab; *Basset 1001 Contes I 190; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 126 No. 58; Greek: Grote I 7; Eskimo (Central): Boas RBAE VI 626; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 330 n. 191e; Africa (Luba): DeClerq Zs. f. Kolonialsprachen IV 226.
G312. G312. Cannibal ogre. India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 109, 291, 1113, II 950; Mono-Alu: Wheeler 14, 21.
G312.1. G312.1. Pisaca. Drinks blood and eats human flesh. Eats corpses and makes living waste away. Hindu: Keith 98, 157.
G312.2. G312.2. Spirit-woman in rock devours men and cattle. India: Thompson-Balys.
G312.3. G312.3. Flesh-eating spirits live in trees. India: Thompson-Balys.
G312.4. G312.4. Man-eating ogre fries his victims in kettle of oil. India: Thompson-Balys.
G312.5. G312.5. Bhrat, fierce flesh-eating creatures made by Creator in fit of anger. India: Thompson-Balys.
G312.6. G312.6. Ogre eats only men’s hearts. India: Thompson-Balys.
G312.7. G312.7. Ogress devours horses. India: Thompson-Balys.
G313. G313. Procrustes. Monster makes men fit his bed. Tall men sawed off, short men stretched. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 131 n. 2, Fox 99; Jewish: Neuman.
G314. G314. Pine bender. Kills victims by springing tree. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 124 n. 1, Fox 98.
G315. G315. Cycnus. Cuts off heads of strangers in order to build temple of heads. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 264 n. 1.
G316. G316. Giant robber with club. Icelandic: *Boberg; Greek: Fox 98 (labors of Theseus).
G317. G317. Wrestling ogre. Greek: Fox 87, 99.
G321. G321. Cliff-ogre. Kicks victims over cliff. Greek: Fox 99, Frazer Apollodorus II 129 n. 1; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 322 n. 163.
G321.1. G321.1. Pusher-into-hole. Africa: Werner African 214, (Hottentot): Bleek 78.
G321.2. G321.2. Ogress at a spot along the road takes toll of lives. India: Thompson-Balys.
G322. G322. Piercer-of-souls: fishes men. Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 250.
G322.1. G322.1. Giant fisherman. Draws in ships with his line. Scotch: Campbell-McKay No. 17.
G323. G323. Brother-Dead. Trapper of game; silent; pursues trickster. Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 249 No. 27.
G327. G327. Swinging ogre. Girls who swing their lovers over pit, cut rope, and later devour them. Montaignais: Speck JAFL XXXVIII 15.
G328. G328. Rectum snakes. Snakes which creep into living man and devour him. *Fb ”snog“ III 436b; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 322 n. 161.
G328.1. G328.1. Serpent inside man‘s body eats all his food. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G331. G331. Pot-tilter. Ogre who tilts a pot so that victims are drawn into it. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 321 n. 157.
G332. G332. Sucking monster. Giant (sometimes a giant hall or cave) sucks in victims. Irish myth: *Cross; Siberia: Holmberg Siberian 387; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 321 n. 158, (California): Gayton and Newman 72, cf. 95.
G332.1. G332.1. Ogre sucks victim’s finger and drinks all his blood. Cosquin Contes indiens 369 n. 1; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 80.
G333. G333. Path between monsters. Scylla and Charybdis. Greek: Fox 137, 264; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 307 n. 113b.
G334. G334. Ogre keeps human prisoners.
G334.1. G334.1. Ogress has twenty captive princesses in cave. India: Thompson-Balys.
G335. G335. Ogre decapitates captive princess before he leaves palace; resuscitates her on return. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G336. G336. Ogre draws victims under water.
G336.1. G336.1. Demon drags beneath the water any person whose shadow falls on surface of water. India: Thompson-Balys.
G341. G341. Sharp-elbowed women. Kill with their elbows. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 327 n. 181.
G341.1. G341.1. Ogre with sharpened leg. S. A. Indian (Toba, Mataco, Shipaya, Warrau, Apinarje, Canella, Tukuna): Mйtraux MAFLS XL 74ff.
G342. G342. Demon with pointed head, red hair, and black face. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
G345. G345. Man with fire moccasins. They set fire to surroundings. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 322 n. 164.
G345.1. G345.1. Ogress can make cold oven blaze by putting foot into it. India: Thompson-Balys.
G346. G346. Devastating monster. Lays waste to the land. *Types 301, 550; Irish: *Cross, MacCulloch Celtic 126, 148f.; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 102; Finnish: Kalevala rune 46; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 12; Greek: Fox 56; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G346.0.1. G346.0.1. Devastating monster which comes out of a hole in evening. India: Thompson-Balys.
