Introduction from the Editor 9
I. The Sources and Poetics of Jaan Kross’s Historical Works
Lea Pild. Poetics of the Leitmotifs of Jaan Kross’s Novel “The Czar’s Madman” 15
Ljubov Kisseljova. Russian History and Culture in Jaan Kross’s Novel “The Czar’s Madman” 34
Тimur Guzairov. Works of Russian Literature as Commentary on Jaan Kross’s Novella “Michelson’s Matriculation” 45
Ljubov Kisseljova. The Protagonists of Jaan Kross and their Prototypes (as exemplified in the Novella “The Third Range of Hills” and the Play “A Hard Night for Dr. Karell”) 54
Lea Pild. The Tolstoyan Tradition and Estonian Theme in Jaan Kross’s Novel “Professor Martens’s Departure” 71
Тimur Guzairov. The Portrayals of S. Witte and F. F. Martens in Jaan Kross’s “Professor Martens’s Departure” 82
II. The Poetics of Jaan Kross’s Poetry Translations
Таtiana Stepanischeva. The two Storylines of the Collection “Bottomless Moments” («Бездонные мгновенья / Pohjatud silmapilgud») by David Samoilov and Jaan Kross 96
Тatiana Stepanischeva. David Samoilov’s Poem “The Museum” in Translation by Jaan Kross (from the Collection “Bottomless Moments”) 111
Таtiana Stepanischeva. “And Russia seemed to him…”: David Samoilov’s Ballad and its Translation by Jaan Kross 124
Lea Pild. David Samoilov’s Poem “Richter” and its Translation by Jaan Kross 138
Dmitry Ivanov, Мaria Tamm. Russian Classics in Soviet Estonia: Jaan Kross’s Translation of Griboedov’s Comedy 146
III. Supplement
Ljubov Kisseljova. The Autobiographical Story of Artist Johann Koler (in the wake of Jaan Kross’s Novel “The Third Range of Hills”) 174
Биография профессора г. Келера. Публикация и комментарии Л. Киселевой 180
Name Index 228
Summaries in Estonian 247
About the Contributors 256