The University Of Sheffield
The Bakhtin Centre
October, 7- 9 1999
(Please note: this programme is subject to amendment)THURSDAY 7 OCTOBER
Heathcote Room, Earnshaw Hall of Residence11.00-12.30: Registration
12.30-2.00: Lunch
2.00-2.10: Opening Remarks (David Shepherd, Director of the Bakhtin Centre, University of Sheffield)
2.10-3.00: Pauline Fairclough (University of Manchester): "Sollertinskii and Dialogical Symphonism"
3.00-3.50: Ben Taylor (Nottingham Trent University): "Kanaev, Vitalism and the Bakhtin Circle"
3.50-4.10: Tea
4.10-5.00: Brian Poole (Free University of Berlin): "Towards a Scholarly Edition of the Works of Matvei Kagan"
5.00-6.00: Nikolai Nikolaev (St Petersburg State University Library): "Issues in the Scholarly Biography of Lev Pumpianskii"
Heathcote Room, Earnshaw Hall of Residence9.00-10.00: Iurii Medvedev (St Petersburg): "Issues in the Scholarly Biography of Pavel Medvedev"
10.00-10.50: Galin Tihanov (University of Oxford): "The Eurasians and Medvedev: From the History of the Polemics Surrounding The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship"
10.50-11.10: Coffee
11.10-12.10: Ivan Esaulov (Russian State Humanities University, Moscow): "Medvedev"s Formal Method in Literary Scholarship and the Re-examination of Some Stereotypes in the Interpretation of Cultural Trends in the 1920s"
12.10-1.00: Craig Brandist (Bakhtin Centre, University of Sheffield): "Marxism and Sociology in the Disputed Texts"
1.00-2.00: Lunch
2.00-3.00: Dmitrii Iunov (St Petersburg): "Archival Materials for a Biography of Valentin Voloshinov"
3.00-3.50: Erik Dop and Karine Zbinden (Bakhtin Centre, University of Sheffield): "Reading Voloshinov in the Absence of the Master Concept: A Critique"
3.50-4.20: Tea
4.20-5.10: Peter Hitchcock (City University of New York): "Voloshinov is not Althusser (or Zizek): Rethinking Ideology"
5.10-6.00: Marianna Ivanova (Bakhtin Centre, University of Sheffield): "Individualistic Subjectivism and Voloshinov"s Theory of the Utterance"
Floor 8, Arts Tower9.15-10.00: Informal visit to Bakhtin Centre (room 8.21)
10.00-11.00: Vladimir Alpatov (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; British Academy Visiting Professor, Bakhtin Centre): "The Bakhtin Circle and Problems in Linguistics" (room 8.26)
11.00-11.15: Coffee
11.15-12.45: Roundtable discussion (room 8.26)
12.45-1.00: Closing remarks
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