G346.1. G346.1. Devastating monster mews like cat. Africa (Hausa): Mischlich 164ff No. 22, Frobenius Atlantis IX 277ff., 287ff. Nos. 74, 75.
G346.2. G346.2. Devastating demon. Kills and eats people. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G346.3. G346.3. Amphibious monster. Irish myth: Cross.
G346.3.1. G346.3.1. Amphibious tree-destroying monsters. Irish myth: Cross.
G346.4. G346.4. Evil spirit drinks water supply dry. India: Thompson-Balys.
G347. G347. Ogre: karumba kills hero by medicines. India: Thompson-Balys.
G350. G350. Animal ogres.
B15.7.2. Monster three-legged ass.
G351. G351. Domestic beast as ogre.
G351.1. G351.1. Dog as ogre. Irish myth: Cross; Tonga: Gifford 121, Beckwith Myth 342, 348.
G351.2. G351.2. Cat as ogre. Sucks blood. Kittredge Arthur and Garlagon 259 n. 2; Japanese: Mitford 245ff.
G351.3. G351.3. Ferocious sow. Greek: Fox 98.
G351.4. G351.4. Ogress in goat-form. India: Thompson-Balys.
G351.5. G351.5. Ogress in form of donkey. India: Thompson-Balys.
G352. G352. Wild beast as ogre.
G352.1. G352.1. Wolf as ogre. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 279, Snorra Edda Gylf. XII.
G352.2. G352.2. Wild boar as ogre. Cook Islands: Beckwith Myth 471.
G353. G353. Bird as ogre. Tuamotu: Beckwith Myth 261, Stimson MS (z-G. 3/1229); Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 493.
G353.1. G353.1. Cannibal bird as ogre. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 78.
G353.2. G353.2. Eagle as ogre. Fb ”шrn“ III 1183b; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G353.3. G353.3. Duck as ogre. Tonga: Gifford 104.
G354. G354. Reptile as ogre.
G354.1. G354.1. Snake as ogre. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G354.1.1. G354.1.1. Demon in the shape of serpent guards forest where treasure tree grows. India: Thompson-Balys.
G354.2. G354.2. Crocodile as ogre. Africa (Fang): Trilles 158.
G354.3. G354.3. Lizard as ogre. Samoa: Beckwith Myth 128.
G360. G360. Ogres with monstrous features. Irish myth: *Cross.
G361. G361. Ogre monstrous as to head. (Cf. G369.4.) Irish myth: Cross.
G361.1. G361.1. Many-headed ogre. India: Thompson-Balys.
G361.1.1. G361.1.1. Two-headed ogre. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Fang): Einstein 149.
G361.1.1.1. G361.1.1.1. Monster with two horns, each having human head on it. Africa (Shangani): Bourhill and Drake 43ff. No. 5.
G361.1.2. G361.1.2. Three-headed ogre. Hindu: Keith 88; Africa (Fang): Einstein 149.
G361.1.3. G361.1.3. Six-headed ogre. Luzon (Tinguian): Cole 104.
G361.1.4. G361.1.4. Seven-headed ogre. Jewish: Neuman
G361.1.5. G361.1.5. Ten-headed ogre. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 75.
G361.2. G361.2. Great head as ogre. Head detached from body pursues or flies about doing damage. N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 262, 291; S. A. Indian (Caviсa, Tumupasa): Mйtraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 448, (Araucanian): Alexander Lat. Am. 329.
G361.3. G361.3. Headless ogre. Penzer IX 88 n.
G362. G362. Ogre monstrous as to nose.
G362.1. G362.1. Noseless ogre. Eskimo: Alexander N. Am. 7.
G362.2. G362.2. Pug-nosed ogre. Eskimo: Alexander N. Am. 7.
G363. G363. Ogre monstrous as to mouth. Irish myth: Cross.
G363.1. G363.1. Ogre with flaming mouth. Irish myth: Cross.
G363.2. G363.2. Large tusks grown from ogre’s mouth. Chinese: Graham.
G363.3. G363.3. Diamond-toothed ogre. India: Thompson-Balys.
G365. G365. Ogre monstrous as to feet.
G365.1. G365.1. Ogre with feet reversed. Penzer IX 160; S. A. Indian (Araucanian): Alexander Lat. Am. 327.
G365.2. G365.2. Ogress can extend leg or arm any distance. India: Thompson-Balys.
G366. G366. Ogre monstrous as to trunk.
G366.1. G366.1. Ogres who have no belly. S. A. Indian (Fuegian): Alexander Lat. Am. 340.
G367. G367. Ogre monstrous as to blood.
G367.1. G367.1. Blood of five ogres colored yellow, red, white, green, black. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369. G369. Monstrous ogres--miscellaneous.
G369.1. G369.1. Rakshasa. Dog or ape-shaped; red hair and eyes; mouth reaching from ear to ear; ears pointed like spears; shape-changers; cannibals; three heads, five feet, four eyes, no fingers, bear-neck, horns. Attack women. Hindu: Keith 98, Penzer X 277 s.v. ”Rakshasas“; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.1. G369.1.1. Rakshasas have power of extending bodies eighty miles. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.2. G369.1.2. Rakshasa can be defeated by hero who has rakshasi blood in his veins. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.3. G369.1.3. Rakshasa eats many of the domestic animals each night. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.4. G369.1.4. Rakshasa eats horse, dog, and child. Suspected Ranis ordered for execution. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.5. G369.1.5. Man persecuted by a rakshasa in form of beautiful wench. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.6. G369.1.6. Rakshasa hidden in deer’s head swallows men. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.1.7. G369.1.7. Rakshasa‘s mistress with her head severed lying in a pool of blood. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.2. G369.2. Genie in form of smoke, taking shape with three wings, one on back. Chauvin V 262 No. 154.
G369.3. G369.3. Ogre without a shadow. Cowell Jataka V 18.
G369.4. G369.4. Ogre has head and tail of a cat. (Cf. G361.) Irish myth: Cross.
G369.5. G369.5. Ogre (demon) with long arm (demon hand) which is thrust down chimney (through door, etc.) Irish myth: *Cross.
G369.6. G369.6. One-breasted ogress. India: Thompson-Balys.
G369.7. G369.7. One-eyed demon. India: Thompson-Balys.
G370. G370. Ogres--miscellaneous.
G371. G371. Stone giants. (Stone coats.) N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 178, 330, 344, 438, 682.
G371.1. G371.1. Ogre clothed in rock. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 79.
G372. G372. ”Rain“ as ogre in bull form. Gaster Oldest Stories 47; Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 193.
G375. G375. Wonderful birds guarded by monster. India: Thompson-Balys.
G376. G376. Ogre in shape of small boy. India: Thompson-Balys.
G377. G377. Tupilac. Monster made of parts of corpses of animals and vivified. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 151f., 201, 461, Holm 59, 69, Rasmussen III 290f., 295.
G400--G499. Falling into ogre’s power.
G400. G400. Person falls into ogre‘s power. *Types 311, 312.
G401. G401. Children wander into ogre’s house. *Types 327, 327**; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 326 No. 1; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 48 No. 327E*, Espinosa Jr. No. 81; West Indies: Flowers 453.
G401.1. G401.1. Mistake of elder leads two brothers to the home of ogre. Alu: Wheeler 50.
G402. G402. Pursuit of animal leads to ogre‘s house. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G402.1. G402.1. Pursuit of bird leads to ogre’s house. Type 313; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 108.
G402.2. G402.2. Pursuit of mongoose leads to witch‘s house. India: Thompson-Balys.
G403. G403. Ogre in animal form lures victim into captivity. Hdwb. d. Mдrchens I 542b nn. 23--27; India: Thompson-Balys.
G405. G405. Man on hunt falls into ogre’s (witch‘s) power. Type 303; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys.
G406. G406. Lost (marooned) person falls into ogre’s power. Irish myth: *Cross.
G410. G410. Person betrayed into ogre‘s power. India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 76 No. 1.
G411. G411. Person aids ogre and is captured. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 75, (Basuto): Jacottet 236 No. 34.
G412. G412. Children lured into ogre’s house. Mono-Alu-Fauru: Wheeler 44f.; Eskimo (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 189, 311.
G412.1. G412.1. Ogre‘s gingerbread house lures child. *Type 327.
G413. G413. Ogre disguises voice to lure victim. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 64 No. 10; West Indies: Flowers 453.
G414. G414. Ogress invites boys to live in her house. India: Thompson-Balys.
G420. G420. Capture by ogre.
G421. G421. Ogre traps victim. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 6, (Basuto): Jacottet 258 No. 38.
G422. G422. Ogre imprisons victim. *Type 327; Oceanic (New Zealand, Mangaia, Rotuma): Dixon 62.
G422.1. G422.1. Ogre imprisons victim in drum. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 62 No. 10, (Kaffir): Kidd 233 No. 4, (Yoruba): Ellis 261 No. 1.
G423. G423. Ball falling into water puts person into ogre’s (witch‘s, water spirit’s) power. *Type 440; BP I 226.
G424. G424. Bridal party will not pass over bridge for fear of water-demon. Fb ”bro“ IV 62a.
G426. G426. Ogre draws girl over waterfall. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XVI 26.
G440. G440. Ogre abducts person.
G441. G441. Ogre carries victim in bag (basket). *Type 327; Norwegian: Christiansen 43f. No. 327**; India: Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 85; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 351 n. 268a, (California): Gayton and Newman 96; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 66 No. 10, (Kaffir): Theal 120, 134, (Zulu): Callaway 75.
G442. G442. Child-stealing demon. Irish myth: Cross.
G442.1. G442.1. Ogre abducts new-born babe, keeping it captive for seven years. Irish myth: Cross.
G442.2. G442.2. Child watched throughout night as protection against child-stealing demon. Irish myth: Cross.
G450. G450. Falling into ogre’s power--miscellaneous.
G451. G451. Following witch‘s fire into her power. *Type 303.
G452. G452. Youth takes service with ogre. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 25.
G455. G455. Falling into ogre’s power through fascination with his daughter. (Cf. G530.2.) Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/152).
G461. G461. Youth promised to ogre visits ogre‘s home. *Types 313, 314, 313***; Missouri French: Carriиre; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G461.1. G461.1. Boy in ogre’s house sees many human heads placed in rows: heads smile and weep. India: Thompson-Balys.
G462. G462. Person as servant in ogre‘s house. Types 314, 428; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G462.1. G462.1. Hero as giant’s (ogre‘s) goatherd. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G463. G463. Ogre guesses correctly and gets princess. Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 5.
G464. G464. Ogre tyrannizes over fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
G465. G465. Ogre sets impossible tasks. *Type 313; Chinese: Graham; Africa (Benga): Nassau 215 No. 33.
G466. G466. Lousing as task set by ogre. *Type 480, Roberts 167f.; Greek: Frazer Pausanias V 269f.; Africa: Werner African 205.
G475. G475. Ogre attacks intruders.
G475.1. G475.1. Ogre attacks intruders in house in woods. *Type 301; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Japanese: Ikeda; Philippine: Fansler MAFLS XII 34, 433; Borneo: *Dixon 188 n. 6.
G475.2. G475.2. Ogre attacks intruders on bridge. *Type 301.
G476. G476. Ugly ogre terrifies women who flee and are drowned. Irish myth: *Cross.
G477. G477. Ogre kills men and rapes women. Icelandic: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
G478. G478. Ogre kills noisy children. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 47; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 191.
G500--G599. Ogre defeated.
G500. G500. Ogre defeated. Icelandic: *Boberg; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 86; N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 341.
G501. G501. Stupid ogre. *Types 311, 312, 327, 328, 330, 1000--1199; **Wьnsche Teufel; Gaster Thespis 328; **Hackman Die Polyphemsage; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 277, Boberg; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”diable“; Italian: Basile Pentamerone II No. 3; India: *Thompson-Balys, Penzer III 33 N. 3, 34 n.; Chinese: Werner 211; Filipino: Fansler MAFLS XII 51, 376; German New Guinea: Dixon 133ff.; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 351f. nn. 268, 268a, 270a, 270b, 271, 271b, (Kaska): Teit JAFL XXX 445, (California): Gayton and Newman 69. For incidents connected with the stupid ogre see G500--G599, besides the many cases of deception scattered throughout chapter K.
G510. G510. Ogre killed, maimed, or captured. India: Thompson-Balys.
G510.1. G510.1. Defeated giant gives his daughter to victor. (Cf. G512.0.3.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G510.2. G510.2. Secrets forced from overpowered monster. (Cf. G515.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G510.3. G510.3. Defeated giant becomes friend and helper of victor. India: Thompson-Balys.
G510.4. G510.4. Hero overcomes devastating animal. Icelandic: Юiрriks saga II 125ff., 135--38; India: Thompson-Balys.
G510.5. G510.5. Ogress with knife tail defeated by hunter. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 160, III 151, Rink 160.
G511. G511. Ogre blinded. **Hackman die Polyphemsage; Gaster Thespis 334; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G511.1. G511.1. One-eyed giant (ogre) blinded (and killed) by arrow. Irish myth: Cross.
G512. G512. Ogre killed. *Type 328; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 59 No. 140; India: *Thompson-Balys; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/249); Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 107, 138; West Indies: Flowers 454.
G512.0.1. G512.0.1. Hero kills trouble-making evil strong men. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.0.2. G512.0.2. Ogre’s daughter killed together with her father. Icelandic: Hбlfdanar saga XVII 1, XVIII 7, Boberg.
G512.0.3. G512.0.3. Hero killing an ogress gains her adopted daughter for his wife. (Cf. G510.1.) India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.1. G512.1. Ogre killed with knife (sword). Type 327***; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
G512.1.1. G512.1.1. Giant killed with magic knife. Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”gйant“.
G512.1.2. G512.1.2. Ogre decapitated. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.1.2.1. G512.1.2.1. Ogre’s head and hands cut off and hung above city gate. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.2. G512.2. Ogre stoned to death. English: Wells 117 (Sir Torrent of Portyngale).
G512.3. G512.3. Ogre burned to death. Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 81; India: Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 141, 195, 445; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 353 n. 274, (California): Gayton and Newman 70; Africa (Fang): Trilles 253, (Duala): Lederbogen Fables 57.
G512.3.1. G512.3.1. Ogre killed by throwing hot stones (metal) into his throat. Oceanic (New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, Melanesia, Indonesia, New Guinea, Polynesia): Dixon 61, 63, 69, 86, 133 n. 6; Maori: Beckwith Myth 196; Tahiti: ibid. 197 n. 21 and ch. 13 passim; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 324 n. 167, 353 n. 274, (California): Gayton and Newman 70; Africa (Congo): Weeks 203 No. 1, (Fang): Tessman 150, (Boloki): Weeks Congo 203.
G512.3.2. G512.3.2. Ogre burned in his own oven. *Type 327; *Cosquin RTP XXV 1, 65, 126 (= Йtudes 349ff.); Saintyves Perrault 277ff.; Missouri French: Carriиre; Am. Negro (Georgia): Harris Nights 314 No. 54; India: Thompson-Balys; Filipino: Fansler MAFLS XII 442; Africa (Zanzibar): Bateman 190 No. 9; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 271 No. 83.
G512.3.2.1. G512.3.2.1. Ogre‘s wife (daughter) burned in his own oven. *Types 327, 327*; **Cosquin Йtudes 349ff. (= RTP XXV 1ff.); Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 172; Finnish-Swedish: Hackman FFC VI No. *327C; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. *327C, 327D; Italian: Basile Pentamerone V No. 4; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 113 No. 8; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 280 No. 98.
G512.3.3. G512.3.3. Grass as fuel for burning ogre. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 79.
G512.3.4. G512.3.4. Jinn falls into cauldron of boiling oil, thinking it is food. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.4. G512.4. Ogre persuaded to go into hole: buried alive. Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV No. 8.
G512.5. G512.5. Ogre killed by burning external soul.
G512.5.1. G512.5.1. Ogre killed by burning feather containing his life. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.6. G512.6. Giant killed by cutting his foot (feet) off. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G512.6.1. G512.6.1. Giant’s (ogre‘s) arm pulled (cut) off by defender of castle (house). Irish myth: Cross.
G512.7. G512.7. Backbone of ogre’s old mother broken. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G512.8. G512.8. Ogre killed by striking.
G512.8.1. G512.8.1. Ogre killed by striking with club. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.8.2. G512.8.2. Ogre killed by striking with stones. India: Thompson-Balys.
G512.8.3. G512.8.3. Boy sends magic spear against six-headed ogre and slays him. (Cf. B11.11.) Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 104.
G512.8.4. G512.8.4. Ogre whipped to death. Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 14.
G512.9. G512.9. Animal kills ogre. (Cf. B524.)
G512.9.1. G512.9.1. Ogre killed by helpful dogs. Africa: Biblioteca Africana IV 60.
G512.9.2. G512.9.2. Ogre torn to pieces by birds. Africa (Wachaga): Gutman 95.
G512.10. G512.10. Ogre killed by lightning. Africa (Fang): Trilles 164.
G512.11. G512.11. Ogre drowned. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule (G519.4); Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 3/1110, z-G. 13/249); Hawaii: Beckwith 174.
G513. G513. Ogre killed and resuscitated so as to be of help to hero. India: Thompson-Balys.
G513.1. G513.1. Grateful ogre resuscitates his benefactor. India: Thompson-Balys.
G514. G514. Ogre captured. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
G514.0.1. G514.0.1. Demon must bring treasure to those who have released him. India: Thompson-Balys.
G514.1. G514.1. Ogre trapped in box (cage). *Type 328; Kцhler-Bolte I 306; Missouri French: Carriиre; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”boite“; Indonesia: De Vries‘s list No. 244; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian: Thompson CColl II 359ff.
G514.2. G514.2. Ogre imprisoned in his own house. Type 1167*.
G514.2.1. G514.2.1. Ogre imprisoned in cave. India: Thompson-Balys.
G514.3. G514.3. Ogre caught in noose and killed. New Zealand: Dixon 61, Beckwith 266; Hawaii: Beckwith 174.
G514.4. G514.4. Ogre captured while transformed to animal. Missouri French: Carriиre; Chinese: Werner 359.
G514.5. G514.5. Ogre tied to rock. Tuamotu: Beckwith Myth 268.
G514.5.1. G514.5.1. Hero pegs ogress to boulder. India: Thompson-Balys.
G514.6. G514.6. Ogresses caught in flood of lava. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 174.
G514.7. G514.7. Ogre captured with decoy smeared with tar. He is then killed and thrown into water. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Fables 60, 74.
G514.8. G514.8. Ogre captured by animal.
G514.8.1. G514.8.1. Ogre captured by tortoise. Africa (Fang): Tessman 16.
G515. G515. Holy men keep devils under control. India: Thompson-Balys.
G519. G519. Ogre killed through other tricks.
G519.1. G519.1. Ogre’s wife killed through other tricks. Type 1122.
G519.1.1. G519.1.1. Faithful hound kills ogre‘s wife. Irish myth: Cross.
G519.1.2. G519.1.2. Man pretends to cut toenails of cannibal woman: kills her. Eskimo (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 190.
G519.1.3. G519.1.3. Ogress lured in bridal bed and killed. Icelandic: Boberg.
G519.1.4. G519.1.4. Ogress tricked into falling into boiling spring. Maori: Beckwith Myth 196.
G519.2. G519.2. Ogre killed with his own iron bar. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G519.3. G519.3. Cliff ogre thrown as food to his children. N. A. Indian (Zuсi): Benedict 335.
G519.4. G519.4. Ogre killed by blades falling in his food. India: Thompson-Balys.
G519.5. G519.5. Giant ogre tricked into running round a tree the branches of which catch the strokes of his iron bar, until he falls down dead. Icelandic: Boberg.
G520. G520. Ogre deceived into self-injury. *Type 328; N. A. Indian: Thompson CColl II 359.
G521. G521. Ogre made drunk and overcome. *BP III 106; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 32f.; Gaster Thespis 328; Japanese: Anesaki 306; Africa (Yoruba): Ellis 258 No. 1.
G522. G522. Ogre persuaded to drink pond dry bursts. *Type 327; BP I 115; India: Thompson-Balys.
G522.1. G522.1. Ogre drinks till he bursts--turns into fog. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 104; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 141.
G523. G523. Ogre kills self when he sees crumbs lying on his belly. Indonesia: De Vries’s list No. 243.
G524. G524. Ogre deceived into stabbing himself. He imitates the hero who has stabbed a bag of blood. Fb ”mave“ II 565; S. A. Indian (Amazon): Alexander Lat. Am. 300; Missouri French: Carriиre.
G524.1. G524.1. Ogre deceived into hanging himself. Chinese: Graham; Africa (Masai): Fuchs Sagen, Mythen, und Sitten der Masai (Jena, 1910) 21ff. No. 4.
G525. G525. Sea people give the ogre brandy (tar). Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 44 No. 62**; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 47 No. 68.
G525.1. G525.1. Witch wishes to have as pretty teeth as man: drinks boiling oil. India: Thompson-Balys.
G526. G526. Ogre deceived by feigned ignorance of hero. Hero must be shown how to get into oven (or the like). Ogre shows him and permits himself to be burnt. *Type 327; *Cosquin RTP XXV 1, 65, 126; Penzer I 157 n. 2, VII 123, 263; Saintyves Perrault 276; India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: De Vries‘s list No. 244; Africa (Benga): Nassau 121ff. No. 12, (Zanzibar): Bateman 187 No. 9.
G527. G527. Giant killed by his own bucket of death water; captive princess tells him to wash. India: Thompson-Balys.
G528. G528. Stupid ogre duped into cutting off his own buttocks. India: Thompson-Balys.
G530. G530. Ogre’s relative aids hero.
G530.1. G530.1. Help from ogre’s wife (mistress). *Types 302, 461; *Aarne FFC XXIII 160; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”ogresse“; India: *Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 325 n. 171.
G530.1.1. G530.1.1. Giant overcome and slain when his wife binds his hair to posts. Irish myth: *Cross.
G530.2. G530.2. Help from ogre‘s daughter (or son). (Cf. G455.) *Type 975**; **Aarne FFC XXIII 160f.; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 54, *Boberg; Italian: Basile Pentamerone III No. 9, V No. 4; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 109 n. 4; India: *Thompson-Balys; Mono-Alu: Wheeler 8f., 31, 44ff., 48; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 325 n. 171; S. A. Indian (Ceuici): Alexander Lat. Am. 303; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 49, (Ekoi): Talbot 7.
G530.3. G530.3. Help from ogre‘s mother. *Aarne FFC XXIII 158; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 86; India: *Thompson-Balys; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 274 No. 86.
G530.4. G530.4. Help from ogre‘s grandmother. *Type 812; India: Thompson-Balys.
G530.5. G530.5. Help from old woman in ogre’s house. India: Thompson-Balys.
G530.6. G530.6. Ogre‘s maidservant as helper. Chinese: Graham.
G532. G532. Hero hidden and ogre deceived by his wife (daughter) when he says that he smells human blood. *Type 327, 425, 461, 480; *Aarne FFC XXIII 161; Tegethoff 44; *BP I 289; *Fb ”fugl“ I 380; *Saintyves Perrault 303ff.; Roberts 219.--India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XXII 16, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 203, (Greenland): Rink 218; Africa (Zanzibar): Bateman 133, (Basuto): Jacottet 206 No. 30, (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 124 No. 22.
G534. G534. Ogre tells wife how people may evade his power. Chinese: Graham.
G535. G535. Captive woman in ogre’s house helps hero. Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G537. G537. Ogre defeated with divine help.
G537.1. G537.1. Ogre defeated with help of goddess. India: Thompson-Balys.
G550. G550. Rescue from ogre. *Types 311, 312, 313, 314, 590; Icelandic: *Boberg; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”Barbe-bleu“; Missouri French: Carriиre; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 304 No. 30; Indonesia: Dixon 227; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 83; North Africa: *Saintyves Perrault 267; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 271 No. 83, 273 No. 86.
G551. G551. Rescue from ogre by relative.
G551.1. G551.1. Rescue of sister from ogre by brother. *Type 312; Krappe Revue Celtique XLVIII (1931) 99ff., Rheinisches Museum f. Philologie N. F. LXXX 114ff.--Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *454; Eskimo (W. Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 195; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 274 No. 86; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 146, (Kaffir): Theal 134, (Hottentot): Bleek 62 No. 27.
G551.2. G551.2. Rescue of sister from ogre by another sister. *Type 311; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 103 No. 7.
G551.3. G551.3. Rescue of children from ogre by brother. *Type 327*; Africa (Kaffir): Kidd 233 No. 4; Jamaica: Beckwith XVII 271 No. 83.
G551.3.1. G551.3.1. Rescue of children from giant (ogre) by hero (skillful companions). Irish myth: Cross.
G551.4. G551.4. One brother rescues another from ogre. Type 303; German: Grimm Nos. 60, 85; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G551.4.1. G551.4.1. One foster brother rescues another from ogre. Type 303; Icelandic: *Boberg.
G551.5. G551.5. Cannibal is killed by his wife’s relatives. Eskimo (Central): Boas RBAE VI 633.
G552. G552. Rescue from ogre by helpful animals. *Type 312; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 85; Africa (Kaffir): Kidd 226 No. 1, (Zulu): Callaway 147; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 274 No. 86.
G555. G555. Rescue from ogre by means of singing. *Type 327; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 271 No. 83.
G556. G556. Recognition of captive‘s voice brings about rescue from ogre. Usually captive sings in the bag. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 64, 134, (Zulu): Callaway 75; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 273 No. 85.
G560. G560. Ogre deceived into releasing prisoner.
G561. G561. Ogre tricked into carrying his prisoners home in bag on his own back. *Types 311, 1132; Chauvin VI 30 No. 201; Africa (Congo): Weeks 202 No. 1, 212 No. 7.
G570. G570. Ogre overawed. *Types 1145--1154; Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Missouri French: Carriиre.
G571. G571. Oaths (abusive speeches) drive ogres away. Fb ”bande“ IV 24a.
G572. G572. Ogre overawed by trick. India: *Thompson-Balys.
G572.1. G572.1. Ogre deceived by throwing burning oil instead of spittle on him. India: Thompson-Balys.
G572.2. G572.2. Ogre deceived by showing sharp knife or sword for nose or tongue. India: Thompson-Balys.
G580. G580. Ogre otherwise subdued.
G581. G581. Ogres chased away by fire. *Chauvin VII 82 No. 373bis n. 2.
G582. G582. Giants appeased by feeding them. *Type 531; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 12.
G582.1. G582.1. Demons bribed with food. India: Thompson-Balys.
G583. G583. Demons coerced by tabus of druids. Irish myth: Cross.
G584. G584. Ogre polluting the wells driven away by shooting. Icelandic: Boberg.
G585. G585. Ogre tortured by not being allowed to sleep. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XVI 28.
G600--G699. Other ogre motifs.
G610. G610. Theft from ogre. *Types 328, 314*; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 54, Boberg; Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”argent“; Japanese: Anesaki 314; Molucca: Dixon 230; West Indies: Flowers 454f.
G610.1. G610.1. Stealing from ogre for revenge. *Type 328.
G610.2. G610.2. Stealing from ogre to help a friendly king. *Type 328.
G610.3. G610.3. Stealing from ogre as task. *Type 328; *BP III 21 n. 1; Christiansen 45 No. 328; Italian: Basile Pentamerone III No. 7; India: *Thompson-Balys.
G612. G612. The one eye of the three giants stolen. Type 328*.
G613. G613. Ogre’s charm stolen. India: Thompson-Balys.
G614. G614. Killing of ogre‘s cattle, sheep, etc. brings on ogre’s anger. Icelandic: *Boberg.
G630. G630. Characteristics of ogres.
G631. G631. Ogre so old that his eyelids must be propped up. *Krappe Balor 4 n 15; *Fb ”цje“ III 1167a.
G631.1. G631.1. Thousand year old ogre. Korean: Zong in-Sob 99, 169.
G632. G632. Ogre who cannot endure daylight. (Cf. G636.) Penzer I 77.
G633. G633. North as abode of evil spirits. Wimberly 136; Irish myth: Cross; Gaster Oldest Stories 233, Jewish: Neuman.
G634. G634. Genie sleeps with eyes open. Chauvin VI 2 No. 181 n. 1.
G635. G635. Ogre revives after limbs are severed. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 71; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 51.
G635.1. G635.1. Monster‘s returning head. Joins body after it has been severed. *Kittredge Gawain 147ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
G636. G636. Ogres powerless after cockcrow. (Cf. G632.) Penzer I 77 n.; Japanese: Ikeda; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 106 No. 7.
G637. G637. Ogres live in trees. Melanesian, Indonesian: Dixon 63.
G638. G638. Ogre powerless to cross stream. Penzer III 236.
G639. G639. Ogress lives in water. (Cf. F420.1.4.9, F426.) Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 280--81, Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 152, Boberg.
G650. G650. Unclassified ogre motifs.
G651. G651. Ogre teaches smith how to transform sand in his smithy. Type 1163; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 753.
G652. G652. Ogre sings constantly, usually own name. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 91.
G653. G653. Ogre attracts attention by whistling. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 92.
G655. G655. Ogre’s ashes cast on stream cause rapids to stop. Also kill all creatures in the stream. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 132, *Cross.
G661. G661. Ogre‘s secret overheard. Christiansen FFC XXIV 68ff.; Japanese: Ikeda.
G661.1. G661.1. Ogre’s secret overheard from tree. *Types 613, 812; *BP III 13; Christiansen FFC XXIV 68ff.
G661.2. G661.2. Ogre‘s secret overheard by masking as bird. *Type 812; *Dh I 194ff.
G665. G665. Vanquished ogre grants hero’s three wishes. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 149, *Cross.
G671. G671. Wild man released from captivity aids hero. *Type 502; BP III 94ff.; Dickson 121 n. 64; Jones PMLA XXIII 567; Missouri French: Carriиre; Icelandic: Boberg.
G672. G672. Hero in service of wild man. Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 1.
G674. G674. Ogre‘s wife jealous of him. India; Thompson-Balys.
G675. G675. Ogres harnessed to plow. Breton: Sйbillot Incidents s.v. ”charrue“.
G676. G676. Ogre carrying mortar and pestle. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 91.
G677. G677. Ogress attracted by scent of sugar cane ravages city. India: Thompson-Balys.
G681. G681. Ogre gives riddle on pain of death. *Penzer I 51; Slavic: Mбchal 267; India: Thompson-Balys.
G682. G682. Large price exacted for curing ogre after wounding him. India: Thompson-Balys.
G683. G683. Cannibal offers wealth to save his life. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 69.
G691. G691. Bodies of victims in front of ogre‘s house. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 351 n. 268b.
G691.1. G691.1. Giants keep corpses on hand to eat. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 25.
G691.2. G691.2. Widow(s) of ogre’s victims seen at ogre‘s house. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 69.
G691.3. G691.3. Maimed victims seen at ogre’s house. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 69.
G691.4. G691.4. Lost husband‘s bones found among cannibals. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XVI 27.